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Ultimate Shinobi : A Naruto RPG

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 Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]

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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptyFri Oct 23, 2009 1:17 pm

Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] RitoruChuuninPinUp

General Information

Name: Kira Yamazaru

Nickname/Alias: Monkey-Boy

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] IwaBadgerSummonerChuunin

In your teen years, growth spurts are as common as Ole' Reliable eruptions. Kira has grown six inches from his younger days, bringing him to a height of five feet, eight inches. Kira weighs a very solid one hundred and thirty pounds. His muscles are extremely toned, having a lean athletic body, and they sit underneath his tanned skin that he has retained since his childhood mostly due to his extensive hours out in the sun. His skin once smooth is now littered with small scars and discolorations, each mark a signature left by the countless numbers of missions and ‘rough-housing’ that he has underwent. Kira has his signature orange-red hair and deep brown eyes which give him a very young and overall attractive look.

Kira wears a single green shirt with sleeves that end just before the elbow. Over top that is a gray vest that labels him as an ANBU of Konohagakure. It is thick and can get unruly in hot weather, but it is imperative for all ANBU ranked members of the village and up to wear such gear, so Kira endures. Upon his legs are a pair of dark brown cargo pants that end about halfway down the shin, and from them white medical tape is bound around the rest of the leg and the entire foot. These same medical bandages were also wrapped around his forearms and his hands, shielding them from small cuts and bruises. His shinobi headband is still tied taught around his left bicep, and has rarely moved from his time as a Genin. And, like always, his twin chains are draped around his torso. They hang loosely from his shoulders and cross at his sternum. This outfit is a slight twist on the generic ANBU attire. But a unique thing that Kira does it he usually hates wearing shoes and is seen in bare feet, he is known to even sometimes go into battle with no ninjafoot wear on.


A shinobi can only go so far with their talent and raw skill. There is always that tiny driving force that seems to keep them going even in the most dire situations. It is a force that surpasses all amounts of training and all levels of shinobi prowess. It is an age old power that surges through each and every living thing, but many chose to keep it dormant, and do not reveal it. What then is this powerful force that's power can break through seemingly unbreakable defences and unending onslaughts? Courage. This is a character trait a great shinobi cannot be without. If one was without courage, many a mission would go incomplete or, undoubtedly, fail. It is lucky for the young Kira Yamazaru that he utilizes this emotion to its fullest extent. Kira does not know the meaning of failure or surrender. He pushes and pushes until the task is complete, and the lengths he is willing to go to show his courageousness is simply astounding. By any stretch, this is Kira's most prominent character trait, because even through his goofy and aloof nature, there is always that small hint of courageousness that seems to break through all other emotions.

But yes, setting aside his valour and unyielding courage, Kira is mischievous and cheeky. He is oblivious and aloof when it comes to his casual life. His mind seems to wander effortlessly, and he will often find himself dozing off in the middle of a mission briefing or staring at the beautiful butterfly that seemed to dance across the transparent layer of glass that separated the outside world from the air conditioned room. Though, unbelievably, this goofy attitude only slightly revealed when on duty, his ridiculous attitude towards life has gotten him in trouble many times. Kira couldn't count on all of his fingers and toes how many times he was scolded for day dreaming and paying absolutely no attention to his sensei's lessons, which would probably, explain why he lacked a true sensei for more than a short period of time. Even so, despite his mischievousness, one cannot stay mad at the young man for too long. He becomes so goofy that one cannot repress their laughter any longer, and Kira goes along his merry way without so much as a light slap on the wrist. His aloofness is as much a perk as it is a curse.

Many shinobi for that reason alone would be reprimanded and punished for their actions but with Kira he always seems to come through the other side. By many he is considered a genius, hailing from a mysterious clan which much is not known. His mental ability is that which isn’t seen in many ninja and is the main reason alone that he has been so successful making the ANBU rank in Konoha at the age of 15. His tactician and strategic ability on the battlefield is second to none and his knowledge of jutsu, nature and the world is vast. No matter the circumstance, he always amazes his officers and peers. From matters of full on offensive to highly covert operations, Kira always seems to fabricate brilliant means of execution. He has displayed this many times through various missions and battles, and depending on the situation a completely different Kira takes over, one of superior cunning and intellectuality much different to the daydreaming, cheeky Kira that often prefers playing in the wild with his summons than doing actual work. His love of nature and all living things is often the cause of his lack of attention. Coming from the Yamazaru clan he grew up in an environment were he was constantly with animals and nature and he still has this residual feeling in him today.

Personality Trait's:

[Courage - Fun - Goofiness - Persistance]

Catch Phrase:

"Nature is something you don't mess with!"

"Ahhh....whaa? Sorry I wasn't listening" [Followed by cheaky grin]

Clan Information

Clan Name: Yamazaru Clan

Kekkei Genkai:

Animal Sealing:
Long ago, the Yamazaru clan members sealed traits and abilities of specific animals which they studied on their travels with a special type of seal. They place these fuuinjutsu seals on every clansmans body in different areas to usual replecate the ability which it possess. These seals, ultimately, when released by the user combine both the clansmens chakra with the animals ability which is sealed within the seal, in order to link the seperate animal trait/ability to the user. The ability is able to temporarily allow the user to gain the trait/ability that is sealed within the secret fuuinjutsu of the clan.

