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 Seichi Shusha

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Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 12:51 pm

Note: Premature permission granted by Administrators Pat and Dame

General Information

Name: Seichi Shusha (Trans: Subtle Option)

Nickname/Alias: None

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Looks:Seichi Shusha EVIL

Seichi is rather built up for someone his age, and he also has an appearance to go along with, his life and personality. Since he was more or less forced to train to have the skills he does today, he has been through enough to give him a nicely toned body. Of course, hes not the most built 14 year old out there (though anyone who looks even more built at 14 would probably look creepy) but he believes his physical fitness is at a good point. He can appear rather skinny, but for the most part he is strong and his muscles show it, especially on his stomach which he has a tendancy to reveal often. Speaking on that matter, Seichi almost never wears an actual shirt shirt, leaving his upper body completely exposed were it not for the black, thin hoodie like jacket he DOES wear on his upper body. Whether or not he leaves it zipped up or not is up to him, as he has a tendancy to alternate on any given day. As for the hood, this is almost always on his head, rarely ever being taken off. This covers his eyes and up from sight most of the time from a frontal view, and sometimes the rest of his face if it is dark enough and his hood can cast a whole shadow across his face. His hair itself is silvery, and he actually has quite a bit of it, another thing helping hide his eyes anyway. Thats not to say its busy though, its actually quite slim, and his bangs are decently lengthed.

As for his lower body, he usually wears full lengthed pants that any regular shinobi uses, with a supply pouch on his right theigh, like any respectable ninja, but the interesting part about this is his belt. He wears a single belt, not to hold UP his pants, but to hold onto special chips he sometimes likes to use in battle, where he has easy access to them. The belt itself is greenish in color. Aside from his clothes though, he has two things that can easily distinguish him from other people, one of which being the reason he likes to expose his upper body alot. The first one is what appears to be metal gloves he wears on his hands all the time, only they're not exactly gloves. They outline his hand, but dont actually cover it, and at the knuckles, a slot where three long blades can be extended in our out of slots on this metal outline, which is the signature weapon he uses as much as he can. He almost never takes them off, except for when he sleeps, and sometimes not even then. The other thing, his clan seal put right in the middle of his chest. He doesnt mind people seeing this thing, in fact, he actually likes them to. It serves as a symbol to who he is almost, which is something he uses to fuel his slight pride, the only problem in being an assassin he has. However, when he doesnt want anyone to see it, which can happen given certain circumstances, he will be sure to have it covered up.

Personality: Seichi shusha is a strange teenage boy, to most people. That is, most see him as mysterious because of the way he acts. He doesnt speak very often, and when he does hes short and to the point, never bending his face to give signs of one emotion or another. Thats not to say he hides himself in dark corners all the time, hes actually a rather exposed person, going out in the open and speaking to people if he has to. If a request is made to him thats not completely rediculous (such as buying something at a store, or passing a message) he will oblidge and do so quickly no matter the obstacles. He walks around outside alot of the time, as if surveying the area to see if everyone is alright. And this is true too, to be honest. Seichi is a guardian. Even though hes not the most social, he can make friends and does have a few he values (though he'll never admit it) and he always plans on protecting them from anything. That actually goes for everyone in the village really, making sure everyone is okay from some kind of outside threat. You could say hes sort of a...robotic guard almost, the way he acts. Keeping people safe, but saying nothing but the necessary and making little facial expressions himself. Hes not emotionless though, thats for sure, hes only been heavily trained not to show his emotions. He has them, but because of that reason they're mostly bared up inside of him, only being revealed in rare conditions. His thought process does revolve around being stealthy and unseen though, so when he does roam, hes hardly ever noticed by anyone but the jounin. And if he doesnt want to be found, chances are he wont be found by anyone. Truth be told, he has the stealth of an ANBU at genin level, but thats simply because he's been trained that way, and while he keeps it in mind...he never gloats or openly admits to it. As a contradiction to that though, his thought process revolves also around being an assassin...or the original idea of a shinobi. He has a small dislike towards the ninja training process of the villages. They're to open and exposed, not focusing on stealth enough. Its not so great a dislike that he'd actually go against any form of government in the village, though he will comment on it from time to time. This may make him look ignorant, but its just the way he sees these things.

