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 Meeting of Suna Team 1

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 7:24 am

Revan would be in the middle of the training areas, sitting crossed legged with his hands resting in his lap, his meditation had lasted for about two hours. He smiled as he slowly opened his eyes, it was almost time for his team to arrive for there team meeting. Revan had worked hard to get where he was now, it would not be to much longer before he began his climb in ranks. But for now all Revan had to do was wait, He slowly closed his eyes again and slipped into his meditative state again
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 7:39 am

Tei had gotten the message earlier that morning, that the team was to meet in the training area of Suna. She’d smiled, running to tell her brothers where’d she’d be. Finding Tsubasa in the dining room, sipping hot tea with their father.

Running into the room, panting, she suddenly saw her father and bowed low, her breah stopping for a moment. Her father turned to her and nodded, allowing her to straighen. He brought his cup up to his mouth, their can symbol painted on the side.

“So, you have a team to train with now, do you?” he asked softly, taking a sip.

“Yes Father,” she whispered, keeping her voice low and respectful.

Nodding slowly, he muttered, “Well then, be on your way.”

Tei exited the room as quietly as she could, sliding the door closed with barely a noise. She silently treded down the hall, breaking into a run as soon as she had left their house. Father must feel some pride now, she thought as she ran. I’m an official Genin now… and I’m gonna follow in Yuu’s footsteps and become a Jounin someday.

She raced to the training area, finding a boy from her team mediating. Walking up to him, she tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Hi, I’m Tei.”
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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 8:03 am

Ketsueki knew which way he wanted to go with his pupils. He didn't remembered anything from his past in the leaf due the thing he had to endure during the great war. But Ketsueki could remember the training sessions with the leader of grass. They were hard to complete but it made him a stronger and better nin.
So Ketsueki prepared a little test the night before the meeting. He had planted multiple seeds with different effects all around the training area of Sunagakure. This would be the first test for his youngsters.

It was pretty early in the morning, the sun was just back from it's daily sleep and created a nice shine upon the yellow sand. From behind the dunes Ketsueki walked up to wards his gennin team. Fully knowing they never met him before he halted approximately 50 meters in front of the two. From that distance he could see it was a boy and a girl. Ketsueki was a lazy ninja so he didn't read the personal files he was given by the kage because he would find out what their personality was pretty soon. He looked up to the two and yelled from the distance

The first one to give me a hand will be promoted to the team leader! So hurry up both of you!

while he was yelling this he channeled a amount of chakra threw the sand into the seed that was located just below the two. Before he finished his sentence big strong wooden vines sprouted from within the sand grabbing the two by the legs and entangling itself pretty firmly

"Now i will see how fast they can think their way out of it! and what their personality is. will they work in team? or will they make it a contest to be the team leader. Well what they will do will be important for my next training session"
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 8:18 am

Revan would open his eyes as the finger touched his shoulder, he was on his feet in a matter of seconds, his right hand on the blade attached to the small of his back and the other in front of him in a guarded position. He lowered his Guard when he realized who it was. Tei, his teammate and apparently the only on to show up so far. Revan Smiled only slightly

" My Name is Revan " He would say bowing his head a bit. As he stood straight up the sound of a distant voice stopped him from speaking again. Revan was sure it was there Jounin Sensi, but before Revan could think, large roots busted from the ground wrapping around his and his teammates legs. Revan cursed himself for a only a second before pulling his Short sword and swiftly began cutting at the roots around his legs and the legs of his Teammates.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 8:23 am

She heard their sensei yelling and suddenly, vines had sprung up around them. They grabbed at her legs, entangling her in their tight grip. Reaching down, she tried to gip the vines and tear them away but they were too strong. Trying to keep her cool, she glanced over at her teammate, then down at the vines again.

Forming signs with her hands, she summoned the Rat of Flame, setting him atop the vines on her feet and legs. His flaming coat started to burn the vines and Tei started to kick at them, hoping to get loose. She grunted and squirmed, trying to get herself free.