Shukyou Seal:
This is the most famous seal within the Yamazaru Clan and is the most complecated and powerful that they have created. Due to a new law within the clan all new born babies must have this seal placed on them before the first week of life. The seal is placed on the newborns stomach and it is large, taking up the whole stomach. The Shukyou Seal combines both the clansmens mind adn chakra with the primate species as the Yamazaru clan has a bond with the primates. This links their neurons together allowing them to have a complete bond. The seal is ultimately an advanced form of the Animal Sealing method as the primate elders combined with the clansmen allowing them to used secret fuuinjutsu techniques that allows the seal to have a vast amount of power in it, a lot more than i normal seal. The Shukyou Seal allows the clansmen to transform into ape hybrid giving them all the characteristics, behavior and abilties that a primate would have. Seeing as this seal is very complecated it is released in three forms:

1st Seal Release: This stage of the seal is active since being applied and allows the clansmen to gain the basic traits of a primate. The clansmen gains enhanced reflexes like a monkey able to move like a monkey with ease, they also gain an enhanced sense of smell and hearing stronger than any ninja hound.

2nd Seal Release: When this stage of the seal is released the outside decorated layer of the seal lights up a blue colour, the same as chakra activation. The clansmen's primal traits strengthen and they soon look more like a primate. Their hair will grow long down to their back, thier pupils will become smaller, they grow long sharp fangs, nails grow longer to a claw-like length, they grow long sideburns and their hair thickens and grows in length on their forearm all they way down to the back of their hand and on the tops of their feet. The most startling monkey trait they gain is that of a tail, a long tail grows from their tailbone. In this partial primate transformation they gain an even sharper sense of smell and hearing. They gain greater speed and strength and a superior climbing ability. In this state their balance and agility is greater then that of a monkey, combined with all their other trait increases they become very difficult to deal with.

3rd Seal Release: This is the final stage of the Shukyou Seal and when released both the black circle and the decorated edges of the seal light up the same blue colour. The clansmen now becomes a complete ape-human hybrid gaining more intense primate traits then in the 2nd seal. This is considered the most powerful stage of the seal seeing as it gives the user access to the greatest level of primal instinct and ape ability. In this stage the clansmen strength and speed is doubled along with their agility and balance. Their physical capabilities increase dramatically able to punch craters into the earth (2-3m radius) and move at increased speeds. Though the greatest asset in this stage is the unlocking of specific parts of the users mind. Primates are considered the most intelligent of all animals and when in this stage the clansmen gains the intelligence of that of a primate as well as a human. They gain wider perception of their surroundings able to react to situations quicker. It would appear to others that the clansmen moves at amazing speeds but they are only reacting to the oppositions movements faster. The genral knowledge and mental capacity of the user increases. But using this stage of the seal takes its toll and the clansmen can only be relieved of this stage if there chakra levels are completely exhausted. This seal can only be accessed by a clansmen of A rank or higher.
What the seal looks like:

Primate Summoning Contract:
Due to the great bond that the primates and the Yamazaru clansmen have summoning is a lot more easy and is used more frequently. Clansmen sign the contract with the primates when they are young and it is sealed within the Shokyou Seal on their stomach. This means the clansmen doesn't have to summon the primates through a scroll or tattoo all they need to do is form the monkey handseal and the summon seal will form anywhere the summoner wishes able to summon a primate anywhere at anytime with ease. Experienced clan members don't have to form any seals at all. Clan members are able to summon anby primate that they wish as the contract covers all species of primates that exist in the world. This ranges from monkeys, apes, gorilla's, Chimpanzee's, Orangatang, lemur's etc etc.

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History:

The Yamazaru Clan is a long existing clan that has been around for many decades. Though not large in size or political standing the clan is well known thoughout the world for their expertise and knowledge in fuuinjutsu, animals and their love of nature. The clan first started nearly a century ago by group of young males and females who had a passion and love for animals. They travelled around the world studying animals all shapes and sizes, working out where they lived and their habitats, and how they co-exist with humans in the world. The clan members were not considered ninja but more researchers or scientists. They had a extensive knowledge of fuuinjutsu arts and this was another passion of theirs.

As time passed the members of this clan grew as they travelled through many foreign countries in search for new and exciting species of animals. The Yamazaru Clan for a long time never really settled down finding their roots, they were on the move constantly as they would find a area where animals existed and they would study them temporarily camping there for days or maybe weeks. But then once they gathered all the information they needed they soon departed again in search for a new adventure. The ability that the clan is most famous for would be their special Animal Sealing techniques which are unique to Yamazaru Clan members. With all the knowledge of animals studying their characteristics and abilities mixed with their vast knowledge of fuuinjutsu they started to create unique seals which were able to temporarily give a human the traits of specific animals.

These seals were enscribed onto members bodies and with a release of the seal the clan member would be able to use the abilities which were bestowed within the unique seal. This ability was one that the world had never seen before and had revolutionised the use of fuuinjutsu. Yamazura Clan members decided to keep it quiet and to not change anything about their behavior so they continued to travel around the world. But one day after a long and arduous trek up a remote mountain boarding the Fire Country they stumbled on a group of animals that they would eventually fall in love with and change their lives forever.

This mountain was a primate stronghold and it held all species of primates ranging from Gorilla to chimpanzee. This clan was amazed with the way these animals lived, their intelligence, strength, agility and speed mesmerized the Yamazaru clan members. They soon found out that the mountain was called Mt. Shukyou and it was were the primates had called home for centuries. They stayed for weeks even months just looking from afar experiencing something they had never seen before. Eventually they decided to contact the mighty beasts but they already knew of their presence, the mountain was sacred and they knew it like the back of their hand. The primates took the members in knowing of their love of all live and anything natural and after a while a bond formed between both man and beast.