Hes not close minded though, as some people might think or assume after hearing about the general way he acts. He was simply raised and trained to think and act this way on a regular basis, but he is a human being with a regular thought process. As much as he acts like an impenatrable fortress of concrete emotions and intelligence, he has all the problems of a regular person. Due to the seals tampering though, he just doesnt have them as intensely or as regularly as most people. It cannot overcome his adolscence though, so he will often let his mind wander and think about things he was not raised to, if hes not busy with other things. He actually likes thinking about things other than stealth and the like, simply because its different. In that way, he actually does have a 'second' personality that he can show only around those he trusts the most, and feels the most comfortable around. That is the personality of a regular boy, happy and a little carefree. But again, its rare and most of the time he ratains his 'mysterious' attitude. It goes without saying that these changes actually aggrivate him sometimes, so he can often be blunt and straightforward, putting his points and beliefs out in the open in a simple manor. This can sometimes make him look like a jerk, but when he gets like that...he honestly just doesnt care. He can get stubborn at those times, and hard to shake. But its also a good friendship characteristic, because its usually something he uses to stick up for others with, though when doing that in particular...its a little more violent. Hes quick and stealthy, and he knows it, and will use those skills whenever needed to get his point across.

On ther battlefield, all of Seichi's training and skills come into play. He says absolutely nothing at all, and gets a kind of deadliness around him that can intimidate others. He prides himself on being quick witted, quick acting, and quick serving. He ends battles as quickly and quietly as he can do, attempting to give his enemy a swift defeat before knowing what happened or "where he went". He has the ability to use his weapons to a very deadly degree, as he knows how to use most of them as such, so he knows many ways to kill somebody using supplemantary needs, and will have every intention of dispatching an enemy with one of them quickly if death is to be the end of the battle he enters. But of course, he can get cocky, which is probably one of his biggest downfalls. Its actually a trait about him that his parents and seal is trying to correct, that one flaw that stops him from being the perfect assassin. He doesnt necessarily openly disgrace somebody, claiming his undeniable superiority, but he has a tendancy to underestimate people, or simply think of their ability lesser than his. Again, he'll never verbally insult someone, but it can usually be seen in the way he acts on the battlefield. Yes, this cocky trait is only best seen on the battlefield, as he never does it whenever hes not fighting. Everyone is simply a person when hes not in 'kill mode', even him. Thats all there is to it. No one is more powerful, though there are people that are more important (such as the kazekage and teachers).

Personality Trait's: Being/becoming the perfect assassin.

Catch Phrase: Nothing is true, but everything is permitted

Clan Information

Clan Name: Shusha

Kekkei Genkai: The Shusha clan does not have a Kekkei Genkai, and is actually not even a well known clan. Instead however, in order to make the clan stronger, the elders, or leaders, have created something instead. They have created a seal which is placed on the chest of all clan members once they reach the age of 6. This seal contains special effects that will cause the person it is sealed on to change drastically. The actual effects are random, and depend on the person, as no two seal effects are completely identicle. One seal might cause someone to have huge strength momentarily, while another may cause someone to go into a medatative state in order to figure out a huge problem with ease. The seal's effects can be released at any time the user wants, and requires no chakra, however they will suffer a small period of fatigue and may not use it again for awhile after. The effects of the seal basically determine the rest of a person's life. It determines the personality they have, they way they live life, and the way they look at things. These will all somehow be related to the seal's effects themselves. As the person ages, the seal expands. Once the seal covers the entire body, the person will then die, thus creating a shorter life span for most clan members, with 50 years being their max.

Clan Symbol: The seal placed on all members at the age of 6. Picture can be found on the chest of character appearance picture.

Clan History: The Shusha clan history is actually a rather impressive one, yet it is also one that is kept under wraps so that little to none actualy know of their accomplishments. The clan leaders started out as simple people who wanted to provide the world with tradesmen, but at a greater level than normally thought of. No, what they wanted was more like 'speacialists', or people who specialized and lived for only one purpose or one skill, so that anyone or anything requiring that skill for any reason, could have the best the world had to offer in it. Since they were just regular people, they had no idea how they would pull this off. That is until they started learning about Fuuinjutsu, and eventually created the clan seal. It really didnt take long, after they figured out how to make seals with specific purposes. After learning the clan seal which gave each of its members a random effect, and even affect their personality and thought process accordingly, they knew they had what they were looking for. After that, most of the history is predictable. The people of the clan were all already related, so they just made sure each of them knew how to make the seal by heart, and simply set out to live their lives like usual, only learning how to craft weapons and tools at the same time. As they had children, they would place that custom seal on them, and then use their crafting knowledge to provide them with weapons and tools to help in whatever trade they achieved through the seal. They also taught them how to make the seal once they became old enough to have children as well, so they could pass the seal down through the family. As one could imagine, the family spread fast, and some seal effects were of course more impressive than others, some were even crippling actually, causing some people to become drunk without drinking, or just plain confused. But there were also that were extremely great, like temporarily granting them extreme knowledge and understanding of all things, allowing them to use artificial smarts to achieve great goals. But each member made a solemn oath once they were old enough to understand it; they would never reveal anything about their clan, as to keep its biggest intentions known only to themselves. That being said, the Shusha clan has been a great influence in the world history, without anyone even knowing it. Some of the worlds earliest ninja, warlords, herbalists, medics, and scientists were part of the Shusha clan. You might wonder though, how did the world not notice the similar last name? That is because every seperate family in the Shusha clan has a fake last name that everyone knows them by, while keeping their true name, Shusha, hidden. Only one family is allowed to actually use the original last name, and that is Seichi's.