“C’mon stupid vines,” she hissed to herself.
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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 8:39 am

Ketsueki looked surprised from a distance, the boy clearly had fast reflexes and worked very well with his sword. Wile the girl quickly used something that looked like fire jutsu to barge her way to freedom
"So it seems i have two smart ones on my hands, my personality forces me to go to the next level with those two. But i am responsible for those two so i will not take it to a hard level"

Ketsueki smiled from behind his war mask when he saw that the two were almost free from the root trap, He quickly channeled chakra to his upper arms wile doing a wave motion with them. From within the sand a big field of grass started to grow in a 50meter radius around him. Ketsueki knew the grass field would be their next test. Will they rush foolishly to wards him? or will they create a game plan? Those were the questions Ketsueki hoped to get an answer for

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 10:50 am

As Revan Freed himself from the roots, he would dash forward cutting the last of the roots off of Tei. As he freed his teammate he turned to look over his shoulder. He and Tei where now standing at what looked like a large grass field.

" Tei, i think this man is testing us, Lets not disappoint him." Revan would smile as he twirled his sword around before placing it back in its sheath. Revan would kneel down while making quick handseals , as he finished he would stare at the Jounin attacking them"Doryuu Taiga- Earth Flow River" In a seconds time, the ground around Ketsueki would turn to mud and begin to flow to the left like a river leading to the outside of the grass.


Last edited by Revan on Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 10:55 am

Tsuchi was far behinde his sensei and looked at what he was doing and he tought to himself "How will i explain my lateness?" Tsuchi didn't think for more than a moment when he pulled out Death Raven,his favorite puppet,then formed hand signs to summon him.Tsuchi with his puppet know out ran with his puppet to the action.Then he stoped and tried to see what was going on.

Tsuchi figured outr that his sensei was training Tsuchi's teamates,whom he had not met yet Tsuchi formed the hand signs for the sand clone and sent the clone of to the side of the desert and formed the hand sign for his third eye jutsu,and he used the trasformation jutsu on his puppet into a copy of himself and sent it running twords his sensei.

Name: Suna Bunshin no Jutsu - Sand Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: ninjutsu
Description:Suna Bunshin is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. The clone functions like a normal Bunshin, except it is made out of sand. The clone itself can be formed out of the Suna no Tate that protects Gaara. When a ninja goes to attack the Bunshin, the malleability of the sand allows the blow to sink into the sand, which can then wrap itself around the limb to constrain the attacker.

Name: Daisan no Me - The Third Eye
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Description:Daisan no Me is a Ninjutsu technique unique to the Sand ninja Gaara. Created out of sand, the Eye allows Gaara to view an opponent when he is either encased in his Suna no Muya or when he needs to be able to see his opponent's actions when he has no clear line of sight with his own eyes.

Name:Kugutsu no Jutsu - Puppetry Technique
Rank: C
Type: ninjutsu
Description:Kugutsu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to use a puppet to attack from afar. Using their body's chakra, the ninja emits strings of chakra that run from their fingers to the puppet. The puppet itself can be loaded with many weapons and tools, allowing the puppet master to remain hidden while the puppet moves and attacks the target.

Name:Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: general ninja skill
Description:Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents

Last edited by Tsuchi on Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:06 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : no trees in the desert)
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 10:10 pm

Once Tsuchi, with the help of the Rat, had freed himself and her from the ropes, she glanced around and saw that a ring of grass had sprung up. Nodding, she said to Revan, “That seems to be up… but what is with the grass? It must be more than just grass.”

Suddenly, she saw someone running towards their sensei. “Look Revan. He must be our other teammate… I wonder why he’s so late.” Sighing to herself, she whistled, commanding the Rat to leave her side. It ran out onto the grass, its flaming pelt just starting to singe the tops of the blades.

“Lets see what sensei is trying to do,” she muttered to herself, waiting for any responce at all.