The clan decided to set-up residence on this mountain and have lived on Mt. Shukyou for many decades. They live hand in hand with the primates and they have become one with the family. The clan is still small in size and they are allowed to venture off the mountain if they wish. But they are taught the sacred secrets and laws of the primate colony and would never break the trust that is bestowed to them and give away the secret location of the mountain. With the clans great fuuinjutsu abilties and eternal connection with the primates they created a seal which is to be sealed onto any newborn child's stomach when they are born into the clan. This seal is so secret that onyl clan members know how to create it. It gives the clan member everlasting bond with the primates allowing them to summon the primates at anytime without the need of long handseals or other summoning seals. But it also allows the member the ability of primates allowing them to morph themselves into a primate receiving access to all abilities and characteristics that they possess while still being a human.

Rank Information:

Rank: ANBU [A-Ranked]
Village: Konohagaukre

Skill Information

Skill Specialty:
Main: Fuuinjutsu/Summoning [KKG]
Sub: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Main: None
Sub: None

Special Characteristics:

Genius - Kira is considered by many as a genius as he is a very intelligent guy. He is capable of quickly adjusting to new developments and making quick decisions accordingly. He has great tactical acumen. He is shown to be also a very perceptive, able to analysis difficult situations with ease. His skill at battle tactics is undeniable, and his knowledge of both jutsu and nature is second to none.

Attuned With Nature - Kira growing up and being part of the Yamazaru Clan grew up in a setting where he was constantly surrounded by animals, nature, and everything in it. This ability is so strong that he seems to be one with animals especially primates. He is able to interact with all animal species effortlessly and seems to attract animals to him. This ability seems to go to the point where he can communicate with them understanding and speaking their language. He is often seen with small birds on his shoulders happily resting with him. On occasion he will ask such animals to help him.


Basic Item List:
15 Kunai
20 Shuriken
8 Smoke Bombs
30ft of Ninja Wire
20 Explosive Tags
10 Explosive Pouches
3 Small Scrolls [Hanging on Waist Under Shirt]

Background Information


Kira grew up and lived on Mt Shukyou for most of his childhood. He was born on the mountain into the Yamazaru Clan which both of his parents were members of. His father a animal research and his mother a specialist fuuinjustsu expert loved him with all of their hearts as he was their first born, and would be their only child after that. Kira was away from modern civilisation and contact with other humans apart from his clan members. The clan was on Mt Shuykou which was the homeland of the largest Primate colony in the world. The clans passion for animals and primates seems to be passed down to all it's members, and from a young age it was obvious that Kira loved everything natural whether it be the thick woods, slopping hills, cloudy skies or the animals that inhabited the area, he ahd formed a passion.

Kira especially fell in love with Primates to his parents joy and would often be seen riding on the backs of primates through the hillside with his parents watching happily. At a young age the Shukyou Seal was placed on his stomach by his mother who was one of the clan specialists in fuuinjutsu. This seal was placed on all young clan members and would give Kira a formidible bond with the primate species. He was only young and did not know how to use the seal but that would come with knowledge, experience and age. Little did he know that the first stage of the seal was active, and is always active from when it is sealed. This gave him monkey-like acrobatic skills and like a little jungle boy he used to swing on and climb the trees on the hillside with his priamte companions. Without him even knowing he was becoming more and more like a primate by the second and as he aged the traits from the first seal would become unnoticable and it he would have complete control.


After long consideration between Kira's parents they decided to venture out of the mountain and live in Konoha were they could start to live a more 'normal' existance. Of course they still loved the clan and the mountain, but they wanted to settle down and do something different with their lives. This was a common accurance within the clan and of course they were allowed down the mountain into the Fire Country and Konoha while still being apart of the clan. They would visit as often as they could, and has a transportation seal so they could visit anytime they wished. Kira was torn. He didn't want to leave the mountain and all of his primate friends as they were the only friends he had, and he was having such a great time. but his parents promised him that he would soon form a bond with thoughs 'friends' like never before, when he became a ninja. Kira's parents wanted him to enroll in the academy so he could become a ninja and live a life that they both once had being former ninja and memebrs of Konohagakure.

So the day came when he enrolled in the academy and learn't the way of the ninja. He was very uncomfortable in the academy as he had very little contact with children his age before this experience. Many thought he was weird and his monkey-like traits such as climbing and hanging upside down at recess brough him many unsual looks. But as time went on he blossomed and his true personality came through and he made many friends. This was mainly due to his mischievious nature often causing trouble in the class and playing pranks. This naturally earn't him him the nickname 'Monkey-Boy' as his mischievious nature mixed with his monkey-like traits gave the origin of his name perfect sense. But when it came to exams many though he would be the bottom of the class as he didn't listen that much and was often too busy mucking around. When the final exam results came through it showed that he came out second in the class. many were puzzled by this and couldn't understand how, so he entered a IQ test which revealed that he had the mental capacity of near 'genius' level.

When it came to being in a genin squad he wa choosen to be in one of the elite squads due to the resent knowledge. With the help of his parents and gain more knowledge of his clan abilities and learn't the secrets of the primates and the clan. He became very talented at fuuinjutsu with his mothers teachings, and taijutsu due ot his Shukyou seal. He was a valuable asset on missions and their squad was continually picked to go on important missions as their success rate was very sharp. Kira would now take regular trips back to the mountain to see his clan, learn techniques, train and find specific primate for his contract summon. He was naturally affinitated towards the Gorilla species and was gifted Hokota the gorilla son of the leader as a summon. They would bond with each other and soon become best of friends for life.


Kira was quickly promoted to chuunin as his raw talented was seen by many of the elite ninja in the village. He continued to hone his skills and abilities becoming one of the villages most talented up and coming ninja. He lead many missions and always seemed to be busy. But he did find some time for himself, often seen lying asleep in trees in the park or on the Hokage mountain on a summers day. He effortless attitude was still there, but it didn't seem to affect him as his courage and determination made up for the lack of intense training. He was naturally gifted and he was soon mastering the second stage seal of the Shukyou at only chuunin rank. Once he had learn't this stage he was becoming a chuunin of jounin level able to command squads and successfully do missions with ease.

