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 - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]

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B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 4:40 am

Months, months and more additional months of bordem, stressed and annoyed the young rouge ninja of lurking for action to entertain himself. The youthful boy had so much expatiation's of travailing to the Rain Country and learning a few of tricks to have for his lonesome self. But, this is life and nothing goes to your liking in this hell, we call planet earth. During, the young man's journey of the unnecessary travailing to the wet region of the poor Rain Country, Shiko found himself in outskirts of the Fire Country.

Shiko could interpreted that he was in fact in the constituency of the Fire Country. Walking deeper and deeper into the flourish green forest area, of the Fire Nation; Shiko thought of the trouble past and problems he conjured up with a infamous village, existing throughout the Fire Country's domain."Well it wouldn't hurt to take a stroll down memory lane, to the Village Hidden in the Leafs, would it?" Shiko quoted to himself, while already knowing the question of his answer and slightly beginning sarcastic.

The boy shrugged his shoulders, in a "fuck you" manner knowing he made up his mind and was ready to greet the Konoha with a warm welcome back with blood. With that saying Shiko sprang from tree branch to tree branch, heading in the direction of the Konohagakure

Last edited by Shiko on Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 6:05 am

(OOC: I received permission to enter the topic from the topic creator. I've copied the first portion from my own travel topic, it seemed fitting and its my own work so I'm allowed to copy-paste it.)

The fresh cigar lit up the sky, and showered the trees with ashes that were expelled in puffs of breath periodically from the smoker. The infamous Iron being the smoker in question, and his standard equipment was donned as he traveled through the woods back to Fire Country and Konoha territory. Their was little he hated more than this disgusting place, but he felt that a visit to the place wouldn't be totally out of order since they hadn't received a reply and obtaining one directly from the village would be easier.

Sure, he hated them, everyone of their tiny little skulls needed to be smashed into fragments and used as powder to blind the remaining living ninja so that they would be less annoying when they were getting their heads cleaved off their shoulders, but Z seemed to find some use out of them so he had already practiced his 'manners'. So many rules...why he couldn't just kill them bewildered him, why bother introducing himself when he could make his name clear when they were dead? Some people were so ineffective...

Iron gestured to the large black hooded figure on his left, only two bright green eyes showing and a sword case on both of their backs, with a cigar between his fingers, "Arashi, do you wan't a smoke or are you still going to keep refusing me?" The figure tilted its head and closed an eye, a gesture that Iron could understand was an expression meaning 'what do you think'. He shrugged, "Suit yourself, I assume Tsuki is the same so I wont ask her and Ragard already has his own set. Its a shame he can't walk with us but you know how the system works."

With a swosh of motion Iron's white overcoat, which covered his armor and body, more specifically his limbs, was moved as his cigars were reinserted into his coat pocket. The cloak collar was high enough to cover the bottom part of his face, and his shell was below the cloak, though he kept his halberd strapped to the exterior both as a show of force and easy access. Iron cracked his neck and unbuttoned the top of the cloak so that the ashes of his cigar, also the flames, would stay outside of his cloak.

Iron tilted his head as heard the noises of an oncoming shinobi, feet crossing tree branch to tree branch and not doing anything about being quiet with his footsteps, probably wasn't expected any new entrants. Arashi and Tuski at either side of him were cloaked in stark contrast to himself, wearing black and him wearing white, but they all resembled shinobi and that was all that mattered. Ragard was close behind in the tree tops, stopping at the noise and taking position, drawing his bow back silently and making himself invisible among the tree tops.

Iron stopped in his tracks and drew out his halberd, slicing the sheath open and holding his signature blade at his side, slamming his foot onto the ground and creating a loud boom as he did so. His voice tore into the forest, "Reveal yourself, your name, your village, and your intent!"
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B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 7:04 am

Making his approach closer and closer towards the Konoha, the long black haired boy found himself surprising caught into enemy lines. For some apparent reason, some bigshot was luckily to spot Shiko. Some strange man covered in a white clock demanded, Shiko the so called intruder; to reveal himself, his name, his village, and his intent. Shiko stopped in his desired tracks and secreted himself behind, the large nearby tree's trunk after overhearing the unknown voice. Hidden among the large bark trees of the whole surroundings, Shiko quickly made one identical clone of himself.

"Whoever this person is, they won't get shit out of me.." The young boy stated to himself while thinking of false information to deceive the mysterious beings. Begin a cautious person as he was, the real Shiko pulled out a kunia behind the tree, while the clone leaped 20 feet in the air and landed on dirt ground. Dust and debris soared into the air, after the clone made his way to the mucky surface. Once stood from the ground, clone studied the people standing in front of his view.