Last edited by lost_soul on Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 1:49 am

Ketsueki smirked when he heard someone rushing to wards him from behind "So the slacker finally arrived, i wonder when he would be awake. Anyhow slackers punish the hole team! that's a lesson he need to learn" Ketsueki his mind went in overdrive thinking what he could do with him. At that specific moment he could see the male nin dressed in a blue kimono do the seals for Doryuu Taiga. And at that moment Ketsueki knew what to do with the slacker. *poeff* Ketsueki replaced himself with the slacker using the basic kawarimi technique. Now the nin that was rushing to wards him was stuck in the Doryuu Taiga river while ketsueki stood free in the grass. "now lets see of the earth user will help his team mates." once again he channeled some chakra to his feet that he transported threw the earth strait into a seed below the girl. Ketsueki knew very well she would not be able to avoid it because she made a critical mistake by sending her flaming rat after him. The wooden vines sprouted out of the grass soil grabbing the girl and pulling her underground while en wrapping themselves fully around the girl. Ketsueki yelled with a nice tone of voice think my young ones! A nin have to think four five steps ahead al the time! Never rush boneheaded to an oponent you dont know! find his weakness! exploit it! then strike!

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 2:06 am

Tsuchi,being far behind his puppet saw what had happend so he flexed his pinky and made his puppet turn all the way around and then he looked through the third eye and looked around.Tsuchi summond his aligator and used his puppet's strings to make it look like his puppet had summond it.
Tsuchi jerked his hand forword and made aligators tail extend and cut the roots holding his female teamate with it's sharp end. Tsuchi started to sweat because it was hard for him to use two puppets at once.

Tsuchi's puppet transformation said "I bet he is testing us.....use you skills to help each other" Tsuchi's puppet got out of the river by pulling itself from the mud and then the puppet jumprd from the water and the puppet was stanting on the water and moving to the bank.
Tsuchi was having fun and was enjoying his puppets.


Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: unknown
Type: advanced genin skill
Element: N/A
Description:A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.

Last edited by Tsuchi on Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 8:13 am

Tei nodded her thanks to the newcomer and shouted, "Its definetly a test! He tried trapping us once before with his vines before you got here."

Forming her hand signs, she summoned her Clan's Falcon Fire, or as she called it, Hayabusa. As she flew up into the sky, circling higher and higher, Tei whispered, "When I saw now, you need to close your eyes and duck your head as fast as you ran. Remember the spot where Sensei is... When Hayabusa shrieks, it creates a huge flash of light. If you and Revan can get to him fast enough, you may be able to land a hit."

She quickly ran over to Revan and whispered the same thing in his ear. Stepping several feet back, she whistled, commanding Hayabusa to start his decent towards her. His speed picked up as he dove, his flaming wings pressed hard to his sides.

"NOW!" Tei shouted as she reached up, yanking off the wire that held Hayabusa's beak closed. Throwing herself down on the ground, Tei hid her face from the sudden flash of light.
C'mon, she thought. Work plan, work.
2. Name: Hayabusa Faiyaa- Falcon Fire
Rank: C
Type: Kekkai Genkai
Element: Fire
Description: Using the correct handsign, the user can conjure up a falcon made of fire from a piece of wood, by adding their charkra to it. It it small for a bird of prey and its peak is held closed by a wire made of fire. The falcon is only moderate in terms of actual power or diffuculty, but it can cause an explosion of light if it breaks through the wire (which is up to the user). It is usually used in combat if the user wishes to escape.[/i][i]
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 9:41 pm

Revan shook his head as the battle progressed, the level of ability in his teammates was matched to his own, in there respected fields of learning, Revan with his earth and the other two with puppets and fire summoning. Revan smiled as he watched the jounin replace his own body with the puppet of Tsuchi. " he is good Tei " the mud flow river would not kill the boy so Revan decided the genin was strong enough to get out of it.

Listening to Teis advise Revan quicly made a string of handseals and placed his hands on the ground"Doton: Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn" A huge slab of rock quickly rose about the time the falcon erupted into a bright light, Revan smiled as he made another string of handseals "Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu - Mole Hiding Technique" Revan disappeared into the ground making his way towards the Jounin under the ground.

