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 Near versus Anbu

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Absolute Greed.
6 posters
Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 3:36 am

((Alrighty, I'm sick of waiting. Konoha Anbu, Come get me))

Near stood in the wide open field, the wind blowing in his hair, his cloak flapping in the breeze. This was it. He was sick of being tracked by Konoha's ANBU black ops. He would fend them off right now, once and for all. And he would stay here till they found him. If they didn't, he'd rot here from starvation. How tragic that would be.

Near made a few handseals, and raised his hands to the sky, looking up by tilting his head. He concentrated, and began rapidly combining Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in a 2 to 1 ratio in the sky. After a few seconds, dark rain clouds appeared, and it began pouring. The rain fell like condemnation for his sins.

Near threw his akatsuki cloak into the air, and it dissapeared in a puff of smoke, revealing an all black body armour. Near was ready.
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 2:05 pm

Rain!! BAH! Rain pissed him off. It was a lot like a very small rock stuck in your shoe, blood annoying! What was more was that it was pouring!! POURING! Of all the days. What's slightly weird was that this monsoonal rain seemingly appeared from nowhere and had begun drenching everything in its path. The rain would form and condense up in the dark clouds 300meters above and then fall, like a feather to the ground. Then with the force of it being dropped, it would make impact and seemingly explode into showers of h2o. 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen; one of if not the most basic chemical equations of the modern times. Not that anyone gave a flying elephant about chemistry. But anyway, the water was falling fairly rapidly and was bouncing off 3 males. There was Ayumu, ANBU of the village hidden in the Leaves; there was Maxtio, A rank Missing-Ninja who had provided them hopefully correct information and then there was Anbu Captain Robin. Robin was a six-foot-two Male, White hair and a perfect body. Some considered him somewhat similar to that of a sex god or his very attractive son. Robin liked this type of attention as was expressed with regular intimate relationships with women. Regardless, the three ninja had travelled from Konoha within 16hours straight and now were on fast approach to where the Akatsuki Leader should be.

The rain made it fairly hard to see and hear but somehow Robin's attuned ears and eyes noticed a distant flutter and 'poof' of smoke. Without further ado, Robin nodded to the makeshift ANBU team and they sprinted off in pursuit of the sound. As they were running over the hill, Robin noticed the shadowy figure of a ninja on the next hill. This was most likely their target; The Akatsuki Leader. Robin stopped on the spot and awaited both the reactions of the ninja he was with.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 2:32 pm

Ayumu stood there in the rain in the wonderous moon country, and boy was the water pouring. He was wearing a black travellers cloak which reached long down to his ankles, this was a necessity in this kind of weather. It was situated over his ANBU gear which was tightly fit underneath. The rain poured down rapidly above, the large drops of water crashed on his head which was covered by his hood. Even though he took delicate steps on the ground the soil had been beaten down by the heavy rain being turned into small muddy puddles below him. With every step he took the vibrations from his feet would send muddy water to splash up against his cloak, this annoyed him..he hated being dirty. He was here to rid the world of scum like this Near man, the leader of the infamous Akatsuki. He was with his two partners in crime Robin the ANBU captain, and Maxtio a makeshift member who only a short while ago Ayumu was interrgating. The weather depressed him, it made him feel claustrophbic within his own skin as the water fell so rapidly around him. Even though the weather was like this he couldn't help but stop for a minute to hear the rain fall. This was one part of rain he really did enjoy. The sound of the rain falling everywhere around him made him happy. He could hear every individual drop that fell, each sound was different, each sound had something unique to it. He slowly lifted his hand out of his pocket and held it out directly in the rains path. Large drops of water fell then splattered in every which direction, an individual drop fell among many but Ayumu was watching it. It exploded when touching his hand making many smaller drops of water, which then blended into the rest as if it had never been. One of his favourite sounds is the sound of rain, he suddenly felt a smile come over his face, but knew he had to be a lot more serious in a couple of minutes.

Everything in the distanced was blurred by the intense rainfall but Ayumu was a signal from his leader and captain Robin signalling that he had noticed something and to follow him his every move. Although the symbols Robin used with his hands were pretty universal to know what he was doing Ayumu couldn't help but tell Maxtio as to not give their position away, it was expected that enemy was close and they had to make sure to get the element of surprise first. He was in a foreign land travelling with two teammates, it would be wise to take precautions and tread these grounds carefully. The man up there was the suspected leader of Akatsuki so Ayumu had to be careful. He could possibly the most powerful ninja Ayumu has ever faced and this would test his ninja prowless to its limits. But he trusted his partner Robin and knew that he would have his abck every step, this ninja Near would be a lot more experienced then Ayumu and possibly more powerful but Ayumu would make up for this will his youth! The three ninja ran over the hill and a shadowy figure appeared in the distance. There was no doubt that it was Near the Akatsuki Leader even though the rain was dense. There was a kind of aura around him the could be felt from even were the ANBu were. There was no doubt that this was going to be a fight on EPIC proportions. Ayumu was kitted up and he was fully equipped for any situation that would come.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 11:13 pm

OOC-sorry guys but im in the middle of moveing, so i will be on a lot less fo rth enext week, but i will still try to get on as much as i can))

the rain splashed off maxtios face as he walked alongside the two anbu from konoha. he had been traviling with them for a while, on a mission to hunt down and potentionally kill a member of akatsuki. he was glad he was allowed to leave konoha alive, and this just added to all the fun, but the downfall was his weapons where not given to him. all the resourcfull max took out five seprete wires, from inside his cloak, and starped them around his shoulder and wrist, to make a makeshift guitar neck. although it was a piece of trash compared to hsi orginale one, it would do the job just as well.

hey, guys, before we do this i want you to have these. put them in your ears. maxtio brought out a wad of wax, and rolled it into four small balls. these were max balls used in conjuction with his sound. they will alow you to hear but not be effected by my sound jutsu. keep these in at all times, and if my sounde waves get to strong, back away from me. i can get carried away at times. max looked at the two and smiled.

As they walked and crodseed the hill, a shadow was seen just in the distnace, breaking the rain patteren. this was there target, and he was a big one. max began to build up sound frequencyies in his body, his hair standing on end now and his ears tuning down. hsi body flowed with chakara and it was ready to do some damage.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 11:36 pm

Near concentrated, and smiled a devilish, tired, accepting smile. It was time the battle was close at hand. Near could feel three chakra presences, one of them familiar, that of Maxtio, a missing ninja that he had met in a bar one night in the moon country. So that was who had given him away. Near would kill him first, happily so.

