Confessor looked at the blue sky above him. In his hearth he knew this will be the final time he will enjoy the sky to it's fullest. After the events that will occur today he will be walking in the afterlife. Confessor fronted when he thought about it. What was the afterlife? Would he still be a being? Or would he just be a pile of rotting flesh for the insects to fest on? Confessor didn't want to think about that kind of lugubrious stuff. His main focus should be on a well organized assault, he just needed to plan his strategy well in order to maximize his chances to succeed in the Assassinationn of the Konoha Hokage.
Rumors spoke off a great disaster within the ranks of the powerhouses within the leaf. The hunt for the Akatsuki had took it's toll on the defenses off the country. If Confessor ever wanted to succeed this was the time to do it, he was prepared to become a one man demolition team. His special fauna powers would help him destroy and escape at the same time, Confessor named his assault The Forrest within a Forrest! Total Konoha rampage!.
He made a small evil laughter behind his war mask when he thought of the beauty behind his plan, and the title he gave on the unity behind it. His plan had and would work! After all I ,,, confessor the great designed it!
Confessor looked around and saw that he was a mile from the Leaf 's main gate, if he ever wanted to execute his plan this was the time to do it! With confidence behind his own actions Confessor started the preparation for it. With the chakra control off a real master wielder of his own elements Confessor quickly changed his appearance into that of a old merchant on the road. He knew if this appearance change would hold until he passed the gate his winning odds would drastic raise to a sixty percentage. I just have to believe the gate will be weak guarded today.
After his appearance change Confessor grabbed dozens off miniscule seeds out off his seed pouch and started walking on the tempo off a old man in the direction of the entry gate. Before each step he took he dropped a seed into the soil that got buried into the dirt the moment the weight of his foot stepped on it. With the tempo Confessor was walking it took at least nine minutes to arrive at the main gate.
Confessor looked around to see how it was guarded so far. He could only spot two guards that were chatting along with each other at the entry boot. While passing them the old man nodded his head to the guards. The moment he saw they turned their vision away he dropped another seed right at the entry door.
He had done it! He passed the main entry! Now quickly! I have to speed up and disappear into the crowd on main street in order to infiltrate the city without being caught,
:: An old man (confessor in disguise) just passed the main entry gate and tries to mingle within the Konoha population::