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 S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)

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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyFri May 08, 2009 3:33 am

Near ran through the forest at high speed, and yet silently. He scanned the area around him. He had shut off his sense of sight and taste. Because of this, his other senses were made quite stronger, including is ability to sense chakra. His sense of smell and hearing had become so good that he could smell things from very far away and hear things from even farther. He and Toshiro ran through the forest at high speed. Near stopped when he noticed a human far ahead of them, perhaps 500 meters. He could sense their chakra, though it was being hidden. He layed out his hand, signaling toshiro to stop. Just as Near suspected, there was 3 people, the Daimyo and 2 ninja. Near could tell by their chakra reserves, however hidden, that they were real. Near spoke so hushedly, that somebody 5 feet away from him would not be able to hear him.
"The plan goes on as normal. I will create clones which will body flicker and enclose them. After that, we will enter and procede with killing them. Are you ready?"
Near focused on the battle a head, already figuring out situations and outcomes in his head.
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Strange Ace
B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja
Strange Ace

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyFri May 08, 2009 3:54 am

Toshiro ran right along keeping with Near's speed. Near then came to a stop and gave the signal to Toshiro. Toshiro stopped and landed quitely on a branch above Near.Near again briefly explained evrything,making sure Toshiro didn't forget about. Although things like that Toshiro didn't forget even if he was under pressure."Sir, what if,there's more ninjas than what you expected.? Besides is the Daimyo,they will prepare good defenses to protect him. And the two shinobis ahead doesn't seem that strong,from the descriptions you told me." Toshiro said in the lowest tone he could say it. He then hold on to his staff,harder just waiting for his entrance. He was waiting for the signal that Near will give him.Although he didn't needed none,due to he knew exactly what to do. With his new jutsu,the two shinobis will quickly be killed at the first move they make. Just in a sudden silent he waited for Near to make his clones and trap the ninjas.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySat May 09, 2009 10:19 pm

Near shook his head. On a piece of paper, he wrote.
"Do not worry. I can tell by their chakra presences that they are the highranking ninja they should be, though they are well hidden. I will be commencing the attack now. Be ready."
With that, Near silently made a handseal, and 4 clones appeared. Each of those clones body flickered, each of them about 150 meters away from the opponent. They made a cross like formation, with the daimyo and his guards in the intersect. The clones made handseals, and 4 large walls of earth sprouted from the ground, each of them about 50m tall. Each of the clones held the technique, and a ceiling appeared. Each of the clones then withdrew a kin tag, and placed it on the wall, activating Near's 4 part encampment seal. On the very top of the structure, there was a small hole, large enough for a person to slip through but no larger. This hole blended in well because it was so small, and would there for not be noticeable by the opponent. Near nodded to toshiro, and dissapeared. Near silently reappeared on top of the structure, ready to drop in and attack when he saw fit. But it was Toshiro's turn now.
The barrier that Near's clones placed would stop the entrance or exit of anyone without an akatsuki ring. In addition to that, the structure itself cannot be destroyed.
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Strange Ace
B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja
Strange Ace

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySun May 10, 2009 1:08 am

Toshiro read Near's papers. Which it clearly stated what he was doing. "Toshiro quickly noticed the hole of the barrier for the opponents to be trapped in.Although he didn't really saw by the angles of the clones,he pretty much had an idea of how this barrier thing was working. Toshiro nodded back at Near as he quickly jumped on top of the structure. He then himself also folowed Near,running inside the barrier,he jumped on top of a branch about 150 yards away from the opponent. Right where the barrier started. Toshiro then gave a small signal letting Near now he was ready for anything. Already knowing Near's plan he stood quietly and asked no further questions,as he waited a sign from Near to start the attack. There was like 20-30 trees before the opponents arrived at Toshiro so he couldn't really be seen easily,due to all the trees in the way. As well for Toshiro he couldn't also see them,but he had an idea of where they be at by now. He predicted their movements will be fast so they probably will arrive at the trap like in 15-20 minutes from now.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySun May 10, 2009 1:14 am

((It is now Fuji's turn as north. then you, the fuji as south, then the daimyo, then me, then fuji as north, you, south, daimyo, me. etc.)))
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Fujimaru Timaki
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Fujimaru Timaki

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySun May 10, 2009 2:17 am

NPC: North

The trip hadn’t been very exciting, nothing unexpected had happened, but on the other hand surprises are often things that make life a lot hard, or so North thought. He was new in the National Guard, but was already a squad leader and hopefully if this trip was successful, then he would be promoted.
Suddenly 4 people in black and red robes appear around the small group, “Akatsuki!!” North didn’t see their faces, but suddenly large walls of rock shot from the ground surrounding the two guards and the diamyo. Seconds later a top was put on top of the 4 walls trapping the group. “Damn, trapped like rats”. He quickly put both hands in his bag, drew 4 explosive tags and kunai, and then threw them at the wall. The explosion didn’t even scratch the wall. “Surround the diamyo and be prepared for anything”. North yelled as he pulled out his kantana, stabbing the ground threw 10 senbon up in the air and said “Soushuuha”. The senbon froze in the air, awaiting an enemy to pierce. “South, take it easy, we aren’t dead yet, besides we have an important job to do” North said as he picked up his kantana.