Near concentrated for a quick moment, and the water that fell collected, and formed an inch think armour of what now was water. There was also about an inch between the water and his body, so it would not touch him. Near then held out hands, and a white crystal began pouring from them in a puff of smoke. Using chakra, he saturated the water layer with this crystal, turning it into a barrier of incredibly potent Nitric Acid, with a molarity of nearly 20, there for strong enough to burn flesh like paper to fire. Taijutsu attacks would be rendered useless against him.

However, this acid barrier served another purpose. Knowing of Maxtio's use of sound waves, the water served as a damper, aided by chakra to severely dampen the sound waves of Max's attacks, rendering them useless. Near concentrated further, and the rain that fell upon the area around max, solidified into a cylinder around him, in less than a third of a second. It also completely stopped him from body flickering, as it was high speed movement, and the water would prevent this. The only way out would be through the top, but that was where Near was in less than a 5th of a second, He flew down the tunnel about 5x times as fast as a thrown weapon, his staff in hand, aiming to kill maxtio in one swift movement. There really wasn't any way for maxtio to survive, and he would pay for selling Near out.

After attacking, Near held out his hand and 5 exploding tags appeared. Near body flickered up the chute, closing it off with water as he Went. Maxtio was as good as Dead.

Near landed on the ground outside the cylinder, his hand on the ground. He stood up and turned around, his arms at his sides, his weapon dissapearing as quickly as it had come, in a puff of smoke. He spoke with no tone.

"Have you finally come to kill me?"


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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptySun Aug 02, 2009 6:36 am

Robin watched blankly, showing no emotion whatsoever as the infamous Akatsuki Leader Near, performed a devilishly evil technique which allowed him to create a cylinder of pressurised water for which he completely exploded Maxtio who stood there. Near was fast enough for Maxtio not being able to dodge the technique, but nowhere near faster than himself. The one thing that truly intrigued him by what Near had done was the fact he made a suit of water for which he added something peculiar to it. Robin's thoughts wandered greatly, imagining what he had possibly done to the water. The only conclusion Robin could draw from it was simple, don't touch his armour!! But then there was Robin's massive advantage as well, he could simply manipulate the water surrounding Near to destroy him.. But Robin wasn't THAT evil. [Very Happy] Robin then watched again as Near glided out of the cylinder of water and directed a question at Ayumu and Robin. Robin didn't bother to answer yet, but rather turned his head and watched as a limp and destroyed body flopped to the floor. Robin performed 4 handseals behind his back and muttered extremely softly so that both Ayumu and Near couldn't possibly hear, Doton Hakabashi Suna no Jutsu and instantly the dead body sank deep into the ground below.

Robin then craned his neck back towards his opponent and answered the previous question, You'd be a stupid man if you didn't know the answer to that...But you are a stupid man, so I'll answer that for you; Yes we have come to kill you...And yes, you will be the one who is going to die. Robin then pulled a devil-like grin behind his mask and awaited both Ayumu and Near's possible responses.

Jutsu Used:

Quote :
Doton Hakabashi Suna no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutu
Rank: C
CC: 7
A skill where chakra is sent through the ground, as it is diffused it weakens the ground below the opponent. Creating a sinking whirlpool of sand to pull down the opponent into the ground. Enabling the user to use another jutsu during this hectic state.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptySun Aug 02, 2009 8:01 am

The man Ayumu barely got to know was now suffering in a vortex of water which was going to quickly kill him without the man even knowing what happened. The situation had happened so fast, the akatsuki leader Near was faster than he first anticipated and his foot speed and chakra was amazing, much to be expected of the man feared across many countries. Ayumu went to perform some handseals, anything which could save the rogue ninja Maxtio but he soon realised that it would not make a difference the jutsu had alredy gone underway. Ayumu looked across to his ANBU captain who seemed to be thinking, pondering this young man fate. Ayumu knew that this battel would not be an easy one and he intended not to lose his life or the life of partner. Situations and scenario's flooded his brain and a way of which he could counter this man. Robin was a suiton user and so was Near so they both had no advantage against each other elemental wise, but Ayumu main elemental chakra was katon which is at a major disadvantage against a suiton user. But he had many tricks up his sleeve and wasn't going to give anythign away just yet.

Ayumu looked over once again to his partner Robin who replied to the man Near's foolish statement. "You'd be a stupid man if you didn't know the answer to that...But you are a stupid man, so I'll answer that for you; Yes we have come to kill you...And yes, you will be the one who is going to die." Ayumu then focussed his eyes on the man who was giving off a some what cocky and sure of himself attitude towards the Konoha ANBU. "You are more foolish than I thought Near, Leader of the Akatsuki. Of course we have met you here today and we will be the ones deciding whether you are worthly of still keeping your life, and i think we both know what that answer is. I would usually ask my opponent to surrender in this case but something tells me that this is not your style...but i don't mind i was in the mood for killing criminals today!"

Ayumu jumped into the air with great agility and strength. there as no time for mucking around anymore it was time for the big boys to play ball. He wasn't going to hold back anymore this man was a disgrace of a ninja, someone who didn't even deserve the title. Today is the day the Near was going to meet his death and Ayumu was going to make sure he was the one who would deliver the final blow. Ayumu pulled off his travellers cloak and watched it fall tot he ground at speed with the wind picking it up and carrying it down. His left hand reached to the back of his belt and he pulled out one of his drawing scrolls with his unique ink pen attached to the side. He unravelled the long, versatile scroll, one that was adapted and made for him specifically. First he wished to test the waters and see what this man was really made of. He had seen that the man was fast but with two S-ranked ninja to deal with he had his hands full. Ayumu with tremendous speed started to draw black kunai across a portion of his scroll. With 50 kunai lined up he used a single hand with the basic handseal and said "Ninpou: Buki Giga", and with that command the kunai sprang to life and flew out of the scroll with great speed heading straight for Near. While still in the air he looked across to his partner as if to initiate the battle.

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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptySun Aug 02, 2009 11:23 am

((I'm skipping Maxtio, he's dead. If that's not alright, I'll delete this post.))

Near frowned as he began sinking into the ground, quicksand, he thought. He quickly made several handseals, and about 20 rocks shot out from beneath him, beneath the ground. one was directly beneath him, and it carried him out of the sand and up into the air. As he flew up, he jumped from rock to rock, inscribing the seal of the Explosive tag onto each of them with the shikoku fuuin sealing method. Though, this would appear as a simple diversionary tactic to his opponents.

After quickly doing so, he jumped into air, and landed on a just formed platform of water. he stood, waiting for his opponents to counter attack or defend. He spoke, in a loud voice, egging on his opponents.