Rank Information:

Rank: Genin

Village: Suna

Skill Information

Skill Specialty:

Main: Ninjutsu (Mainly used for stealth purposes)

Sub: Weaponry

Elemental Affinity:

Main: Wind

Sub: Fire

Special Characteristics:

Shusa Seal: The Shusha Clan Seal placed on Seichi has had a large impact on his life, but as for its effects, it grants him the ability-once its activated-to become invisible, erase the possibility of his chakra being tracked/found and to make absolutely no sound at all as well as increase his traveling speed greatly (for his rank) for a short amount of time (3 max, at genin-beginning chuunin level, causing severe exhaustion for some time if this maximum is met, but not as much if it is deactivated before then). The catch is, he is not completely invisible. The more he moves, and the quicker he moves, the more noticeable he can become, as the enemy could spot him as a "clear shadow". However, if he remains still and unmoving, he will become harder to notice, but if he moves he will become noticeable. It is also noteable that the closer the enemy gets to Seichi, the easier it will be for them to see his 'shadow', even if he is standing completely still.

Training: Seichi has been trained specifically for the purposes of stealth, sabatoge, subtly, espionage, assassination, and the like. He has a knack for making himself untrackable, trained to be able to make little sound in his movement, to move swiftly, depict the best hiding places and methods, and overall become the best kind of assassin (or in his eyes, original idea of the ninja).

Weapon Diversity: With being an assassin, Seichi has taken it upon himself to come to master many different types of weapons, from projectiles to fistweapons. He can alternate between the different types swiftly, and has knowledge on how to defeat an opponent using a weapon via either a superior weapon, or with just skill alone.

Single Handed Hand Signs: As a sub-division of Seichi's weapon diversity, he has learned how to do some jutsu using only one hand to make hand signs. This is because after training with weapons all the time, he was forced to learn how to do hand signs while carrying a weapon at the same time. But since he is still young, hes not perfect at it quite yet.


Name: Assassin Claws

Appearance: (Can be seen in character appearance picture, on the hands.)

Rank: C

Special Abilities: The claws are part of gloves which Seichi can take on and off. Other than that, the claws themselves are retractable, and can retreat into the slots on the gloves. They can also be coated in chakra from Seichi so that if they make a kill move (such as slitting a throat) it will only knock the opponent out, rather than actually killing them.

Origin: Designed by the craftsmen of the Shusha clan specifically for Seichi, as they had been gifted to him when he was old enough to use them properly after obtaining his seal. The weapon was made to contradict the seal almost, but only for the intention of the user (or Seichi) gaining a proficiency with it and thus adapting to it to use in his profession, in other words teaching him a lesson about how to manipulate things to his will/goal with time and patience.

Name: Random Weapon Scroll

Appearance: A small simple scroll

Rank: D

Special Abilities: The scroll contains a large amount of the same type of weapons, from daggers to swords to cleavers to clubs and so on and so forth. Each weapon is about normal size and strength. When the scroll is opened, one of these weapons will pop out, however the weapon itself will be random, so using the scroll can be a risk. The scroll itself can be opened one of two ways. 1. The user opens the scroll normally, and the weapon is then able for him to take, or 2. The user opens the scroll with the contents facing directly towards the user, the scroll being hold in a verticle line. When opened this way, the weapon will fly at fast speeds towards the direction it is facing, thus creating a larger projectile that flies as fast as any regular kunai, shuriken, or senbon.

Origin: The scroll was crafted and given to Seichi by the clan craftsmen when he started mastering weaponry. They created it with two intentions in mind: 1. To give him a weapon to use in battle that changed every time, and 2. Induce the random feature as a way of making its use risky, giving Seichi an incentive to learn to use all types of weapons well, in order to use whichever weapon pops out to the best of its ability.

Name: Flash Chips

Appearance: (Can be seen in character appearance picture, on the belt.)