After a long stay in the village his parents decided to move back to the mountain which never left their hearts. They had given their son the opportunity to experience the life of a ninja and Kira was grateful for it. But he wanted to stay in the village as he felt he still had much to achieve. So his parents now seeing his as a grown man, though only 15 left him in the village with the apartment and the transportation seal. He would visit them whenever he could as he loved making trips to the mountain still, trying to acquire new knowledge and knew primate friends. He was becoming a bit of a character around the village now being a 'free man' with no rules and parents he could do whatever he wanted. But suddenly out of no where he was offered a position in the ANBU. He was seen as a ninja with much potential and under the right hands he would become great. How could Kira turn it down, he relished the opportunity to work with some of the villages best ninja.


Kira was introduced to the life of ANBU Black Ops, a life of secrecy and illusion. He would learn many new techniques that would allow him to effectivly combine his talents with that of the ANBU - espionage, infiltration, and assassination. He knowledge and skill base increased ten fold, though he had to work harder which was the downside to the job. He was then introduced into a squad full of 'special' ninja. All having a similar ability which would make them one of the most elite ANBU squads in the village. They were a special breed, all naturally gifted in their own unique way. Kira was excited, finally he would be working with ninja that he could learn a lot off, and wouldbe venturing on missions that would test him limits to the max, giving a new meaning to life threatening. Kira's life was to start now, he was to encounter some of the most feared ninja in the world and protect the good from evil.

To be continued...

RP Sample:
[From NWOTN 3.0]

In the room which Raiken slept in everything was silent and no light from the outside could pierce it's way through the dark, doubled layered material that was his curtains. Raiken sat up in bed as he slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. As he opened them, he could barely see in his room and sat upright in his bed beginning to think, ponder about what venture he would go on today. Ideas and thoughts shuffled through his mind about possible things and adventures that he could go on but these days he didn't really have much to do. The academy was going to officially open in a couple of weeks and in the time before that Raiken was free to do whatever he felt like in the long and arguous days that life brought him. He wasn't complaining, this would give him a chance to really explore hidden areas of the village which he wasn't allowed to before, or practice his ninja skills before the big day would arrive. All Raiken knew was that he had to find something to do today or he would be stuck at home with his mother again bored out his tree.

Raiken slowly got up out of bed like any young boy would do in the direction of the window. He was going by the bearings that his memory had of his room as he couldn't see his hand in front of him it was so dark. He slowly pulled the curtains back and a rush of sunlight pierced it's way through the window in front of him. Raikenquickly shut his eyes, and after a few minutes opened them again slowly, giving them time to adjust to the new light in the room. He looked up into the sky to see a bright blue blanket spread across it, without a cloud in site. Raiken always knew what the day was going to be like by looking at the sky. It was part of his clan heritage which he valued and respected very much. He was always intreged with the sky above him and could look at it hours on end without moving. But he wasn't going to do that today, no he was going to first have a shower and then travel into the inner city of Kumogakure to scope out something interesting to to.

After having a shower at home and eating the breakfast his mother laid out of him on the table he packed up a few things and told her he was going out for the day. Like always she said "Be careful Raiken, you never know what kind of nasty person is out there," and like always he shrugged it off. Raiken stepped out onto the walm stone path just outside his house searching which way to go, he had to find the fasted route to town as he was going on foot. On his travels he began to think of something to do for he was bored out of his mind. He scanned what was the inner city of Kumogakure a head of him, as his home was not far away from town only a couple minutes walk. He scanned over all the old buildings and shops looking for a place for his adventure to start. He passed many places all for which he ahd been before. Finally he stopped and glanced at a large building in front of him. It was very old looking like every other building in the cvillage, but enscribed on the side of the large stair case leading up to a large wooden door was the word [Library].

Raiken stopped and looked up at the building which towered over him like he was an ant. It had surprised him but he had never been here before. Such a large building and his mother never took him there. Raiken was fascinated by the large building and he slowly walked up the steps to venture inside. It was easy to say that Raiken wasn't obsessed or intreged by books and scrolls that much, but that wasn't the main reason he was here. Sure, he would give a couple a good go at reading them but it had never really interested him that much. What Raiken really wanted to do was venture through the library and find secret rooms and catacombs which no one knew about but the Raikage himself. Raiken had quite the imagination on him like any other young, curious boy his age. As he walked up to the top of the steps he began to slowly push on the large double wooden doors. Crazy ideas and thoughts rushed through his mind like a stick being swept down a rushing stream. As the large doors began to open Raiken wondered what amazing things would be inside. His adventure for the day was just beginning....

Raiken pushed the large wooden doors open with force as they were quite heavy. He wondered why it wasn't open already, it was the middle of the day and he was sure many people would pass through the place, it was just rude to have the doors shut. Raiken wasn't completely wrong either. The library wasn't exactly packed but it still had a large number of people walking around, or reading books at tables. The inside was quite elaborate and decrative. The inside of the building was as old-fashioned as the outside, and this was to be expected. Raiken walked inside slowly his eyes darting from one side of the room to the other. He had never seen so many books and scrolls in his life before, the walls being covered in them in all directions.

Raiken walked up the main enterance up to a counter. There was a small, older looking lady perched in a black chair behind the large counter writing on a long scroll. "Well hello there dear, how may I help you?" she said with a kind voice. Raiken didn't really know what he wanted, he wasn't exactly sure what to look for in the his. He asked her about the place and what kinds of things he could find in here. She replied quickly and proptly, spitting out a thousand words at a time, explaining everything there is to know about books. Raiken's brain could barely handle everything she was saying so he politely ended the conversation and went to explore the area himself.