"Is that really the best Konoha has to offer?! Some Ink Kunai and some mud!?!? SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO YOU PATHETIC WHELPS!"

meanwhile the rocks plummeted towards earth, and none of them would land directly on his assailants, giving them no reason to fret. however, upon landing, each of the large stones (about the size of a motorcycle, in diameter) exploded, and did so with a radius thrice their size. Lets see how good Konoha's Anbu really is.

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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 3:55 pm

Out Of Character: Completely misinterpreted my post, i only planned to suck maxtio's body into the ground, not yours. But oh well. Good luck. Very Happy

Back In Character: Robin looked blankly at Near as he bounded into the air, making rocks defend against his partner, Ayumu's many kunai. Next thing Robin noticed was the fuuinjutsu seal mark of explosiveness on each rock that Near jumped upon. Robin also noticed that his partner had sprung into the air and was in no position to be able to defend from the multiple explosions. The way Robin saw the situation..he could either, 1. create small capsules of water around the explosions and eliminate them, however that'd take way too much chakra. 2. Would be that he could drag Ayumu back down to the ground and create a very thick earth barrier around both of them to protect him, again too much chakra and a possibility of destruction if he was too slow. Then there was option 3. Allow Ayumu to get in a perfect position for a strike and hopefully wish for someway for which he protects himself in the slim half second of timing. Robin for some very weird reason decided to choose option 3.. such a stupid option, but who knows as to why.

Robin formed 6 very quick seals before channelling chakra into the ground for which a tower of earth erupted into the air and safely propelled Ayumu out of danger and back into the air, for which he was in perfect position to attack the Akatsuki Leader. However, Robin practically saved his partner's life, rather than his own for which he would get ultimately destroyed. There was a second before the rock bombs fell in which life and death were split with a knife. The rain pelted upon his brow and the dark clouds above made it more scary. The black tattoo of the Kaguya shone on his right shoulder fiercely, emitting an unnatural pure white light from it's presence. A knife split Robin's fate...for which death seemed inevitable.

Jutsu Used:

Quote :
Doton Retsudo Tenshou
Type: Ninjutu
Rank: C
CC: 7
A skill where chakra is flowed through the ground diffusing outwards, in which in bursts large towers forms of rock emerge surrounding the opponent. Effectively can be used to trap an opponent from going anywhere and gaining the high ground.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyTue Aug 04, 2009 11:34 am

As the man Near swiftly moved between rocks up away from Ayumu he was somewhat puzzled by his attack. The man dodged his kunai with ease, he was incredibly quick and Ayumu had to be careful not to get on the wrong side of him. "So he is a suiton and a doton user eh...?" Ayumu said to himself quietly. With every attack that the akatsuki leader Near preformed he was giving away a small bit of information which Ayumu could use to his advantage. He was trained to look for every small amount of detail in battle and use it to his own advantage. Even the enemies taunts can say something about what type of ninja he was, you just have to listen to them carefully. this is when Ayumu started to think more carefully about the attack that the opponent used, surely it wasn't just used as a way to block Ayumu's partner Robin's attack he was better then that. So Ayumu quickly scanned the area and the rocks that were used for him to evade, and this is when Ayumu noticed the special fuuinjutsu seals enscripted into the rocks. "Of course," Ayumu said to himself he knew the man Near was more cunning than this, he used an attack to both defend and then quickly launch a counter attack, but how would Ayumu dodge the rocks if they exploded...he could be in trouble.

But then Robin, Ayumu's partner reacted quickly by shooting a large rock tower up into the air pushing Ayumu out of the way. He was still in the air btu now had his feet safely on the earth tower which was used to possibly save him from some nasty damage, but it wouldn't be here forever so Ayumu reacted quickly, swiftly with no error in his judgement he wasn't here to muck around. Robin had put him in the optimum position to attack and he had enough time to possibly do some damage. Ayumu with his drawing scroll already in his hand quickly drew a large ink bird, quicker than normal has he pumped a small amount of chakra to his hand he needed to use his time carefully. With a quickly single handseal he yelled "Choujuu Giga" adn the large bird lifted it's way out of the scroll and Ayumu jumped onto it. He dove down nearer to his target aiming to launch a swift and deadly attack but also somehow help lessen the damage to his partner Robin, though Ayumu knew he would have a plan to get out of it he wasn't that weak to die by some exploding rocks.

Ayumu starts his attack with a larger amount of chakra poured into his hand and into the scroll. He swiftly drew 12 individual medium to small sized birds all with great speed, speed that any other ninja would think was impossible to draw with. He timed each of them to with his command they would explode. With a quick single handseal he yelled "Sumi Bakushinchi no Jutsu" and released them out of the scroll. These were the fasted birds he could create with the time he had and they were incredibly fast (OOC: about the speed of the small clay birds Deidara used to fight Gaara with ^^). He ordered 6 of them down to where his partner Robin, though they wouldn't make it to Robin in time, some of the rocks that surrounded him would easily be destroyed by the explosion that they produced counteracting the explosion that the rocks would produce. The other bird he sent flying towards his enemy Near, two high up above him one from either side and two from the bottom of him. They all started to swarm in on his opponent from every direction that the man would look, the vird would move in iratic and unusual movements to distract and confuse the enemy. Ayum had to focus intensely. He had to pick the right moment for them to explode to create the most damage, but he also had to detonate the birds which flew to aid his partner, all of his energy was focussed on the task as he had no room for error, his partners life may be on the line.

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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyTue Aug 04, 2009 12:00 pm

Near frowned at this display. the birds began swarming around him, and Near immediately knew their purpose. For one, the past akatsuki leader was a user of clay bombs, and Near knew the only effective reason for using these birds in such away was to have them explode. Secondly, his IQ was well above 200, and this made deciphering the birds pattern easier. Near could tell by their movement, eradic, and seemingly unpredictable, that they were not the only ones to be concentrated on by their creator. Near guessed that this Anbu was also going to use them as explosives to counteract Near's own explosives.

Near, thinking quickly, held out his hands, and several droplets of acid shot away, and with Near's incredible perception, and timing, hit each and every ink bird, rendering them useless, as the acid burned them away. Near then, thinking fast, made a handseal, and a shadow clone appeared, quickly body flickering to were Robin was, just prior to the explosion. The clone used a similiar process, using the droplets of water, however, as tiny senbon, which he shot through the birds at high speed, destroying them. The clone made a few handseals, and dissapeared beneath the earth, just before the explosions hit.

Near, meanwhile, flew at the anbu whom had conjured the birds, and as he flew, he made handseals. on the final handseal
, he said:

"Water Style: Water Clone Technique!"

about 30 clones materialized from the rain in the air, each of them standing atop platforms similiar to Near, and each of them covered in that same deadly, corrosive, layer of acid. all 30 shot at todd at once, aiming taijutsu attacks from all directions, and because they did so in such a complete manner, body flickering would be impossible, as all of the Anbu's paths were blocked by water clones, covered in acid.