Rank: C

Special Abilities: Seichi always carries a few chips on his belt at all times, which can easily be seen dangling there around his waist. They can easily be clipped on and clipped off for quick access to them, and their effects are actually rather impressive. There are two kinds, Seichi carries half of each (about 5 of each). One chip will be activated by pushing a small button on the side of it, and then tossing it on the ground. When it hits the ground, it will create a flash bomb effect in that it will send a sudden burst of light everywhere, temporarily blinding anyone who was looking in its direction without their eyes shielded. The other one is actually the opposite. When it hits the ground, the chip will seem to suck up all of the light in the area, causing it to slowly but surely become darker and darker. When outside in the day time, the chips will make it look like nightfall, when at night they will take most of the light away, and inside buildings with no windows, it will become completely pitch black.

Origin: The chips were given to Seichi by his clan crafstmen when he came to them requesting special items to assist in his trade of stealth and assassination. They came up with these chips as a means for Seichi to think about which could be more effective where.


Basic Ninjutsu

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

Name: Henge no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation jutsu is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy, this jutsu allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up.

Name: Genjutsu Kai
Rank: E-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: D-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination.

Wind Jutsu

Name: Image Blur
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This jutsu is activated by a single hand sign with one hand. Once the jutsu has been activated, a light but noticeable gust of wind will blow from directly beside them in any direction, going from left to right, back to front, etc. This gust will drap the user, causing their image to become blurred and transparent, making them almost completely invisible to anyone else (leaving nothing more but a thin and almost unnoticeable outline of themselves). In addition, the gust will carry the blurred image of the user, and create a copy of the user a few feet away from them as an almost perfect replica, however some close observation will reveal that it doesnt look completely real. This copy is not a clone, and mimicks everything the real, hidden user does. Some things cannot damage it such as physical contact (since its basically a mass of wind) however it can cut an enemy of it comes into contact with them. Explosions and even stronger gusts of wind are two things that can easily break it.

Name: Noise Breaker
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This jutsu is activated by three hand signs. Once it is activated, every single sound the user makes will be picked up by wind and moved to another location. In other words, whatever sounds the user makes in one place, they will appear in another, therefore causing an enemy to believe they are in one place when really they are in another, provided the user is hidden. The user can also decide to make the transported sound louder than the actual sound that they made.

Name: Image Port
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: A variation of Image Blur, this jutsu is activated when the user exhales in front of them. From there, they will jump into the invisible bubble of air they exhale, and the same effects of Image Blur will occur, their image will become almost completely invisible. At the same time, the replicated image of them will appear directly behind the enemy (provided the user knows where they're at) ready to strike. This jutsu basically creates the illusion that the user shunshined behind the enemy, when really just went invisible. If the illusion is believed by the enemy, it leaves them wide open for a subtle strike from the user. This usually works because the fake image can move on its own, like a clone, in this version of the jutsu.

Name: Stolen Clone
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This jutsu requires no hand signs to activate, however it can only work if the enemy has a clone of themselves on the battlefield. This jutsu allows the user to take on the image of an enemy by destroying one of their clones, and using wind to latch the dispersed material onto the user. The user will usuallly try to hide themselves when doing this in an open area, so that the enemy does not know that their clone is being impersonated, and will also usually create a clone of themselves to make it look like they are still there.

Name: Mind Guard
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This is an incredibly simple ninjutsu with some very benificial effects. Its a passive jutsu that only needs to be used once for its effects to last an increased amount of time. The user will exert a small amount of chakra into the air around them, which will then become absorbed by the air. After this is done, if at any time the user of that chakra falls under a genjutsu effect, a gust of wind will brush over them in a certain way so that they can both see and hear it, alerting them to the fact that they have fallen victim to the genjutsu, and thus allowing them the knowledge to use Kai. This jutsu is frequently used whenever the user goes into battle with a genjutsu user.

Fire Jutsu

Name: Endan - Fireball
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This jutsu allows Jiraiya to emit a jet of fire from his mouth. While not stated, this is probably the same or a similar jutsu to the one Jiraiya uses in conjunction with Gamebunta to do Gamayu Endan.

Name: Goukakyuu no Jutsu - Great Fireball Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.

Name: Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Housenka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fire balls. The ninja can also hurl a projectile which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent the attack appears to be only the balls of flame, they do not see the hidden threat within the flames. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.

Name: Ryuuka no Jutsu - Dragon Fire Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Ryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.