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Strange Ace
B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja
Strange Ace

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySun May 10, 2009 2:35 am

[ooc: Just wanna know if the Diamyo is like in some sort of chariot or something]

Toshiro,looked as both ninjas noticed the wall trapping them after they got more closer to him. One of them used a jutsu making about 3 senbons from the ground itself.The other one seemed more calm,and not hesitating at all. Toshiro then smiled,with his evil look on his eyes,he performed a few handigns. And pull up a jutsu and slightly whispered."Rappa Oryx Des No."Toshiro creates a genjutsu technique that is hardly to recognize as a genutsu. Spikes suddenly started to build and shot up from the ground below of the target. "Not much but enough to immobilize them for a few seconds." Toshiro said as he looked at both the ninjas reactions. When they are being pierced by all the spikes. The spikes coverede about the whole area where the chariot and the ninjas were with the Diamyo. Toshiro wanted to end this fast but he hold himself to see what happens,and what Near is doing next.

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Fujimaru Timaki
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Fujimaru Timaki

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptySun May 10, 2009 2:55 am

NPC: South

South had drawn his kantana with his right hand and held the tanto in his left, he was ready to fight. The blood in his veins felt like boiling iron, this is it, a fight that might cost him his life, it was so exciting that he almost couldn’t believe it. His hands were sweaty and his heart was beating in an insane speed, he loved this feeling, this is what being alive means. “The best place to find life is near death”.
Nothing happened, South felt like time was standing still, “this waiting, this waiting is worse than death”. It felt like hours passed, then suddenly long earth spikes sprang from the ground piercing the chariot, North and South. “No, this can’t be it, it just can’t, Noooooooo!!” South had woken from his vision, this was real! And he was about to die, but his will forced his to fold his hands and yell “Mokuton: Shoukei”. Several wooden walls surrounded the 3 Fire country officials. “They aren’t getting the diamyo, no matter what” This was Souths last thought.

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S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyMon May 11, 2009 2:57 pm

(OOC: sorry about not posting, busy weekend. I am about to go out but will post as soon as I get back. I am just wondering where the Daimyou's retinue is> He is basically a monarch and would never travel in anything less then the lap of luxery surrounded by fodder guards and servants on addition to his elite nin bodyguards. Think of Naruto movie 2)
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S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyMon May 11, 2009 9:35 pm

The Daimyou was most perplexed to find his trip so rudely disturbed. He regretted on letting most of his men rest up after the less then tranquil sea journey and pressing on without the greater part of his retinue. He was not sure how several hundred samurai guards would help against Nin but they would have been deuce better then none. It reminded him of on Lord Tokuysa musings over a game of shougi that he was too soft hearted and generous for his own good. Perhaps he was right in hindsight.

Taking in the black and red ensembles of his would be assassins, at least he assumed they were after him, there was not much else in the forest of value, and he wondered briefly what motivated the dark robed men. He recalled hearing something about these ruffians who ran about the place in black red coats making a nuisance of them selves but had simply chalked them up to a bad bunch of delinquent criminal ingrates who would eventually meet their just deserts. Perhaps he should have spent a longer reading the dispatches from the Hokage and less time composing poetry. Oh well one lives and learns.

He supposed he aught to be frightened by all rights but found it more difficult then he anticipated. Years of dodging political bullets had left him somewhat inured to something a trivial as a threat to his life. Unlike many of his forebears he had come to terms with the fact that he lived and ruled in a world full of people who could kill him with a handshake or even a haunting gaze. Rather then live in fear he simply took to the principal that surrounding your self with similar types should cancel out the threat to one degree or another. He himself had only the most rudimentary Nin training and fingered his highly ornate gold and ivory handled gold plated katana much as an illiterate farmer might pick up a pen for the first time. For a moment he had considered not bothering with it, it was unlikely to be a danger of anyone but himself but now seemed as appropriate a time as any to use the blasted heavy thing.