Near meanwhile rose even higher up in the air, ready for any sort of counter attack.

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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyTue Aug 04, 2009 6:00 pm

Robin's reactions were as fast as lightning, faster evening. In the half second he had to live, he blinked extraordinarily fast, to allow a wet coating over his eyeball so as to not be horribly singed by the explosion. But what truly was the point? It seemed destined that Robin's body would be dismembered into a billion pieces from this colossal explosion with ashes as the final result. He would leave so much behind in this world in the next split-second: family, loved-ones, friends and most of all..his ANBU partner Ayumu. Robin knew that if one of the two ANBUs were to die in this battle, their chances against even a super-weakened Akatsuki Leader would be horribly slim. Robin knew that what he did was foolish, but it was only human to make mistakes and he knew he'd manage. Birds came down to his rescue, only to be destroyed by the Akat leader before he disappeared. One thing stayed the same, the ominous glow of white on his back. Within a millionth of a second, the glow spread from the small tattoo on his back to the whole of his back and then to cover the whole of his body. But it may be too late. The rocks collided and the explosions erupted; sending blasts of fire, ash and smoke everywhere; enshrouding Robin completely.

Explosions happened and super-hot fire spread everywhere, before setting slowly. Smoke rose up in a large plume, towards the figure of 1 Ayumu and 20 Near's for which would enshroud all within a matter of seconds. Within a second, a white glow erupted out of the plume of smoke and skilfully danced around all 20 figures of Near. The white glow then attached to Ayumu and plummeted towards the ground, back into the dissipating plume of smoke. 8 seconds later, the smoke cleared and revealed Ayumu standing perfectly on the ground, in pristine condition. There was a man standing next to him.. the figure of Robin; in elaborate bone armour. The bone armour was in perfect condition and perfectly clean and seemed impeccable. The white glow was due to the reflection of sunlight on the armour; very cool. Robin stood there, hands down and ready to own up Near with his newfound Kaguya powuhs!

Jutsu Unlocked and Used:

Quote :
Bone Armour Jutsu
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: S
A skill where chakra is emitted from the tattoo and spread extensively around the body, allowing his bones to duplicate three times into a thick and perfectly-crafted bone armour, capable of defending against explosions, mid pressure and weaponry. Its only true weakness is a very destructive jutsu. VERY DESTRUCTIVE! Costs a lot of chakra to create.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyThu Aug 06, 2009 4:45 am

Everything seems to happen so fast even for the young ANBU member of konoha. How many times in this battle would the lives of he and Robin be twittering on the balance of life and death, swaying from either side all Ayumu knew was he wasn't going to die here, not today, not ever to a man like Near but he was finding it increasingly hard to lay a finger on the man. He was truely a powerful ninja no doubt about that, he evaded and destroyed all of Ayumu's bird's with his retchid suiton jutsu. But the main worry that ran through his mind was the fact that his partner may have not survived. Ayumu had timed off the birds just before they reached the intended area and Near launched his attack, countering some of the explosions fromt he large explosive boulders but he could get the ones close to Robin and that worried him. As the large cloud of smoke appeared from the eruption of explosions that took place Ayumu scanned through the smoke to see if his partner had made it, he wouldn't go down in a simple explosion Ayumu knew that for sure.

Suddenly a figure, a shadow bounced off the smoke debre that was floating through the air. Ayumu had spotted him, Robin, but he looked different before Ayumu had ever seen Robin like this but with that moment Ayumu turned his neck to see what was approximately 20-30 Near's surrounding him in the air and closing fast. Water clones of the vicious villain Near were surrounding him ready to lauch an array of attacks, Ayumu ducked low on his bird ready to fight his way through "30 water clones? This man may be powerful but he is sure extravagant with chakra. Silly man, using up chakra like that for water clones, he's dumber than I thought." Ayumu said to himself. As he bagn to order the ink bird to turn in a cork screw action and drill it's way out of this mess he was the figure of a white, shining man launch up into the sky in his directin with great speed. It could only be Robin, but Robin in a way that Ayumu had never seen before, hew as truely magnificant. The white glow that surrounded the man danced through the clones like a truely skilled Kaguya and took Ayumu down to the ground with him. In a large 'poof' of smoke the ink bird that Ayumu once was riding vanished and he flip and lnded on the ground next to his partner Robin.

Now the rain had begun to slow, and the sun slowly shone throught the clouds. Ayumu looked across to his partner slightly out of breath, the white glow of the bone that surrounded his bounced of the sunlight giving his a kind of divine appearance. The power balance of the battle was starting to shift, Robin had reached a new level of clan awesomeness and Ayumu wasn't going to let him down by being the third wheel in this battle. He looked at Robin saying "Let's do this, you and me are going to wipe the earth of this man." Saying it with a smile on his face. Ayumu looked up to see in enemy looking clam and collected with no sign of panic on his face, Ayumu was going to soon change this. With great speed he rattled off a quick succession of handseal and with this two large flames begun to appear in both his hands. Aimed directly at this opponent with the built up katon chakra Ayumu clapped his hands together and a large stream of crescent shaped fire shot out straightforward towards the target. The area it took up was large covering the sight of the man Near from Robin and Ayumu, with his sight shrouded with a large amount of flames Ayumu then slammed both his hands on the ground and said "Sumi Furasshu no Jutsu". With this technique Near wouldn't even know it was coming has he didn't see the technique take place and the ink flows undected underneath the earth. Ayumu would time thsi technique perfectly when it is needed, the ink would stay unerground for as long as he willed it he only needed the right moment for it too shoot up out and bind the man for a final attack.

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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyThu Aug 06, 2009 9:06 am

Near dropped to the ground suddenly, easily avoiding the katon attack, but collected rain in a ball as he fell. The ball was as large as a small house, and it was from the clouds as they dissapeared. the ball was as large as a small house, and Near held it, without actually holding it, above his head. Next thing Near knew, his opponent was putting something in the ground. Near didn't care, he would deal with whatever it was when it came.

Near raised a single hand into the air, as he silently released the Base he had stored in his tattoo into the ball of water. This wouldn't be seen from far away, however. Beyond that, the base crystal didn't change the color of the liquid. He shouted in his usual manner, without emotion, and so completely believable.


With that, he made the ball explode, and tons of deadly basic drops of water shot out, everywhere. His opponents would have difficulty dodging if they tried to, but they really wouldn't have any reason to. Despite this, Near had a feeling his opponent's new armour would save him from any burning effect. Near wasn't actually running out of chakra, and still had about 7/10 of his. Thanks to his water chakra nodes, water jutsu costs where much lower, the 30 clones barely taking anything out of him.