There were many corridors and rooms which people were quietly sat at reading or writing. Naturally, Raiken came across area's which he and the public were restricted to and he thought this must be the area where the hidden secrets of the village were kept or forbidden jutsu for ninja never to set their eyes on. He turned his head to the left, and then to the right. The corridor on which he stood was empty except his own two feet. He then went to turn the knob on the turn to open it, being very cautious not to set off any alarms or anything. But the door wouldn't budge so he looked around up and over it. there happened to be a couple of seals on the door which raiken had noticed. "Darn, I'm never going to be able to open the door with those things on them." But as eager as he was he tried anyway.

Suddenly a man came out from no where "Hey kid, what do you think your doing." Raiken looked up at him with a guilty look on his face, and without any hesitation he ran for the door. The man quickly followed him nipping at his heels every stride that he took. The man didn't look like a ninja, and Raiken thought that he might work here but he wasn't going to take any chances. He quickly ran in between two woman who hurtled their books up in the air in shock. Raiken turned his head around still running, and had a little chuckle but he didn't have time as the man was still following. Raiken then pushed through another door and finally the main exit was in his sight. He jumped over a chair and lunged himself forward for the door. He quickly pulled it open and ran down the stairs. The man stood at the door with his arms on his legs panting heavily. "If I ever catch you around here again you little brat, you will be sorry!" Raiken poked his head out from around the corner where he hid, his heart fluttering at a million miles an hour. it was only the morning but Raiken could tell the today was going to be an eventful one.

Last edited by Todd on Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:49 am; edited 3 times in total
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptySat Oct 24, 2009 3:11 am



Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Sad_Cliffs

Kira was born into the Yamazaru clan, a clan that specializes in animals. He grew up being surrounded by animals and nature at all moments of his life learning to become one with them in there home Mt Shukyou. The clan's special bond with the species of primates is one which has be herrald as the perfect bond between man and animal. For nearly a century the two have lived in harmony together learning and teachnig off one another while still maintaining a love of each others company. Yamazaru clan members all sign a contract with their blood, a contract that binds them to the primate species and the primate species to them. This summoning contract is more than the average contract between man and animal, because this contract is a sign of love, dedication and protection to the other. They are all one family and the protection your family is what the contract means.

The members of this clan possess the ability to summon primates at any given time. Thusly, Kira mainly fights through the use of his primates, which have aided him throughout his life. He learned the art of summoning at a very young age, and ever since then his abilities and bonds with the primate species and the art have grown. While he can summon all type of primate creatures, there are a few that have become his favorites, some which he has bonded with eternally and have become more than a summon, they have become is family, friends, and guardians. Each member is given a first primate summon after the contract is formed and that initial summon is the once which they will bond with, naturally the most. Though Kira has a deep love for all his summons and would do anything to protect them.

Kira's first summon was from the ape family a gorilla. From then on he trained along side that summon everyday and night forming a bond that is unbreakable. As time passes and the clan member grows older they come into contact with other summons and different primate for which they also grow a strong bond with. Each summon becomes as important as the last and a Yamazaru clansmen may even form a bond with 15 different primates, and have access to use of many others through additional ties. Kira uses a core of summons which abilities complement each other. He has both "New Age" and "Old Age" primate summons. "New Age" primates seem to be a mixture of multiple species while "Old Age" primates stick to a core breeding within own type. He lives and trains with them knowing them inside out and putting their needs first. When in battle the teamwork between the clansmen and his summons needs to be perfect and this is where the most difficult part of training comes. But when the teamwork is great the more powerful the group becomes able to share knowledge of each and learn how to act and react.

Primate Traits: [What the different primates Kira uses are known for]

All Primates: [All primates possess these characteristics and traits]
- Great Balance
- Great Agility
- Superior Climbing Abilities
- Great Intelligence

- Quick Wit
- Unpredictable Movements
- Great knowledge of Ninjutsu + Taijutsu
- Mostly "New Age"

- Protective Nature
- Immense Physical Strength
- Mostly "Old Age"

- Vast Intelligence
- Superior Speed
- Mostly "New Age"

- Aggresive Nature
- Superior Speed
- Great Knowledge of Physical Attacks
- Mostly "Old Age"

The Saru Siblings
Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Monkey_by_VoteQuimby1

Hishu the Spider
Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] SpiderMonkeysewrwer

Hokota the Mighty
Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Gorillagth

Boro the Nimble
Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] 8a1b3e2c8399c44f


Hoto the Vicious
Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Baboon_by_wagnerf1


Last edited by Todd on Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:04 am; edited 12 times in total
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptySat Oct 24, 2009 3:12 am


Quote :
Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse

Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water

Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know where it is and can easily activate it.

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A very basic technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.

Name: Kai - Release
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Name: Anshi - Night Vision
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: After performing the right hand seals, the user would focus their chakra into their eyes allowing them to see in the dark.

Name: Time Regression Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a Ninjutsu technique used by the ANBU to pull out forgotten memories. After forming the needed hand seals, the ANBU will put the target into a trance. After counting back to the day they wish to learn about, they will ask the target to remember incidents they have since forgotten. This allows the ANBU to gather intel that would other be inaccessible.

Name: Life Shield
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The ANBU envelopes his target in need of protection with his arms and achieves a short series of handseals, as a result, a sturdy invisible shield of chakra is risen in front of them to protect from attack.