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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 1:49 am

Ketsueki saw how the slacker did his best to save the girl with a new puppet in the form of a crocodile. But when Ketsueki looked at the slacker that crawled out of the mud river he noticed that his fingers didn't move at some parts during the action to safe the girl. "hmmm strange! A gennin puppet user that doesn't use his fingers to control his puppet...unless he is in fact also a puppet." Ketsueki started to think about his jounin partner LS and how he had tricked him many times before during spar battles. But Ketsueki didn't had the time to investigate his suspicion throughly because at that moment the young girl yelled now. His three man team ducked all into the ground "what the hell" before he could see what their plan was he was flashed by a big *bang*. He was blinded for a couple second because of the big light that occurs after the bang. The moment his vision returned Ketsueki saw a big earth wave coming at him at a speed he didn't expected. Ketsueki could only think the following while he was slammed against the grass soil by the big wave "Finally they figured it out! Teamwork is the key to success."

Ketsueki quickly jumped to his feet and he wanted to end this training to official introduce himself to the youngsters. But then he noticed that the earth user was gone. "So they wanna finish this to the end, very well these vultures have the real sand spirit inside of them. Let's even up the stakes then."

Ketsueki started to perform two different seal sets quickly after each other.Two identical clones popped up to the scéne and as quickly as they appeared they changed their position into a back to back triangle formation with Ketsueki. Now the three yelled simultaneous to the puppet master and the girl Finally you understood my first lesson! Teamwork is the key to success!

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 4:38 am

Tsuchi looked from his real position and he saw that his male teamate was gone,then he signaled his clone he had made(7 postss ago)to go tword his sensei then punch him or one of his clones.Tsuchi swung his hands to the right and the puppets turned to the right twords his sensei,then Tsuchi crossed his hands and the aligator puppet and it shot fire from it's nose twords his sensei and clones.

Tsuchi was woundering were his male teamate was. Then he felt the ground and could fell the chakra of both the seeds and his teamate.
Tsuchi looked at his female teammate and wounderd how the bird had done all that.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 11, 2009 11:02 pm

Tei smiled up at Hayabusa, whistling for him to dive. With his talons out, Hayabusa clawed at their sensei's face, his flaming wings burning the edges of his clothes.

"My Clan's Kekkei Genkai," she muttered, forming hand signs. Transforming herself into a copy of Hayabusa, she soared up into the air, the real one following. They spiraled up at high speeds, circling as though searching for prey.

Just wait for it, Tei thought... Just wait. We'll strike soon
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptySat Apr 11, 2009 11:28 pm

Revan moved quickly through the earth heading stright for his sensei, he smiled as he came closer and closer, he stopped only a couple yards from where Ket and his clones where standing, he grinned and planted both feet firmly on the ground and pushed up, shooting out of the ground all the while making handseals, he focused chakra into his hands and as soon as his feet hit the ground he clapped, the chakra rushed from his hands into his legs then into the ground "Zizu Saba", the ground infront of him and the ground around his sensei quickly went to a liquid state, about three foot deep and 6 foot across. Once the jutsu was completed revan jumped backwards quickly and loosed three kunai one at each of the hopefully fallen Ket's, Revan smiled and pulled Katashi and brought it up in a gaurd position.

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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 6:14 am

Ketsueki still in triangle formation suddenly understood what happened to it fullest."this bird must have hit me with some sort of flash bang that blinded me what gave an advantage to them to strike, a well toughed threw tactic"
But Ketsueki didn't have a lot of time to think or stop the training, because his lightning clone was attacked from behind while the bird was attacking his face with her claws.Normally he would slaughter the bird with his butcher knife but because it was from his team member he just chased it away with a raikon snap.Little blue sparks were shot away at the bird give him little electric shocks to chase it away.
Meanwhile the sand clone was no match for the high lvl clone of his sensei and with a big roundhouse kick it crumbled back to sand while at that moment the lightning clone vaporised into a lightning burst because it was hit by a fire blast from within the mouth of the crocodile puppet.