He held his hands into the air, screaming.
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyMon Aug 10, 2009 1:50 pm

The bone armour served its purpose perfectly. He stood there watching his opponent create a ball of water and then explode it. Seeing as his opponent had previously used some acid-compound, Robin found it necessary that he stand in front of Ayumu and absorb the attack; for which nothing happened. Underneath the durable bone armour, Robin's eyes changed to a grey colour for which he focused chakra into his right arm. From this, his right limb convulsed to create a very large blade of dense bone, attached to his armour. Robin took the mantis stance, with the tip of the blade pointing to the ground. With this deadly weapon and intense armour; he would definitely make his opponent repent his sins.

Robin turned his head back at Ayumu and spoke loudly enough for the Akatsuki scum to hear, Well then, I guess he's asking for it. Now let's make him repent his sins..shall we? With that, Robin shrouded himself in chakra and performed Shunshin no Jutsu; seemingly teleporting to a position 2meters behind Near. With a fast and fluid motion, Robin spun on his right heel and with this movement he swung the blade towards his opponents pectorals. If this attack hit, the blade would certainly slice him in half and make him repent his sins...FOREVER!

Robin Looks like:

Jutsus Used:

Quote :
Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: D
Sub-Type: Basic
Type: Ninjutsu
CC: 3
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes.
This jutsu can only be used by Chuunin rank ninjas and above.

Hone Buki
Type: Taijutsu
Sub Type: Hone
Rank: D
CC: 4
This basic technique allows a Kaguya to fashion and release a Bone Weapon, such as a sword, from within their body using their bloodline unique powers. This weapon is as strong and deadly as steel. This Weapon requires no further Chakra to Maintain.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyMon Aug 10, 2009 10:31 pm

Near's eyes were wide with something he wasn't sure. The moment his opponent Dissapeared, Near made a handseal. He knew he didn't have a chance against the kaguya, but he'd at least take out one of the ANBU in this battle. A shadow clone appeared, which he replaced himself with when Robin attacked. Near ran, making handseals as he went. He shouted:

"Water Style! Water clone jutsu!"

100 Water clones appeared all around him, and ran at his opponent. Near switched places with them often, to confuse the other ANBU member, the seeming third wheel. Eventually, have of the water clones body flickered, and were behind that ANBU member, while the other half were in front, and to the sides. Each of the clones removed 5 kunai each, each with an exploding tag, and threw it inwards at the ANBU. Not half a second later, they all did a backflip, and made handseals in the air, simultaneously shouting:

"Earth Release! Rock Lodging Destruction!"

From beneath each of the clones, 10 giant rocks sprang from the air, and hurdled at the area at which the other Anbu was situated. The clones did as Near did earlier, and inscribed exploding tag seals on the rocks.

However, while they did that, 3 of the water clones formed a giant triangle around the scene, shouting:

"Tribarrier seal!"

the result was an encampment that prevent anything from escaping. The Anbu was in their, Near was sure. The explosion filled the entire encampment, leaving no chance for survival.

Near had been in the air, barely outside the seal. He fell to the ground, and landed weekly on one knee. He stood up, almost completely out of chakra. He faced the Kaguya, ready to meet his end.

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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Aug 12, 2009 12:19 pm

Ayumu's captain had changed into something magnificant. He was truely a specitical to see with the sun shining off his elegant bone armour. Ayumu was so inexperienced and was out of his depth, but the man named Robin was in his element, power, in control of situation even going above and beyond to get the result but Ayumu knew he wasn't good enough. As Robin looked across at him and their eyes meet, he screamed somethign that put confidence back into Ayumu, he said something that would give him hope. "Well then, I guess he's asking for it. Now let's make him repent his sins..shall we?" Ayumu looked at him with a feel of amazement and respect. How could a man have so much confidence in face of danger. He could feel the power radiating out from the mans body, Ayumu loked at him knowing that he wouldn't be too much of a help but he would do everything he could to make sure atleast on of the Konoha ANBU would make it out alive, today. "Sure thing lets do this sir." Ayumu said in a tentative voice.

He turned and faced his opponent a man who himself was a powerful ninja. Every attack Ayumu had used the man had found a way to counter it, Ayumu was out of ideas and wasn't sure what to do. He started to analyse the situation looking at the enemy with analitical eyes. Robin to his left grew a large bone-type weapon from his right arm, and in a second body flickered towards his opponent. This was when the man Near reacted. Within a single second of a handseal 100 clones appeared all around covering the battlefield in numbers. Though it confused Ayumu as most of them looked like they were heading to attack him, with that his brain froze for a second. He had to snap out of it or he was a gonna but had he already used up too much time? The many clones of Near came towards Ayumu each knowing exactly what to do having an attack planned for him already.

Ayumu suddenly reacted pulling his large drawing scroll out and flinging it into the air with force. he pulled his pen out and drew a large ink cloud on the canvus of the scroll. With that he let it go and with a single hand went to use a handseal. Ninpou: Sumi Haretsu Kumo no Jutsu . With this the large ink cloud pulled itself out of the scroll expanding in size ten-fold. This was one of his ultimate attacks but it had a downside to it, the chakra that it consumed and the concentration it used was something on a new level to Ayumu. This technique he hadn't used in battle yet and he was weiry about it but he knew that thisd had to be the time to use it or he would die. With another handseal the ink startedto rain down the the clones pouring them in the explosive ink. Ayumu then signalled each drop out timing explosions to his clones throughout the battle field. He had to concentrate and his focus was only on the sky and the clones, but there was so many he couldn't get them all. Then some clones started to appear around him with quick handseals they sealed him in some kind of barrier. It was helpless he was stuck using this attack and could move, while these clones used some kind of technique on him. He cancelled out his technique and went to escape but couldnt move. Then out of the corner of his eye, clones started to appear in the sky some with exploding tags and others with inscribed rocks, the same as the attack before. All were launched at Ayumu without him having tim to react he was trapped, and done for.

It had all happened so fast. The clones, the explosion, the trap, he had been out played by the ninja infront of him but Ayumu could only think about about his partner Robin. Ayumu had disgraced him and the honour of Konohagakure. He was powerless to stop the criminal who used his powerful attacks on him, he had been out smarted the whole way and he didnt like it. Death had come and he felt seperate from his body now. He fell to the ground the explosive blast ruining his body, tearing up, he bleed from everywhere and death was inevitable. He white light started to come closer and Ayumu closed his eyes, he woudl leave this world knowing that he did some good and protected the innocent who could not portect themselves. Ayumu lay on the blood-soaked battlefield, leaving his partner to deal with Near alone, The chakra he had used would mean he was nearly at the end of his line as well. Ayumu just hoped that Robin would live for the both of them and kill the man that brought so much hate and pain to the world.