He spotted 3 shinobis and gave a slight arrogant smirk knowing this unexpected situation might be the entertainment, he was so thirsty for. Following their little game, the clone begin to answer the questions asked earlier before. "The name is Masaki, Ayano. My village is the Amegakure, the village hidden the rain. And my intents....well just between me and you, it's nothing out the ordinary...." The clone gave devilish smirk, almost giving up the gig after answering the remark about his "true intentions." The clone then rolled out a sigh from his lips, in a sarcastic gesture

"You must be someone special, if you have bodyguards at your side."
The Bunshin alleged to the man between the two unknown shinobis.

-Jutsu Used-
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 7:30 am

(*facepalm* Your appearance section states you wear your headband around your neck, and this topic hasnt stated that you've taken it off or done anything to hide it...so you're wearing it.)

Iron examined the person before him, about his own age, not counting the years he was dead of course, but he seemed to be unusually arrogant if he not only announced his presence but also stood before him. His eyes were a red that conflicted with his own green eyes, and his associated green eyes which were the only visible thing about them. He claimed to be a Rain shinobi, but he wasn't quite sure what he took him for because the Konoha headband was dangling around his neck, a cross through it to symbolize that he was a Missing Ninja.

Iron sighed and pointed a finger at the headband, "If you're going to lie at least make it convincing by removing those things. You're a former Konoha shinobi, now a Missing Ninja, as your headband there implies. Guess that makes two of us, Masaki? I don't think thats your real name either though, since you lied about your affiliations, so i'm just going to call you Fred. Fred, I don't like liars, so Fred, i'm going to kill you now."

He snapped his fingers, which shone in the sunlight revealing their metallic sheen as he did so, he didn't care if the Shinobi knew that his fingers were metal, he'd just assume it was a gauntlet or something. Arashi and Tsuki drew their blades and dashed at the opponent. Iron commented as they neared the man, "Yeah, I'm pretty important, I'm the last of my breed and apparently the last intelligent Missing Ninja, Ryuuzaki Musami."

The mantids dashed, natures concealed by their robes but blades exposed, using one of their signature jutsu to dispatch of the opponent, who would probably have a hard time dealing with his summonings if he couldn't even cover his identity. Iron placed a hand to his head and directed his chakra to his eyes, changing them into a more segmented insectile form and looking around at his surroundings. Everything was dark but the vision of another shinobi in a nearby tree, identical to this one, which meant one of them was a clone.

Iron reset his eyes to their default form and waited patiently, he knew what was going on, but his opponent was ignorant about how much he knew. He'd use this to his advantage, and when he least expected it, that tree would be going up in flames with him inside of it, the screams would be a nice meal and the condiment of a corpse would go nicely.

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B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 8:45 am

OOC: Did u set the tree on fire, yet? ._.


As time went by, the man Shiko questioned to, had discovered his true identity. This guy had made a smart remark towards, the clone talking about his leaf hand band, resting on his neck. Not realizing on what just happened, the clone took down a strong gulp knowing he really screwed up. Meanwhile, in the nearby treetops the real Shiko, looked down towards his neck, as well knowing he made a big mistake this time. "Oh shit....he's right. Damn I should've knew to get rid of this dumb handband. All it does, is bring back luck to me. Damn it all to hell!" The real Shiko, quoted to himself trying to sum up another plan.

While, Shiko was in the trees pissed off to the highest extent, down on the ground his Bunshin was dealing with even serious crises at the time. During the long suspenseful time on the ground, the clone continued to listen to the white cloaked shinobi. This time around, the man was starting to act arrogant and sarcastic. This guy gave a finally judgment that he was going to finish of the Bunshin.

Once the guy snapped his fingers, the two shinobi by his side sprouted into the direction of the clone. In fact, these two shinobis were mantis. Throughout this period of time in the distant treetop, the real Shiko slightly glanced over the tree's trunk and took a good view of his clone and the nearby enemies. Shiko caught a gimplse of the man who called himself, "Ryuuzaki" doing some weird maneuvers to his eyes. Then Shiko got a witness of Ryuuzaki scanning the entire area, probably for intruders.

"Seems maybe he can do stuff to his eyes and sniff out people who are hidden. Pretty neat.." Shiko said to himself, while scratching his chin. Now, back to the action on the ground. While the two mantis summons dashed with their sharp blades extended out, the Bunshin conjured up a small escape tactic. The clone's quickly thought of a plan. The Bunshin whole entire body turned into a slight jelly like form. So now if the mantis successfully pierced the the bunshin, their attack would just merely go straight through the clone without any harm.