Name: Great Fire Escape
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: After taking in a large breath, the user blows a giant inferno of fire directly towards the ground. This 'inferno' is actually nothing more than a bunch of smoke that is disguised to look like actual fire. The fire smoke will quickly spread throughout a moderatly large area, and into the air in a tower like formation. The smoke doesnt actually hurt anyone or anything, however it looks like fire so it can scare enemies out of its path. After using this jutsu, the user will use the large cover of the smoke to attempt to escape.

Name: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu - Mist Waltz Technique
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Katon • Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.

Background Information

Birth & Pre-Academy Arc
Seichi was born into a family that was actually quite normal, for one in his clan. He was raised the way most of his clan members as well, as far as that statement could go considering no one is actually raised the same way. To put it simply, he was raised learning everything he needed to learn, training how he needed to, and just went through life the way anyone in his clan would (though that is a rather broad generalization). But as you could imagine, his life was quite different than the life of most people in the villages, while until he was so old, he thought he was being raised like anyone else. To him, the abnormality of how he was raised was thought to be normal to him. But anyway, he was born into the only family in the Shusha clan that had the honor of actualy using the last name "Shusha", unlike all the other families who had to use false names to hide their clan's secrets and thus remain hidden. Each of his parents were of course proud of his birth, and knew from the very start what was to become of him. Seichi's mom actually wasnt born into the Shusha family, as she was married in. Usually, this kind of thing isnt allowed in the family, as it could reveal secrets or some other thing. But this was a special woman, she was raised without knowing her original family, and actually more or less raised herself. Therefor, there was no fear of her exposing anything to anyone, knew the importance of secrecy, and was actually a very smart individual. After meeting his father, they quickly went together, and he began teaching her about the clan, without revealing much. She caught on quickly, and actually had a special talent. She could predict a clan member's future and what their seal effects would be. This was useful because it allowed people to prepare for their childs future by their seal, rather than waiting until they were 6 to even get the seal. So, she predicted that Seichi would grow into an assassin, and to be honest, it took alot of motherly love from her to stop her from avoiding the boys future, because the life of an assassin wasnt exactly the most pleasant to think of. But nonetheless, she knew everything that needed to happen, and went by it accordingly, helping his father raise him into the young man he is today.

Seichi was trained a little bit ahead of time. Dont mistake, he wasnt thrown into combat at the age of three or anything like that, his parents simply used methods related to that subject to raise him. In other words, all of the basic things young kids learn (reading, right from wrong, how to act, speaking, etc) was all done using items related to assassins. That probably sounds a little wrong, but the two of them knew what they were doing. They didnt go so far that he was taught to be violent and blood thirsty and all of that. He actually learned to be quite disciplined, how to act properly, but also being quite lethal. So, but the time he was 6 years old and obtained his seal, he was already acting mature enough to be an adult. He hadnt learned to fight yet, persay, but he did once he obtained that seal.After that, he began learning how to fight, far before most people did. He of course learned basics first, nothing too advanced. With this being done, by the time he was ten he could fight his own father quite well. He knew how to predict attacks that came his way, different styles of fighting, and so on. On top of all of that though, he had been trained specifically to be fast and quiet. Most of his training in fighting revolved around that, becoming quicker, smarter, and more subtle. When he finally joined the ninja academy at 12 years old, he was more than ready.

Academy Arc

Seichi's life in the academy wasnt really that exciting. It was of course where he first learned about things such as ninjutsu and weaponry, and he took a very quick interest in each of those. He had learned some supplemantary ways to be stealthy, but after learning about wind ninjutsu...he found ways to be even more quiet and sneaky, so began learning about that. A good thing too, because wind was his primary element upon birth, so he learned and created some very effective wind ninjutsu. He also presented his like of weapons to his parents, and before he knew it, he was learning how to fight with all kinds of weapons whenever he wasnt at the academy. It goes without saying that he blew through the academy's tests with ease, and impressed most of his teachers. Although, most students that year were actually rather impressive, so he was exciting in his own way, while everyone else was extraordinary as well. Some teachers liked him for his attitude, but some didnt, thought he was seeing himself as high and mighty. But of course he wasnt, he was just acting the way he was raised. The only thing he thought he was was a little bit more sneaky than everyone else, and thus the cockiness that eventually began to rise into what it is today. But, most of what went on in his academy days was pretty simple really...nothing exciting other than him learning different things in and out of the academy. It was here that be obtained his clawed hands, flash chips, and weapons scroll. He graduated from the academy with flying colors, but not exactly with all of the teachers good graces

Genin Arc

To be continued

Last edited by Seichi on Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 12:54 pm

RP Sample:

Character used: Concorta Kaguya
Site Based: Narutor.forumotion.com
Yes, it was a training post.