[Topic ends with the death of Ayumu Peinto]
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Aug 12, 2009 2:50 pm

Fuck! A bunshin, Robin mind-swore as his large sword sliced cleanly through a cloud of thick white smoke. Instantly however, Robin spun around to make sure he wouldn't get back-stabbed; however to his luck he was not. But then that was his main fault as in that brief time of saving his own skin, the perfect timing for helping his ANBU partner was lost. He looked back towards where 100 copies of the Akatsuki Leader attacked, only for him to attempt to act. He sprinted towards where Ayumu was, so as to get him out of danger but upon approach, ran straight into a triangular barrier. His armour took most of the shock and kept him standing, with desperate hope he struck at the barrier fiercely with the blade-arm. He managed to get 3 solid strikes into the barrier, but with no major effect. Sweat dripped from his face, filling the space between his body and the armour and being soaked into his ANBU armour. He leaned on the barrier, helpless and desperate as he watched the final moments of his partner's life. Ayumu just stood there knowing full well that his life was finished and accepting his fate; like a true warrior would.

Within the few seconds that he watched the explosions take his partners life, he flash backed into the memories that he shared. After all of what Ayumu had been through and of what Konoha had to thank him for; he truly was a shinobi of Konoha. He upheld every value that Konoha held, had the passion that every Konohanian should and was the true core of the Village. He had achieved almost every position possible; Academy, Genin, Chuunin, Jounin and ANBU. He missed out on the title the Sannin and the rank of leading; but what he did leave behind was something far greater than anything a rank could achieve; he left behind spirit. A true Konoha spirit! The type of spirit that you see in aspiring Academy Students who have overcome an obstacle. He was everything that represented Konoha and for that; everyone including Robin was in debt to him and his family. He truly was a Konohanian.

The fire and smoke engulfed his partner's body and within seconds; a skeleton fell to the ground. A tear rolled down his cheek, the tear of Ayumu. It too got absorbed into the threading of his vest. But with this tear, with his partner's death and with the situation he was in; the true konoha spirit erupted into his heart. With every ounce of power left in his body, he would get revenge on the Akatsuki Leader's ass: He would make him pay!

He turned around, back to the still formed barrier and his partner's skeleton on the other side. He slammed the back his elbow on the barrier and howled out in anger. The different parts of armour began to rotate and convulse in unison. His eyes began to flicker; blue, white, blue, white, blue, white, white, white. Within a second, his eyes became a full pupil of pure white and it began to glow slightly. Large spikes formed from his spine, splitting through the armour and emerging in the joints perfectly. His entire skeletal structure changed, spikes emerged from his legs and his feet grew longer. [Looks slightly similar to this image, but white, more spikes and not as retarded looking:]

He again howled out in anger, but this time it sounded more of a roar. The powers of the Kaguya was taking over, he had already achieved the secret second stage of the Kaguya and was no truely powerful. The bone armour still consisted, but with the addition of spikes and a more agile body. His speed was monstrous and his agility was huge. He would tear his opponent to shreds. His left hand had an array of spiked fingers while his right still had the massive sword. He now stood 8ft tall and had the appearance similar to a dinosaurs, [or to dagannoth prime, if you play runescape. >.>]

Within a second, Robin bent down and erupted towards his opponent in a burst of speed. He covered the distance of 10 meters in a matter of 2 seconds and swung the large sword of bone towards the man. Again, the sword would slice cleanly through him but this time he had a hell of a lot larger advantage. He looked at the Akatsuki Leader in the eyes whilst yelling, 'You Bastard! You WILL Pay!' he swung the sword down on him. Today would end the day for the Akatsuki Leader, just as it ended the day for his partner.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Aug 12, 2009 11:31 pm

Near simply stood there as he watched his opponents pathetic and useless display of emotional attachment. And yet, there was something about it that made him yearn for it. never before had Near wanted such attachment, and it seems that he had been missing out. That such bonds where actually worth having. He saw the kaguya running at him, and knew his fate. Instead of putting up any sort of fight, he backstepped a little, and the sword cut him, but not directly through. His stomach was leaking, or rather spouting a dark red liquid in great amounts, and Near knew that time was something he did not have.

But now, he really would repent for his sins. He would not appologize, but make up for all that he had done. He collapsed to the ground, and lay there, speaking in his emotionless tone.

"It seems my time has come. It appears that I have wasted my life, trying so desperately to be evil, when being good was so much more natural. Well, I won't let my death be useless. The Akatsuki is a band of filth, of vermin. They all deserve to die, just as I am now. So to you, I give you this."

Near took a brief second to remove the ring from his finger. It was white with a green stone, with a single kanji character upon it. He held it to the anbu member, already finding that this sort of action was taking great strength, and determination. He truly did not have much time left.

"This ring will allow you to penetrate the bases defenses without worry of traps. Theres just two more things I can do for you."

Near made a single handseal, and suddenly almost all of the rest of his chakra was elsewhere. Near had just released the illusionment seal placed around the base, making it invisible to those who don't wear rings. Near then held out a hand, and a scroll appeared in a puff of smoke. He held the scroll to robin.

"Inside this scroll is the entire map of the akatsuki base, and it's defenses, as they have changed greatly sense Shyke's last visit. Take them down like the scum they are."

Near laughed a little.

"I suppose thats a bit hypocritical."

and with that he set his head back against the ground, and slept, eternally. what would become of his body, he knew not. But that no longer mattered to him. A smile, was the last thing that would ever be seen on Near Odolwa's face.
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyThu Aug 13, 2009 5:44 pm

Blood splattered onto his shoes. He didn't move, nor did he go in for a second strike for his opponent's body language was definite; he had given up. The sudden hatred that was burning in his eyes had changed; his eyes no longer were bright and white, but rather the translucent blue they normally were. Robin stopped and listened to the dieing man. The man crumpled to his knees before offering a beautiful ring for which Robin grabbed with his left hand. He again listened and again grabbed at the rolled up scroll for which Pat held for him. Robin caught the fallen Akatsuki member. He had now seemingly respected the man before him, but he did murder his partner and for that he could not forgive him. Yes the man was already dead, but his legacy may live on. And now with this opportunity to rid the Akatsuki; he'd leap to the cause.