If this tactic didn't work according to plan, then on the near treetop Shiko would create a 20 foot Rock Pillar. Hopefully this would stop them in their paths.

-Jutsu Used-

Last edited by Shiko on Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:46 am; edited 4 times in total
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 9:41 am

(OOC: No, I haven't burned down the tree, nor have I in this post.)

Arashi and Tsuki, dashing forwards found their blades plunged into liquid which fell to the ground. They were both confused for a moment before coming to the conclusion that some sort of jutsu was at work. Arashi looked intently at Tsuki and knicked her shoulder with his blade, causing green blood to drip out before Tsuki responded with a glare and a few sharp words, "What was that for?"

Arashi sheathed his blades and inquired, "Can you still see that puddle of what used to be human?" Tsuki responded, "Yes...". "Then this isn't Genjutsu and he literally turned himself into water..."

"That's an unusual trick..." Iron said as he extracted a cigar from his pack and lit it, watching the cigar slowly burn as he walked over to the puddle and gestured for the two mantises to stand clear as he tilted his head. He'd never seen anything quite like it, but the puddle was human, but now it was a puddle. He would've touched it but he had no idea what would happen if he did, so he assumed it would be best to just get rid of it. Iron held out his cigar over the puddle, "I have no clue what jutsu this is, but I don't think the evaporate particles of you are going to be a threat to me..."

He dropped the cigar into the puddle and walked away, "3..." He pulled out a new cigar and lit it as Arashi and Tsuki followed him. He was walking towards the tree that housed the true shinobi and as his back turned the explosion of his cigar and the complete destruction of whatever liquid was in that puddle was made clear, he grinned broadly. "I guess I miscounted."

Iron shifted the halberd in his hand and kept his gaze locked on the tree before him as he spoke, "I know you're up there you little hippie, if you're a Senju, I already killed one of those before and if you make anymore puddles out of yourself we're gonna find out what life is like as evaporated nothing..." He stuck his halberd in the ground and used his clawed hand to tear the tree straight in half, waiting for his little bundle of joy to either fall out and fight him on the ground or learn the definition of 'forest fire'.

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B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 10:53 am

[OOC: I don't really know would happen to my clone after you threw the cigar into the puddle of water. So imma just skip that part and wait until feature notices, k?]


Giving a arrogant smirk of satisfaction, Shiko was impressed that his clone quick thinking paid off for the long run. But, Shiko's mere second slack off during the heat of the battle would curse him. His back facing the large tree's truck, Shiko ears caught upon unexpected noises. This strange noses were in fact footsteps. Not some ordinary footsteps, but these were the steps of the enemy. The sick part about it, was that these footsteps of the enemy were coming in the direction of Shiko.

Before the very hesitated boy could quickly think of a move to halt the enemy in his footsteps, the guy begin to speak among the trees and Shiko's so called hidden area. Ryuuzaki advised the young rouge ninja, that he already knew Shiko was hiding behind the identified tree and he also killed a Senju Clan member, wondering if Shiko was a Senju which he wasn't. Plus the sarcastic man had to insult the young boy, by calling him a 'hippie'. But, that was probably just to give the man some pride in himself, which lacked. Anyways....still hidden out of sight behind the tree, Shiko pondered to himself thinking about the remark he made about killing the Senju.

"If I wasn't dumb which in I'm not. Weren't Senju clan member extincted about centuries ago or something like that..." Shiko stated to himself, then snapped his mind back to the battle. After the boy slacked off the during the battle once again a unforeseen situation occurred. Suddenly, down came half of the entire tree, where Shiko was concealing himself at. "Holy Shit!" The surprised boy yelled out, turning his battle position and seeing half of the tree tared down "just like that". Once half of the tree's surface was ripped off, the tree snapped back giving out a large recoil.

The tree begin to wobble and Shiko quickly lost his footing on the tree's surface, falling 20 feet towards the ground. Falling face first, Shiko mistakenly ate rubble of tiny rocks and dirt. "Wha the fu...eww..." The young boy sticked his tongue out, wiping the debris from his mouth. Completely wiping his tounge clean of dirt and rocks, Shiko looked up in the green eyes of his enemy. "Oh no.....Imma goner" Shiko said to himself, in desperation to find a clever way out of this situation.
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 10:35 pm

(OOC: I've spoken with the Staff, if you become water and that water is forced to change form, such as a vapor, then you pretty much die, or in effect, you cease existing because you no longer have a body or the ability to return to it. Water + Fire = Dead.)

Iron watched the ninja tumble out of the tree and looked over the shinobi, wondering if it was another clone or if it was the real deal this time. He had no way of being sure of it sort of drawing blood, but if he was going to do that he might as well just kill him and be done with it anyhow. Curious situation, thankfully he wasn't one to give that sort of thing too much thought and he already had a solution to this problem.