Ketsueki wanted to say enough but then the third gennin leaped from within the ground in front of Ketsueki,slamming his hands together. Ketsueki knew very well what would follow next "damn, the smooting arms..grrr this kid"

Ketsueki fall's in a pool of mud because the ground below him was alternated by the zazu jutsu.The poison clone jumped in front of the incoming kunai's to safe the real Ketsueki from having injuries from the incoming projectiles.
Still covered in mud ketsueki raised his voice while crawling out of the hole.

"ok, you got me! nice team work team one of the sand. We have our first mission"

Ketsueki turns his head looking at a sand pile in the distance "you can come out now Tsuchi! The fight is over"

Ketsueki waiting to continue about the mission until his team stand in front of him
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 6:26 am

Tsuchi's puppet fell to the ground and Tsuchi came out from behind his sand dune."Man...that was fun"as he said that Tsuchi third eye crumbled to sand and it fell on his head and face."UGGGGHH"Tsuchi yelled,"Stupid sand why can i use you?"Tsuchi asked the inanimate sand"Mani need to talk to people"Tsuchi walked over to his sensei, wiping the sand of his face.
Tsuchi looked at his teamates"come on i'm talking to you insted of useing my puppets"then he looked at his parrot puppet"Sorry parrot"Tsuchi then made an embarrassed face"My...Puppets..did..did you like them?"Tsuchi asked his sensei.
Tsuchi wanted very much to have his sensei to like how he worked but he expected nothing as he usualy did.
Tsuchi looked back again at his teamates and thought"great a guy and a girl that is ok normal sqaud..and we work well together"
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 6:30 am

Tei sighed and walked over to their sensei, glancing sideways at Tsuchi. "You need to get out more, Tsuchi. Talking to you puppets like that is not healthy."

I have a crazed boy on my team... at least this will never get boring, she thought.

Turning to their sensei, she looked up at expectantly. "What kind of a mission, sensei?"
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 6:40 am

Revan smirked as his sensei climbed out of the hole revan had made with his jutsu. Revan straightened up as he walked towards his sensei and his teammates, he twirled Katashi around in his hands before placing it bac in its sheath, he eyed the two teammates as he approached, he did not care if Tsu talked to his puppets or if he talked anytime, Tsu was kind of odd, and coming late was going to be a problem in the future.

The girl seemed nice though, the second to respond to the summons, and the first one to meet Revan. Revan nodded to his sensei as he stepped up next to Tei. sliding a glance her way and smiling a bit.
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Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 7:00 am

When all his pupils stood in front of him ketsueki silently does a couple seals. From within the ground the last seeds that were buried there before in the middle of the suna training dessert. One seed sprouted into a big tree that gave a big area enough shadow so that it was guarded from the hot burning suna sun. The other seeds transformed itself in a table and four chairs to sit on.
Ketsueki sat down on the wooden chair and raised his voice

Ive decided to make Tei the leader of team one, Revan you will be the force of the team while you strange puppeteer will be the defender. With that said. Ketsueki looked very serious now.He grabbed a map from behind his back and rolled it open on the table. His finger drifted over the map while then pointing out to the furthest south east corner of suna.
He looked at his pupils before continuing the mission objectives, he was rather amazed that their Kage would give such high ran mission to his team.He must have a lot off confidence in them to assign us this.
This is a little border town at the outskirts, some of you may have heard of it others don't. But currently it got to our attention that a rebellion is going to break out in those regions. We are ordered to asses and evaluate and if necessary restore the law and order. The village is ruled by a 14 year old girl named Ren. Do not think it will be easy to speak to her because of her loyal servant Lore. A hired bodyguard from Bird country.
While we are there i want you to talk to the people to find out who the rebellion leads.
This is a evaluation mission! Not to evoke a small civil war in our border outskirts! During the mission we will be accompanied by a strong chunin of the sand!This is all! Any questions?
tomorrow at sunset at the east gate.