The Kaguya side of him still burned fiercely and he still had the sense of revenge. He loomed over the body and with one swift movement he brought the giant sword down on the Akatsuki Leader's head and decapitated the neck joint. The head rolled slightly, smiling still. He didn't bother to look at head but rather he turned away. The tri barrier was down and there was no real need for him to be in this advanced Kaguya form. He morphed back into his normal self but still kept the armour, incase some Akatsuki appeared for redemption. He removed the sword too and walked over towards his partner's skeletal corpse. He ran his hand over the body and transferred chakra into the body, restoring Ayumu's old self. He looked at the body and then slung it over his shoulder. His earth jutsu released and the exploded body of Max returned to the surface. Without a double take, Robin sprinted off into the distance, with his partner's body over his shoulder and the destroyed battlefield behind him. Hopefully wolves would get to the bodies first; but he would not know.
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Elder Sage
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Elder Sage

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyThu Aug 13, 2009 7:30 pm

The blood stained the air like poison as Sumi got closer to the promised area of Near. Luckily the journey wasn't longer then expected, usually with missions like this minutes sometimes feels like years due to the anticipation. Going across seas and into unknown territory himself, one may think Sumi was a mad man. But was he to blame? The monster who led the organization that murdered many people was finally in his grasp, and he would have been damned if he let that opportunity slide. Although expecting a battle, from felt a grim when exiting the ship. Threw years of doing this kind of work, maybe Sumi developed a intuition that even startled himself. But the last time Sumi felt that was when his comrade had died a few years ago, so it couldn't have been good. With a unpredictable organization such as Akatsuki, one can only hope for the best in this situation, what ever that's worth.

All four of them were now a few yards from Nears corpse, what a feeling that was. From the distance Sumi looked at the corpse, It laid there motionless in the on the blood stained soil. Sumi's heart began to pound with adrenaline, and he clutched his fists. “Lord Kazekage, is he... dead?” Gira asked in such a way no one could answer. It seemed rhetorical at that moment, but she had a history of breaking serious moments with blunt questions. Sumi just responded with a hand motion which signaled silence. Both his Anbu new what that meant, they placed their hands in their pouches and prepared for a surprise attack. Hopefully Tenju got the message, but Sumi eyes were glued to the corpse he couldn't know for sure.

Threw years of medical diagnosis Sumi could tell if a body was dead or not with ease. Even in a considerable distance such as this. Even though they couldn't get a look at the body, it only meant that it needed to be examined more closely. “Who the hell killed him?” Sumi said faintly as he began to walk closer to the corpse. “Wait Kazekage let us-” Pakumi said with a cautious one in his voice. “No, stay here and protect Tenju. That is a order.” Sumi said while turning back to Nears direction. Both Anbu began to walk to Tenju in order to protect him from any unexpected attacks. Sumi could tell that the didn't like the situation he put them in, but he had no time to contemplate the emotions of others at that moment.

Now kneeling beside the corpse, Sumi eyes widened in shock. “Wow his head is decapitated, what on earth happened here?” He asked himself as he examined the environment. Everything was destroyed and shattered in that field, it looked like a war zone. Sumi was aggravated that he missed the fight, but relieved that they weren't there because of Tenju. Sumi probably could never forgive himself if something happened to him, it would have been totally his fault. But it is what it is I guess, if you play the cards of a ninja, expect to fold. Leaning over and grabbing his head with his left hand, it appeared to have a faint smile stuck on its face. It was creepy yet fascinating for Sumi, that smile, that smile which he had on when he killed the people Sumi cared for. It was the smile of a Devil, and for that Sumi will turn him into one.

Placing the head on top of Nears stomach, Sumi slowly risen to his feet. “Tenju I wish for your presence!” Sumi shouted still looking at the corpse.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptySat Aug 15, 2009 12:32 am

It was weird. A feeling Tenju had never been on before. He could see as the blood dripped in the leaves of small plants in the ground. He was about 5 meters away from the corpse, of that person who was called Near, the supposedly Akatsuki Leader. Nobody wasn't sure yet if he was dead, but he just seemed like he was. Not atleast till the Kazekage approached him. The Kazekage quickly confirmed he was dead. Right next to Tenju, Pakumi and Gira stood, waititng to give him protection if anything happens. Tenju tought it was pathetic, they was taking him as if he couldn't protect himself from an attack. Tenju had sharp eyes too, so anything coming to him, would be like triggering his hands to protect himself. “Tenju I wish for your presence!”Ignoring the two Anbu's Tenju walked away from him as the Kazekage called him.

Tenju felt a weird feeling as he approached the body and sat right next to it. Taking a better look at the body, he tapped the corpse's forehead, as a sign of mockery. "Not so tough now, are ya?" Tenju said as he cracked up a smile as he touched the body.

Releasing all that tough he had to say in front of this man's body from his mind. Tenju turned his head to the Kazekage. "You need me to start up the proccess?" He said as he stood up and prepared to do his job on this journey. It wasn't much, but it was a good role in this mission. At that, the most important, eventhough he only had to do one single thing to do this right.

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Elder Sage
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Elder Sage

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptySat Aug 15, 2009 6:31 am

Sumi stood there staring at the corpse, it was like a abyss that never stopped swirling. The body pulled you in, and never released you back out. Maybe it was the sight of the most feared ninja sitting there, soulless, lifeless, not bound to this earth no more. Sad though, death was something that was inevitable to all things. But strangely this was different, it was like it wasn’t meant to be. Sumi tilted his head slightly, he was starting to lose focus on his movement, and more into his cautiousness. Was he actually feeling sorry for Near? Maybe not, but Sumi had a way of having two faces on everything. Looking at Sumi was like looking into a mirror, you always see what’s there, but what’s there isn’t always what you see.

Tenju appeared next to him, and Sumi drifted back to the reality which he saw discombobulated. He watched Tenju tap the forhead as a sign of mockery. Slightly it started to rock off the stomach, and Sumi feared it would roll off. Luckily it didn’t, but it would have been a humorous situation indeed. "Not so tough now, are ya?" Tenju said while boastfully laughing. Sumi smirked, but he didn’t laugh. Sumi had a sense of humor of a child sometimes, and he would usually laugh like Tenju in this situation. He wondered what was so different this time, maybe he’ll never know. But a mission is a mission, they came there for a job to do, and so it must be done.

Tenju looked back at Sumi, and Sumi looked at him back. “You need me to start up the process?" He asked, leaving a dark presence between them. The process, that of which will bring Sumi one step closer to achieving Near to become a puppet, a Human Puppet. What a twisted logic that was, but very intelligent. He if got Near, his power will soar into that of another level. He would be Sumi’s first Human Puppet creation, one that he’s been particing for quite awhile. Sumi smiled at Tenju, and slowly licked his lips at the taste of power. “Yes, you may begin.” Sumi said, and with that Sumi took a few steps backwards and watched Tenju.