Clan Techniques

Quote :
Name: Bridge of Minds
Rank: N/A
Type: Clan Trait
Description: This is a passive technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. This is a trait that all clan members possess when they have bonded and formed a close friendship with primates. This technique allows the clansman telepathically talk with their summons, able to talk with them mind-to-mind not speaking out loud. This is handy in the midst of battle when teamwork between the clan member and he or she's summons needs to be perfect.

Name: Eternal Bond
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. For every 'Primate' species present on the battle field with 'Eternal Bond" activated, the speed and strength of all primates and the clansmen are increased by multiples of 5%. For example, if only one 'Primate' is on the field, their is only a 5% boost, however for every primate after that, it goes up another 5%.

Name: Animal Sealing: Strength of the Beast
Rank: C-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of two horns on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. With this seal activated the user gains the strength of a beast. The amount of chakra required depends on the level of strength being reached, the higher the rank the higher strength increase the user will gain. The rank of this technique depends on the strength that the user is trying to obtain. This strength lasts for more then a single strike, with a maximum sustained time of 4 posts.
C= 15%
B= 25%
A= 40%
S= 50%

Name: Animal Sealing: Speed of the Beast
Rank: C-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of 6 vertical lines on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. With this seal activated the user gains the speed of a beast. The amount of chakra required depends on the level of speed being reached, the higher the rank the higher speed increase the user will gain. The rank of this technique depends on the speed that the user is trying to obtain. This speed lasts for more then a single post, with a maximum sustained time of 3 posts.
C= 15%
B= 25%
A= 40%
S= 50%

Name: Animal Sealing: Lungs of a Fish
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of two circles on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. The user's pharyngeal slights within their neck will morph into gills, which will become visible on the outside of the neck. With this technique, the user will be able to breathe underwater, as well as still being able to breath above it. This technique also modifies the eyes slightly to give them a thicker coating, like a fish, so that the user can see well underwater, though this does somewhat impair the above water sight of the user. The user can use this technique for as long as they wish to sustain it, it can be cancelled at anytime.

Name: Animal Sealing: Wings of a Butterfly
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of two thick vertical lines on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. The user will sprout a large pair of decorative butterfly wings out of their back, which unfold as though a newly born butterfly coming out of a cocoon. These wings are powerful enough to allow the user to flutter in the air flying at a low level, users cannot travel too high into the air as it is more of a hovering/levitation. The user can use this technique for 3 posts at a single time, but it can also be cancelled at anytime.

Name: Animal Sealing: Hiding like a Charmeleon Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of a large arrow on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. This allows the user to comoflague themselves rendering them invisible, blending in with their surroundings. This technique perfectly hides the user if standing still, but if they were to move, visible murmurs in the air can be seen by an opponent. The user can use this technique for as long as they wish to sustain it, it can be cancelled at anytime and will be cancelled if the user is caught.

Name: Animal Sealing: Eye of The Eagle
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of a sun on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. This gives the user an increase in the ability to see objects in the distance or to magnify objects up close. With this technique activated the users pupil thin and they can see perfectly up to distances of 150m. The user can use this technique for as long as they wish to sustain it, it can be cancelled at anytime.

Name: Animal Sealing: Squid Tentacle Arms
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of a tenticle on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. This technique projects several squid tentacles from within the user's clothing (four from each sleeve). These tentacles usually emerge from the users shirt. These tentacles are very versatile, as they can grapple, throw, bind, and suction down upon the target. The user is able to use chakra combined within the seal to gain some control over them, and it is even possible to use these extensions to climb up walls, as they can suction to the surface of objects. The user can use this technique for as long as they wish to sustain it, it can be cancelled at anytime or is cancelled when they are destroyed.

Name: Animal Sealing: Hide of a Rhino
Rank: B-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of a square filled with small black circles on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. This technique turns the users skin into a thick leather hide much like that of a Rhino. The physical appearance isn't much different only turning the users skin a light grey colour. This leather skin is resistant to most weaponary techniques not easily cut or slashed allowing the user protection from sharp weapons such as swords etc. It also holds some resistance to taijutsu, able to protect the user against physical attacks. The user can use this technique for as long as they wish to sustain it, it can be cancelled at anytime or is cancelled when it is destroyed.
B= Weaponary- 50% Taijutsu- 30%
A= Weaponary- 60% Taijutsu- 40%

Name: Animal Sealing: Strike of a Snake
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique unique to members of the Yamazaru Clan. By releasing the seal that takes the form of a small fang on the clan members body, they can release the special abilities which were bestowed within the seal using the clans unique Animal Sealing method. This is a technique that gives the user the speed and accuracy of a striking snake against an opponent. For a single strike the clansman can increase both the accuracy and speed of their chosen strike giving it near perfect accuracy and inimaginable speed (Note: the speed increase is not the whole body but the strike itself). Though, this can only last for a single strike and after that the technique is cancelled. This skill can be used 3 times per battle.
Accuracy Increase= 100%
Speed Increase= 100%


Quote :
Name: Sensory Barrier Seal
Rank: B
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: Sensory Barrier Seal is a fuuinjutsu technique that is used to find and locate hidden enemies. After forming a short succession of handseals, the user will slam him hands on the ground infront of him. From the contact to the ground a a small seal will appear and a sensory barrier will spread in a 15m radius around the user. This sensory barrier can detect the movements of a hidden foe. Should the field touch the users opponent, they will know their position immediately and can act accordingly.

Name: Chakra Absorption Seal
Rank: A
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: Chakra Absorption Seal is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by Kira to absorb the substance of incoming attacks. This seal will absorb elemental based attacks when they come in range of Kira. This seal is formed when Kira forms some handseals, he will then reverse his chakra flow to draw the external attack deep within his body and nullify it. This is done with the seal absorbing the attack once it has receeded within Kira. This seal can only be used once per battle as it takes a toll on the user. Also due to Kira reversing his chakra flow, the next turn he cannot use any chakra based techniques. This can absorb any chakra based A-Ranked attack and below, and can absorb 50% damage from a S-Ranked attack.