Without so much as a word, or a pause to give it consideration, he threw both claws into the man...no, boy, he wasn't experienced enough to earn the title of a man even if his age was similar to his own, excluding his death years. Both arms swung in, aiming to tear off his limbs so that he would be without any ability to fight against him and he'd be a prime target for a little interrogation or a gift for Z.

The only word that left his lips were the short phrase of "Mantis Strike!"

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B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptyMon Jan 25, 2010 1:37 am


Crimson red eyes widen with fear and anxiety, the nearly dead boy stood 7 feet apart from death. Was this really the end of Shiko? Did faith really give the verdict, the he would die today? Should I just give up, roll over and die? The dramatized ninja had sequenced mere death experience played throughout his head, but a small shinning light in his head told him to continued to fight on until his last breath. Determined to to keep his fighting spirit up and running, a light bulb lite up with an bright idea in his head.

Once the extremely rapid strike of Ryuuzaki's mantis-like arms struck his the body of Shiko, the boys body quickly formed into a watery jelly-like state. Another quick escape tactic once again for the champ or not. Meanwhile in the watery jelly-like state, the boy slithered his way underneath the feet of his enemy and reappeared in his solid form behind the enemy. Quickly pulling out a kunia from his backside, Shiko begin to yell towards the man, but only to get his point across. "Why are we fighting?! This confrontation makes no sense whatsoever!"

Pausing for a brief moment and ejecting a slim sigh from his lips. "To tell you the truth......I really don't want fight anymore." The young man felt a little remorse about this whole accouter and situation. Shiko's newly action and emotion were completely rare. Something you would never see coming. Lowering his kunia from the angle of his enemy, the boy suddenly lowered his guard. Was this a unwise decision for him? Only time would tell...

Last edited by Shiko on Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:59 am; edited 4 times in total
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptyMon Jan 25, 2010 1:47 am

(OOC: The motion being made is a straight downwards strike, like a mantis, hence the name of the technique and the affinity of my character, so jumping upwards wouldn't help you, it would actually make it easier to cleave straight through. I'd suggest an edit unless you're intent to lose your arms.

EDIT: Those are my arms, my weapons aren't involved, but since my arms are mechanical they qualify as some kind of weapon, but i'm not using a blade of any sort.)
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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptyTue Jan 26, 2010 7:01 pm

(OOC: Tah-dah, normally I would continue telling you that your jutsu require handsigns because all, unless mentioned in the description, Ninjutsu requires handsigns, hence I haven't used any and only used Weaponry techniques, especially at your rank, but whatever...)

This trick again? Iron was getting incredibly bored with the water-to-body trick, at least when the fancy robed man did it in the storybooks he made water into wine, this was just retarded, he couldn't even drink it...or could he? What would happened if he drank a human being in liquid form?...Was that cannibalism? Death! Too many questions, where'd he run off too?

Iron twisted his head behind him to hear the barely coherent rantings of the child, chuckling at him when he was finished and baring his teeth as he spoke, the markings under his eyes spreading out, red flames appearing underneath his eyes like wild fire and his segmented green eyes glaring into the child's. "You don't fight because you want, you don't kill because you want to, you kill for a purpose, and there should never be a reason that is above that purpose. You fight for nothing, this is obvious, but I fight for something..."

He twisted his body, righting himself to face the boy and swinging out his halberd in the same motion so that it slammed into the ground next to him. Iron brought his hands together in a stream of handsigns which he had no doubt were hardly visible, if at all, to the younger inexperienced ninja before him, though compared to others of his rank he was considered the slowest ninja around. With the signs completed he raised out his hand, the air around the both of them and the area increasing to a nearly unbearable level of heat as he spoke aloud. "Fire Style: Moisture Breaker."

Iron twirled his fingers around and pulled his halberd back up, "You won't be able to revert to water anymore, unless you want to find out what happens when you become evaporated nothing. So fight me now you little prick of a ninja, you claim your freedom from a village but you can't even fight! You make me sick!

With that comment finished he spat out his cigar at the half-wit ninja, firing its burning tip at incredibly high speeds that he would find it remarkable for a worthless Missing Ninja like himself to dodge, and without the ability to turn into water, his heart would be pierced, much to his pain but not to his death. No, Iron was going to make this one slow and painful...

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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

- A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] Empty
PostSubject: Re: - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P]   - A Stroll Down Memory Lane - [P] EmptyThu Feb 04, 2010 1:46 am

(OOC: *taps fingers*)
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