If there was ever a time when boredom clung to the soul of one of the last remaining Kaguya of the world, clutching his soul and simply sapping the entertainment out of everything, it was now. But, did that even make sense? Was Concorta even the type of person that could feel entertainment anymore? The answer was, surprisingly, yes. As a matter of fact, the man could feel entertainment indeed, as well as boredom. He just couldnt show it, at least not with facial features, because in truth he always looked bored. The only way to really tell was to observe his actions. If he just wandered around whatever campsite he and Emma had set up in whatever part of the world, looking like he had no real aim, then he was probably bored. But if he was doing something directly, or paying attention to something, and nothing else, then chances are he was probably entertained, or at least occupied with something.

But now was a time when he was truly and actually bored, but one probably couldnt tell because he looked to be focusing on something directly with all his attention. He was, actually, but what he was watching started to bore him greatly. To be completely specific, Concorta was staring out into an open plain, he himself being hidden in the shadows under a tree at the edge of this plain where a forest began and the plain ended. The sun was shining brightly outside, as it was right in the middle of the day, not exactly to his preference, but nothing that really made a difference either. But thats still not precisely what he was looking at, for in truth, even though he was simply sitting there and staring, he was actually training, in a way. Out in the open plain, on the surface, were two skeletons he had summoned, and they were fighting eachother to the death, if that even made sense. Underneath these two skeletons was an entire graveyard, filled with up to 198 other skeletons just waiting to be used. These skeletons were not simply found here, of course not, as Concorta had to summon them. How was he training exactly? A good question to the uninformed. Even though he simply sat and watched, he was actually watching over his skeletons as they fought, coming up with new tactics and/or jutsu for his skeletons to use in necromancy. Basically, he was tinkering.

So far his attempts to come up with anything new were in total vain, as he had come up with nothing, which was the cause of his boredom. He had watched these same two skeletons fight eachother for the past hour. Neither of them had made a killing blow, and neither of them had come up with any new tactics. Regardless, it was entertaining at first, because even in his norm Concorta couldnt help but enjoy a small amount of combat between two people other than himself. But by now it was old and boring, and he had had enough. A deep sigh escaped from him as the two skeletons out in the plain in front of him both exploded at the same time, a result of his Lifeless Explosion jutsu, easily dispatching the two of them without any hinderence. He really was coming up empty these days, unable to think of anything new, even for himself. He had been the same for quite awhile now, and it was annoying. He pinched his nose in aggrivation to himself as he scolded himself for thinking in such a way. What did that matter? Wasnt he strong enough? Sure there were people more powerful than him out there, but he didnt care about that. As long as he was strong enough to protect Emma, and kill off any Kaguya he found along the way, it didnt matter right? So why was he so concerned?

Who knew. In truth even Concorta couldnt read his own mind sometimes, because more often than not, part of it would go a completely different direction that he wanted to. He slung himself backwards so that he layed down on his back, and looked up at the sky through whatever holes the leaves in the trees above provided him. He stared for a nice long while before he sat up with an idea in his mind. "Maybe what I need is something...new, something that doesnt involve skeletons..." he said aloud, thinking on this a little more. The question here was, what? What else was there in death besides skeletons that could be used in necromancy? He thought about it for awhile, and the idea came to him. "Corpses of course..." he said aloud once more, but didnt sound to reassured. The problem here was he didnt know how to summon corpses with actual flesh and muscle on their bones. The scroll Kaien had given him only included normal skeletons. He sighed in defeat and thought that the best he was going to get was maybe a super skeleton. That was an easy one, though he was surprised he hadnt thought about it before. He had learned all about the undeath essence that was placed upon the corpses from his Amatsugan to give them mobility, and he knew what he should do was combine two skeletons into one that was bigger, and stronger. He would do this by taking two skeletons, removing the essence from one, destroying it in the process, and place it over the other one. Hopefully this would give it more strength and speed.

He jumped up onto both feet by swinging his body off of the ground, and looked at the plain where all the skeleton corpses were at with a newfound determination in his eye, the boredom gone from them. What he had come up with wasnt as exciting as he hoped it would be, but it was worth trying at least. He summoned two skeletons out of the ground to stand directly next to eachother, facing him with the look of order on their hollow faces. He looked at one, and quickly extracted the undeath essence and watched it crumble into a pile of dust on the ground. He snorted through his nose, a truly hollow gesture as in reality it showed no sign of humor at all, as if he was just breathing loudly. He quickly combined the undeath essence, before it had a chance to float away from him, into the other skeleton that was standing idle and waiting. He expected the skeleton to...maybe get stronger, or its bones to get thicker, but what he saw instead was totally different. The undeath essence, now being made visible, was turning into flesh as it combed over the skeletons bones. But thats not all, the undeath essence of the skeleton was also turning into muscle and organs. Albiet they were dead organs that looked black and rotted, they were still organs. By the time it was done, Concorta was staring at a corpse with green skin, black scraggly hair, white blank eyes, rotted looking teeth, chunks of skin missing to show bones on the inside, and a stare that looked like the grave itself. He had formed an actual zombie.