Name: Skin Sealing Method: Creation
Rank: B
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: This is a fuuinjutsu technique that it unique to Kira Yamazaru. With his talented ability to create, mold and manipulate seals Kira uses this technique to either imbue the seal onto himself or another being. This technique is more advance than Finger Engraving Seal because it allows him seal specific fuuinjutsu seals onto a target whether it be an opponent or an ally. Depending on how complex the seal is it can be removed with the right knowledge and skill set from another fuuinjutsu user or Kira himself.

Name: Finger Engraving Seal
Rank: D
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: Finger Engraving Seal is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the ninja Kira Yamazaru. This is a simple fuuinjutsu technique and it is activated when the user forms the needed sealing chakra on their finger. They can then engrave a message into an object or anything they desire.

Name: Wound Prevention Seal
Rank: C
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: Wound Prevention Seal is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the ninja Kira Yamazaru. After forming the needed handseals Kira will then place his hand over an area which has been damaged. Using Kira's chakra and the needed sealing chakra, Kira will form a seal over the wound which allows it protection from outside elements. This technique does not heal the wound but protets it from further damage allowing it to heal faster. This technique can be used on both minor and major injuries, though attention from a medical ninja is still required if the wound does not naturally heal itself.

Name: Teleportation Barrier Seal
Rank: B
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: After the user performs the technique, a seal will begin to be drawn using their chakra on the ground, in a circular shape, around 50 meters in radius with the user at the center. This technique takes a single post to finish, though once started, the user no longer needs to concentrate on it. Once the jutsu is done, until the user cancels the technique, loses consciousness, or killed, the seal will remain. During that time, a person will be unable to leave or enter the seal while using chakra or stamina. This disables both the user and anyone else caught inside, from leaving through methods such as shunshin, or other jutsu designed for running away. This technique goes both underground and into the sky as well, in a spherical fashion.
Note that this jutsu is constantly maintained over Shinobi Village gates at all times.

Name: Evil Sealing Method
Rank: A
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Description: Evil Sealing Method is a Fuuinjutsu technique used to counter-act the effects of a 'cursed' seal (A seal that has a negative effect on a target). The ninja writes the needed seal characters on the ground and body of the person cursed with the seal. The ninja then forms the needed handseals and places his hand over the cursed seal and then activates the written seal. The seal characters will then retreat to surround the cursed seal in a circular seal. Though the Evil Sealing Method can work well against lesser seals, it will not be able to fully stop a high leveled seal placed by a powerful, skilled ninja.


Quote :
Name: Primate Style: Stance of the Monkey
Rank: N/A
Type: Trait
Description: This style is used Kira Yamazaru who was taught by the Monkey King Enma. From Kira's teachings from Enma, he has acquired this skill after training relentlessly for years with the strongest of the monkey users. This style ultimately enhances the muscles in Kira's body, making him extremely flexible and agile, much like monkeys are while swinging from trees. This style also gives him the strength of an ape, able to land powerful punches and kicks with great force, much greater than the average shinobi. This style is basically a way to enhance the muscles without the risk of lactic acid build up. The style is activated when the user takes the stance of a monkey, on all fours, slightly tucking his fingers underneath his hands. In thsi position Kira has learn't to move like a monkey making his movements unpredidictable and fast. This style is a great combination with his clan techniques and he was taught by the founders of the technique, primates back on Mt. Shukyou.

Name: Inverse Guillotine
Rank: D
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user of this taijutsu technique will approach the enemy at speed to first trip them so that they flip over. They will then roll under the enemy's head, and kick upward at the enemy's throat or face.

Name: Herculean Toss
Rank: D
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user will approach the target with speed and will then grab the opponent's feet and spin around rapidly in the air. This will cause the target twirl around rapidly as the user will have them by there feet until the user sends them hurling, throwing them to the ground.

Name: Monkey Flip
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user of this technique pulls the opponent by the shirt or shoulders while falling back. During the fall the user pulls his knee up in between the pair. After contact with the ground is made the user then extends his leg completely throwing the opponent over them slamming them into the ground.

Name: Gorilla Suplex
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user will have to be standing behind his opponent to initiate this technique. The user then hooks both of his opponent's arms from the sides, and places his hands palm down flat against the opponent's upper back. He then lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming the opponent down to the ground shoulder and neck first causing great damage to the targets head and shoulders.

Name: Crushing Ape Hug
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user wraps his arms around his opponent's body or both body and arms, and then crushes him. The air will escape the opponent's lungs and they won't be able to breath. Afterward, their body will be stiff for awhile. With impressive strength weak bones may even break. Full powered hugs cannot be maintained for long since it requires a lot of muscle strength. This technique also requires getting very close to the opponent.

Name: Crushing Gorilla Fist
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: This is a taijutsu technique where the ninja forms a tight fist combined with the Monkey Stance and chakra in order to strike the enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating. This move is capable of crushing the opponents bones and knocking them far away on contact, though the downfall of this technique is for the added strength, speed and accuracy are decreased.

Name: Dance of the Monkey
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The idea of this basic taijutsu move is to strike the opponent, with a mixture of hard and fast strikes, in an attempt to stun, wind or knock them out and light strikes to confuse the opponent and catch them off guard while moving unpredictably . The user must start a way back from the target for this move to actiavte. The user rushes at the target, pumping chakra to their legs to greatly boost their speed. Once in front of the target, the user sends a punch flying, putting all their momentum behind it. The attack is hard and direct and has low accuracy due to the speed that the user is moving at, but if it misses, the user will then move and follow it up with a quick succession of lighter punches. This continum of mixed strikes keeps the opponent guessing.