Gira and Pakumi flickered beside Sumi, both of them removing their masks. “Is the process about to start Lord Kazekage?” Gira asked quietly, Pakumi looked at them simultaneously. Sumi didn’t say anything, but he did nod in agreement. Both of them had a look on their face that resembled fear, yet excitement. They were scared of Sumi for some reason, maybe of what he was doing, or maybe of what he would become. Their Lord’s wishes were very important to them, but to any extent Sumi would never know. They despised Near as much as Sumi, but maybe despised Sumi using him as a weapon also. Sumi looked at them both, and smiled to assure comfort. “Don’t worry.” Sumi said while placing each hand on their shoulders. Both Gira and Pakumi gave a slow bow and watched Tenju. Things were about to get interesting, very interesting.
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Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyTue Aug 18, 2009 11:04 pm

[ooc: I'm having trouble copying and pasting so i cant put the jutsu on the topic,atm]

Creepy. The only word that could express this situation. Dramatically the clouds began to build as Tenju touched the body of the Akatsuki. Tenju got the signal from the Kazekage to start up the jutsu he had in stock. So Tenju began to pull the body a few meters away from the actual location where everyone stood at. It wasn't neccesary but he wanted to have the free space he wanted to do this rare jutsu. The jutsu took alot of chakra eventhough it was a basic jutsu. But a genin like Tenju could hold on due to his chakra reserve he has. He knows when to stop and keep going on situations. "Let's do this....." Was the words of the young genin. Even more dramatic rain began to fall on Tenju's forehead as he looked upon the clouds which were in a dark and mysterious way. It was rare that out of nowhere the sun just went away. As everysecond passed the rain kept building up and fall even harder upon all the ninjas. This made the day worst for the shinobis. In this condition everything was harder for them, more for Tenju. But it was his duty to do this for the Kazekage. Tenju began to concentrate as he began to form handsigns. Everyone seemed to be looking at Tenju as he did his job. Possibly wondering about this young genin's powers, and what can he do when he grows up stronger. With all the rain falling upon Tenju he closed his eye's letting the rain fall upon his face and lips as he could taste the sweat of his face from a long journey to the Moon Country.

Tenju's eyes grew completely wide open as his forhead veins popped a little from the pressure he was making to do this. He was putting every effort he had upon his body to make this succesfully. His hands rised upon the air as he started doing his job, releasing chakra strings and connecting them into sensitive points in the body. The chakra began to flow inside the Akatsuki's body as it began to physically destroy every organ inside it, until nothing was left. This proccess seemed to be intense but it wasnt really, it was something that would happen in a matter of seconds. After about half a second a splatter of blood happened. Splatering all over the field, leaving the field and maybe others covered with blood. It would all appear as the body just blowed up, but instead it just released all the blood inside the body making it hollow. Unknow by others the chakra upon Near's body had already doen the job of transforming the body into a puppet. Although it might not seemed like it, the body inside it was just about as hollow as an empty nut shell.

Tenju hold up the body and began to move it ,just like a normal puppet, the body itself was about as weightless as a paper for a puppeteer. "It's done Lord Kazekage." Tenju said as he made a sign of relave and hoped it was surely doen the way it was supposed to.
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Elder Sage
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Elder Sage

Near versus Anbu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Near versus Anbu   Near versus Anbu EmptyWed Aug 19, 2009 8:29 pm

“Tap...tap...tap!” Was all Sumi heard while standing there with his two Anbu, Gira and Pakumi. Pakumi had tendency of tapping his katana with his fingers when he was nervous, sweat started to pour from his face while all three of them stood there and watched Tenju. “Will you stop doing that!” Gira said sharply at Pakumi, trying to make it as quiet as possible. Kazekage Sumi just stood there, and watched Tenju had he dragged the body back a few meters. He guess that Tenju needed more space to perform the Jutsu, but hopefully he didn't because he could be endangering him, and more importantly himself. Sumi stood there like a statue, both his hands folded in front of him and feet together. His lose jacket dangled in the wind as it slowly picked up, not the rest of him was motionless. Pakumi and Gira finally stopped their arguing, it was annoying without a doubt for Sumi, but it kept humor in his soul. Out of nowhere Sumi felt a tap on his shoulder, raising a eyebrow he turned his head and faced Gira. “Lord Kazekage look!” She said while pointing at the sky.

Darkness took over the sky like Flies on a corpse. The sun was totally blocked and it appeared to be night in the valley. “Could the Jutsu have caused this?” Sumi thought while turning back to Tenju. Raindrops began to fall, first by a little then it slowly got heavier with each moment. Pakumi whipped out a scroll, and touched one of the many seals which were embedded in it. Summoning four umbrellas, he gave each of them one and saved one for Tenju when he finished. Watching Tenju, Sumi saw the strain it was taking on his body and he was almost about to stop Tenju but remembered that he isn't a child anymore. Maybe that wasn't a good enough reason, but you have to do what you have to do I suppose. So Sumi just stood there and watched as his veins began to pop, but hopefully the jutsu would quite soon. All three of them were now holding the umbrellas over there heads, distracting himself Sumi began to watch the raindrops splatter of the umbrella.

In a split second a explosion of blood came from Tenju's direction, leaving a intense feeling in the air. “Where that blood come from?” Gira shouted as all three of them looked petrified. In a split second all three of them flickered a couple feet near Tenju to examined what had happened more closely. Tenju appeared fine, so the blood must have been inside the puppet. “Thank goodness.” Sumi thought while looking at Nears new body.“It's done Lord Kazekage.” Tenju said while lifting up the puppet, and presented it to Sumi. “Excellent Tenju, well done!” He said with a sinister smile upon his face. Taking the puppet from Tenju, Sumi animated it with his puppet strings for a few seconds. He felt the power of the puppet rushing threw his veins, after a long journey there mission was finally done. “Pakumi.” Sumi said while turning his attention to him. “Oh.. yes sir!” As he said this Pakumi took out a golden scroll and unraveled it on the floor. Placing Near on top of the scroll, Sumi sealed it inside so it will be easier to transport. Taking the scroll from Pakumi and placing it inside his sleeve pocket, Kazekage looked at them all.

Mission accomplished, everyone one of you has done well, especially you Tenju. Now we must get back to the village, I do not wish to leave my villagers worried about my absence. Let us go.” With that Sumi began to walk off and looked up into to the sky. The sun once again came out of the clouds, and the rain began to stopped. “Sunagakure I'm on my way!” He thought with a smile so bright it could light an entire galaxy.
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