If the expression were in the least bit possible for Concorta to achieve, he would be grinning, quite deviously, from ear to ear. But he could not, so his face remained in the same, straight, indifferent look it always had. He had obtained what he thought he would not be able to do, and for that he was quite happy. But he wondered...what he was looking at now was a zombie, and not an actual skeleton...did it have some of the same features as the skeletons had? He was going to find out, and perhaps get off of his butt to do it. He did just that to. He started walking forwards into the light of the plain, squinting at the sudden onslaught of light that shot down at him, and stopped in front of the zombie, examining it. After a few moments of his evaluation, Concorta took his hand, pulled it behind him, and punched the zombie in the chest with some of his strength. Not all of it, but about 40%, which was enough to break through a piece of wood, and smash a bone directly under it with some difficulty. His fist simply thunked onto the chest of the skeleton, bouncing off almost. The zombie looked at him with a questioning look as if wondering what he was doing. Concorta nodded in approval at the density of the zombie, but he still had other questions. He went into a back kick, throwing all of his strength into it, every last once, and his foot pounded through the zombie's chest, creating a hole as his foot stuck out from the other side. He yanked his foot out and looked at the zombie, wondering what would happen. The hole in his chest didnt heal, just remained there like a hollow signature. But the zombie still looked at him curiously, it was obviously still alive. He commanded the zombie to punch him with half of its strength. It did so, pulling back its arm and punching him in the chest with enough force to push him back and cause him to cough slightly. Of course, his bones hadnt been modified, so they had the same density as any normal persons. At full strength, the zombie probably had enough power to perhaps crack a few bones in someones chest, if it hit directly, he imagined.

He had just a few more questions. He walked back up to the zombie that was still standing there like a soldier awaiting orders. He extended a sharp bone sword out of his shoulder, and made a slash at the zombies neck with some force. The head slid off nice and smooth, and onto the ground. He commanded the zombie to move, make some kind of action. The zombies head rolled on the ground to look up at him, as the zombies body picked Concorta up by the neck with its hands, lifting him up in the air. Concorta then made a slash at the arm that held him, slicing it off, and allow him to fall to the ground. The arm was still hanging tight onto his neck, and it even began to constrict around his throat as if it was still attached to the body. He gasped in mild surprised as he yanked the hand off of his neck, and ducked just in time to dodge another swing that came from the zombies other hand, the one that was still attached to it. He commanded the zombie to stop now, having all the information he needed. Obviously, this zombie could not be shattered by punching through its chest, like skeletons, and it was harder to damage. It could also function even without a head, or arms, and a giant hole in its chest. But obviously...it couldnt be repaired once anything was dislodge from its body. He was pleasantly pleased with the results of this zombie creation he had made.

He still had some questions though. One of which was, could he create one of these zombies in the ground, and could he use some of the jutsu he could use on skeletons on these zombies? He would answer one immediatly, as he stood back to the side, enough distance so that an exploding kunai would not hurt him if it exploded from the currently summoned zombies position, and used the Lifeless Explosion jutsu on the zombie corpse. Once again, he would have grinned at the results he had seen, for the zombie corpse did in face explode, parts of its body flying everywhere. His boredom had now just been officially eradicated. Now it was time to answer another question. He turned to his right, and focused on a point in the ground, trying the process of creating the last zombie, but on two skeletons in the ground. He did so successfully, and actually rather quickly considering these things were underground and out of sight, and watched the zombie quickly pop out of the ground in front of him. He grinned, and noticed something interesting. He had used little to no chakra in creating this zombie, as the work was done mostly by the undeath essence itself, and all he had to do was use his Amatsugan, which required little to no chakra itself, to extract the undeath essence from one and place it on another. He was very happy indeed at this.