Name: Jungle Moon Driver
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Description: This taijutsu move is a very close range attack, as in you must get close enough to grab the opponent. The move is performed by getting behind the opponent and bringing your arms from under the targets, and locking them back. Once the opponent’s arms are locked, the user leaps up high into the air, using a boost of chakra which is pushed out from the user’s feet. While in the air, still holding onto the opponent the user pulls back, and doing 1-2 somersault revolutions, uses the added momentum to whip the opponent into the ground, followed by the user driving his knees into the opponent with the added momentum from the fall as well. of course this move can be countered form the start, as it is tough to get so close to the opponent without getting hit, or if the opponent can regain his bearings after falling, can move out of the way, and can counter.

Name: Bide
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Description: After taking a damaging attack from their opponent, the user can absorb stamina from the attack in proportion to the attack's strength. They can then release this energy in one large burst for a counterattack which drains the stamina absorbed for extra strength. This energy can not exceed a B-Rank amount of stamina or be held for more than four of the user's posts. This technique does not prevent the initial damage taken but does lessen it by 20% each time the user is struck.

Name: Twisting Monkey Combo
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user moves up to the opponent and blocks an attack from them and then will great speed spins around to their backside. The user then does a sliding back kick while crouched, knocking the opponent off their feet, sending them onto their back. The user continues to spin then raises their leg and drops it, toes first, hard against there chest.

Name: Unruly Ape
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Description: The user of this technique will gather chakra in their fists while holding them clenched. Then taking the side of their hands, they'll begin to beat the ground like a drum and start to form a mini earthquake toppling over the opponent. If the user attacked the opponent directly, the opponent would receive broken bones in the affected area. The mini earthquake only effects a radius of 10m.

Name: Beserker Ape Fist
Rank: A
Type: Taijutsu
Description: This technique demands great strength, but also causes great damage to the opponent. The user will proceed to punch the enemy in the face keeping his fist in contact with his opponents face at all times not letting them have a chance to react. He will then run forward basically dragging the opponent with him by their face and finally press the opponent into the ground causing massive damage.

Last edited by Todd on Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:30 am; edited 3 times in total
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 7:48 am

Reserved for further additions.
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 5:36 am

Reviewed the App. Nice work as usual Todd, very original. The following points need your attention though:


None of your summons state how big they are. Please see that the descriptions do

Monkey Clone: Does it work exactly like a shadow clone or is just relatively similar to one (doesn’t seem that the clone’s memories pass on to the creator unless I am confused so I am guessing the latter), if it works exactly the same it is under-ranked when you add on the dissipating feature

Spider Monkey Venom: Way too powerful even for an A rank poison. Please remember Sasori used a elite S Rank poison that took 48 hours to kill outright, while yours is fatal after 4 posts or 24 seconds. Please moderate it significantly

Spider Cobweb region: Should be D Rank

Spider sticky gold: Should be D Rank

Armour of Sticky Gold: Needs to state the number of posts before it can be used again. Constantly spamming it sounds a little OP. That or it should have some penalty

Spider Cacoon: How do you escape it/break it?

Sonic Gorilla fists: How long does the tech last?

Boro: Might be too fast? 100mph is pretty damn quick. Hows he compare to a b rank Nin?

Speed injection: How fast is he in comparison to a B ranked nin?

Water Claw: How Long does it last? Please note you can’t use a C rank tech at a B or A rank level (esp A rank since the summon is only B Rank). Please edit it or re rank the tech accordingly


Remove Anshi - Night Vision, Hiru Bansho Jutsu - Attack Prevention Technique and Life Shield as they are not basic Ninjutsu techs or anbu cannon techs. You don’t have Ninjutsu speciality and so as you might imagine you can only ever have a very limited selection of them

Teleportation Barrier: Should be reclassified as a fuuinjutsu given the all important sealing component


Chakra Absorption Seal: Seems very similar to Pain’s banned seal. Sealing away elemental attacks is fine but absorbing them without damage is not. This tech is effectively a solid defensive tech that far from costing you anything makes you stronger and as such is OP
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptySat Nov 14, 2009 11:11 am

Done everything that has been requested above Hugh! ^^

Quote :
Monkey Clone: Does it work exactly like a shadow clone or is just relatively similar to one (doesn’t seem that the clone’s memories pass on to the creator unless I am confused so I am guessing the latter), if it works exactly the same it is under-ranked when you add on the dissipating feature
I don't see how it should be an A-ranked tech. It is exactly like a kage bushin except for the dissipating feature. As i have stated it does not cause any damage but it is used as a distraction of sorts. Just like an opponent can be distracted by the smoke that appears after a bushin is destroyed.

Quote :
Water Claw: How Long does it last? Please note you can’t use a C rank tech at a B or A rank level (esp A rank since the summon is only B Rank). Please edit it or re rank the tech accordingly
Yes i understand that i cant use the A-ranked level of the claws. It is merely there for when my summon ranks up, and as explaining the top limit of the technique.

Quote :
Chakra Absorption Seal: Seems very similar to Pain’s banned seal. Sealing away elemental attacks is fine but absorbing them without damage is not. This tech is effectively a solid defensive tech that far from costing you anything makes you stronger and as such is OP
Remodelled. So now it can only abosrb a elemental based technique. Plus i have added an extra downside to the tech. It should be fine now ^^
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] EmptyTue Nov 17, 2009 4:07 am

There modifications are balanced and acceptable and your arguments reasonsed. Approved
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Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete]   Kira Yamazaru [ANBU] [Complete] Empty

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