Again he gazed upon his pupils to see their reaction on the mission objectives.

Kazekage-Sama wrote:
Mission Location: Wind Country- a small village
Mission Participate's: Squad 1 and Uzumaki
Mission Rank: A
Mission Objective: Lately there has been rumors that a small village that is not directly controlled by the Sand Village is being ruled by a cruel leader; a girl at the age of 14. Being very mean to all of her citizens by collecting huge taxes, taking what she wants from who she wants, and doing whatever steps necessary to get what she requires. The rumors in which leak out to the village claim that a rebellion is soon to rise against this cruel leader in order to maintain peace, and to be rid of such a leader. It is the job of Team One and Uzumaki to go to this small village and investigate. Interrogate the citizens of the village and ask them of their opinions, as well as the ruler of the village. It will be their job to either thwart the rebellion should one arise, or aid them depending on the conditions in which they discover. Beware however, the ruler of the village has a very powerful S ranked servant that is with her at all times. It would be wise to be wary of him, and avoid him if at all possible.

Key People:

Ren (Ruler) - B ranked Taijutsu/Ninjutsu - Raiton

Lore (Servant) - S+ ranked Ninjutsu/Taijutsu - Raiton, Suiton

Meiko (Rebellion Leader 1) - S ranked ninjutsu/weaponry - Katon, Doton

Kairo (Rebellion Leader 2) - A ranked taijutsu/Fuuinjutsu - Suiton, Katon
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 7:28 am

"Well...uh what rank is the servent?"Tsuchi asked "uh..well i guess" Tsuchi
looked at the map"we could do this with that chunin...but wait shouldn't he be here if he is on the misson?"Tsuchi had many more questions but he decided that,like his puppets,his sensei would ignore.
Tsuchi thought again"hmm deafender...Sounds great i'll get to protect you guy when you need it..and with my puppets there are like 8 of us...so lets get this misson on the way tomarrow morning" Tsuchi Stode up and looked at his teamates and walk around the shaded area 5 or 6 times then he looked at his teamates again...."i got a good group,i'm luck"Then he looked at his sensei "he may look murderus but he is my sensei."
Then Tsuchi said"You know when people think you are weird you get discouraged but look were i am...i'm a genin..a ninja..and i have a great team thank you all...oh and by the way i know you think i'm weird but....well you are my closest friends."Tsuchi let a tear shed down his face but wiped it quikly in order to keep his sensei or revan se it because he didn't know how tei would react but he was sure that it woulsn't be very positive.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 7:44 am

Tei glanced back at Revan and nodded, ignored Tsuchi's chattering. She looked down at the scroll, her brown eyes focusing it.

"An S-Ranked servant... hm... when we start to ask the people of the town, we'll need to be subtle about it. If they randomly see ninja coming in, someone might figure out what's going on," she said, tapping her chin with her finger. "Also, if that girl has a level S servant, she probably has other people who spy for in her the town... its just a guess though."

Sighing, she straightened up and patted Tsuchi and Revan on the shoulder. "Hopefully, you two be ready for everything. Cause I have a feeling that something will go wrong..."
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Meeting of Suna Team 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting of Suna Team 1   Meeting of Suna Team 1 EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 9:33 am

Revan didnt speak while they sat there, he simply nodded and looked around, waiting for Sensei to finish. As revan started to get up, Tsu began to talk, Revan only rolled his eyes and sat back down, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. He lowered his head and tucked his chin into his chest.

Revan blocked out Tsu rambling and focused more on what to expect out of the mission. Revan knew the mission would be tough and dangerous but that didnt matter. Once Tsu was finished and Tei started talking Revan came back to reality and opened his eyes, he turned his head and nodded to her. " You better be ready as well Tei, because i dont think Tsu's puppets are going to be able to defend us all, but the CHunnin will be a great asset, and welcomed especially against s ranked shinobi."

Revan slowly stood and looked at his sensei. Waiting to be dismissed for the day.
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