He spent the next couple of hours playing around with his new zombie invention, mostly testing out if they could use the same jutsu as the skeletons. He was again pleased to find that they could. Along with Lifeless Explosion, he could combine a number of zombies into the 'Lifeless Stronghold' jutsu to protect him from incoming attacks. But the best part of this jutsu was the fact that since there was now skin on the bones of these skeletons, there were NO holes, and he was completely protected. He also found out that these zombies were very resistant to thunder, water, and earth. But they were partially vulnerable to wind, do to its cutting property, and extremely vulnerable to fire, which caused the skin to melt off of them, reverting them back into regular skeletons, weakened skeletons at that. But that didnt matter, he was happy with what he had. He wasnt ready to attempt the lifeless giant with these zombies, as he figured THAT could wait. Now that he had discovered that these zombies could do everythign a skeleton could, only more effecitively, he figured that now was a good time to come up with a zombie only jutsu, even if just one.

One would have to do for now, because it was starting to get late honestly, and if he was out for much longer, he would start to worry Emma, which was the last thing he wanted to do. He cared about that woman more than he cared about his fantastic findings, so therefor he could not allow himself to disappoint or worry her. But, he still had some time, so therefor he would utilize that time. The first thing that came into his mind for a new jutsu, was a better version of the Lifeless Explosion jutsu. Sure, that jutsu was fine, but he wanted something...with a little more bang, something that did a little more damage. He also wanted something more subtle. Afterall, if a skeleton comes charging at you, whether or not you know its gonna explode when it reaches you, YOUR GONNA GET OUTTA THE WAY! Therefor, he needed a jutsu that was a little...stealthier, something that an enemy wouldnt see coming. What he came up with was brilliant he thought. He would cause his zombies to split apart into a number of pieces, since they could actually do that, and then cause those individual chunks to explode at the same time. This way, he covered a larger area, thus doing more spread out damage, and making ith arder for an enemy to escape from. As for the sublty...he would form a zombie in the ground, and then launch it out of the ground right in front of an enemies face when they least expected it, much like a landmine. He tried this out, forming another zombie in the ground. He commanded the zombie to launch himself out of the ground, not pop out like they usually did, but actually launch itself so that it would go into the air when it came out. From there, he simply commanded the zombie to let itself fall apart into chunks, and then detonated them much the same way he did with Lifeless Explosion. He was again, extremely happy with the results he recieved.

What next...what next? Was there anything left, the Kaguya wondered? It seemed as though he had put in a good lot today. But, he still felt like something was missing, like there was something else he could exploit. Another zombie jutsu maybe? No, that wasnt it, he was good with just the one he had now, he could come up with more later. He thought and pondered on possibilities endless, it seemed, thinking of something to exploit. In truth it was actually a funny sight. Concorta was standing in the middle of the plain, as he had moved quite a ways away from the actual forest by now, keeping his head bowed and placing a hand on his chin while he stood and thought. In front of him was about 20 zombies or more just standing there staring at him. And then he snapped his fingers, coming up with a brilliant idea. His idea however had no use for already created zombies, so therefor, at the same time he snapped his fingers, he initated the jutsu he now liked to call 'Zombie Chunks' and watched with amusement as all of the zombies crumbled into pieces, and then exploded. He couldnt grin however, not quite yet, but he would have if he could. His new plan was something like the first thing he came up with, when he was thinking of making a 'super skeleton'. He would make something of a 'super zombie'. He would do this by combining not two skeletons, but up to one hundred of them. It was actually rather fitting, because he had about 100 skeletons left in the ground, so he would be able to use them all up and walk away feeling good about himself, more or less.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:03 pm

you need 2 paragraphs for looks as well..

Your kkg is really OP :/ When in use, you could essentially walk behind someone and slit their throat without them ever noticing

Remove all B rank jutsu

Mist Waltz is D rank, not B
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:08 pm

you need 2 paragraphs for looks as well..
-I'll get on that soon as its the last thing I needa do

Your kkg is really OP :/ When in use, you could essentially walk behind someone and slit their throat without them ever noticing
-Thats the idear, though most likely it'll never happen. I think I balanced it out well enough with the insane exhaustion if its used for too long, and you cant say you havnt used something similar either.

Remove all B rank jutsu
-Mk, I think I got them all...though dont be surprised if I didnt xD really out of it right now

Mist Waltz is D rank, not B
-mm, not what the site says where I got it, but your the boss. Changed.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:10 pm

Difference, Mine was still flawed (It's the canon jutsu, and thusly if you looked very hard you could see a thin outline), and took a lot of chakra (2As+E)...

It only takes 1 post for you to walk behind someone and kill them..So please edit.

You got all the B ranks ^.^
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:17 pm


Does that work?
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:21 pm

A bit better, change the max posts to 3 not 5
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:35 pm

Done...added the looks too.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 1:40 pm

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Seichi Shusha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seichi Shusha   Seichi Shusha Empty

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