He couldn’t help but think things went to a poor start altogether. He wasn’t sure what the barrier was but doubtless it did not bode well, though the spikes were altogether more unpleasant. It was quite hard to jump like a little girl and still maintain the manner of a regal monarch but he thought he managed to pull it off just about. Fortunately this didn’t last long as South shielded them behind a cunning wooden construct of his own creation. He would have stopped to take a moment to more closely inspect the weave of the wood but decided that perhaps the moment was not opportune for dawdling. Taking in his rather concerned and worried bodyguards he assumed things were far worse then he imagined but somehow managed to dredge up the, pompous blind in the face of certain destruction, pride many rulers possessed to maintain his composure.

“Not going well I take it. Some sort of escape strategy is needed, that or you will need to deal with them. Dying isn’t really a viable alternative, I planned to go swimming tomorrow and dying would doubtless cause problems in this light. I will leave my safety in your considerable hands and be of what use I can”

Then raising his voice so he could be heard by the Akatsuki

“This is a very poorly timed move if you ask me; you could have at least waited till after lunch. If you leave now I may bring myself to pardon you for your callous actions but if you continue in this light then you will be hunted down like the dogs that you so clearly are. Don’t let your gross stupidity out weigh your clear lack of timing by continuing this farcical charade”

His tone was mocking, relaxed, almost uncaring as though their response really didn’t matter to him and their opinions less so. It was designed to insult and goad his attackers into making a foolish move. He may not know how to use a sword or fight but the Daimyou of the most powerful of the Shinobi nations was not without weapons of his own.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyTue May 12, 2009 4:52 am

((damnit jiro, your no fun to rp with. Your giant posts lower my confidence XD))
Near smiled and jumped in the hole. Near could see where the daimyo, and the 2 guardians had imprisoned themselves. It was really too bad that it would be their downfall. Near made a handseal, and 4 shadow clones appeared, each one on 4 sides of the wood prison. Each of the clones drew a kin tag, and placed it on the structure. However, before doing so, the first clone carved a hole in it about as big as a hand. When the seal set, Near appeared, smiling. He spoke with confidence, his sound directed through the small hole that was created.
"I'm rather sorry, Lord Daimyo, but right now will be the last time you'll ever get to go swimming."
Near concentrated, and took the water out of the air, setting the humidity to zero. Using that, and the water he could summon from the saturated ground and the trees, Near forced the water through the small hole on the wooden structure, completely filling it with water. After doing so, He made the snake handseal, and a small plug of earth arose from the ground, and plugged the whole. Even if they managed to stop from drowning, if worse came to worse, Near could simply take the entire structure with him, back to the base. And since it was sealed with the 4 part barrier seal, the wood could no longer be destroyed or manipulated. Their fate was sealed.
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S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 12:50 am

(OOC: I am noticing a lot of things that have not got a counter. E.g "the wood could no longer be destroyed or manipulated". I honestly dont think the Daimyou is going to survive but if you keep using things in this manner they will be taken from you. Everything is breakable, even supposedly unbreakable swords. However this is a more minor concern compared to my main one. How the hell are your maintaining 2 4 part seals in this manner. They are S class draining techs not to mention they require 4 shadow clones each. Thats 8 clones and 2 highly draining techs. Also you must get out of the habit of posting results before they happen, attacks never hit unless the PC getting hit says they do likewise traps only work if the PC getting trapped says it works. Posting your own attacks hitting or working without a chance for your opponent to respond is godmodding. Issues like this have cropped up in different threads and I would like to avoid repeats)
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:38 am

(((4 part seal doesn't require constant chakra...It's almost identical to Pein's 5 part seal....My appologies on the rest of things. I can edit, if you so wish.)))
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Fujimaru Timaki
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Fujimaru Timaki

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 8:21 pm

OCC: (Saint, you have to remove your last post, because it was my turn, and Near I think Jiro is right, your char is using an insane amount of chakra)
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Strange Ace
B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja
Strange Ace

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 9:28 pm

((Sorry Im not a mod or admin, I can remove it. Why don't you delete the posts after mines which are ooc,and then i can remove it.and sorry. I missread the order.))
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Fujimaru Timaki
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Fujimaru Timaki

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 11:01 pm

NPC: North

The water was rising and soon there wouldn’t be any air left and that would most defiantly result in death, and North would do anything in order to prevent that. The water is coming from that hole, but now it is plugged. On the other hand that must be that seals weak spot, if he just could remove the plug, the water would stop rising and a counterattack can be begun. “ I have to hurry” North admitted to himself, even though the idea of fighting two Akatsuki isn’t very pleasant. “Phoenix Flower Jutsu” several fireballs hit the water surface and reached the plug, the water turned into steam, but it hasn’t enough to remove the plug, extremely quickly before the water covered the plug North said “Reppushou”, a strong wind hit the plug and forced it out of the hole. “No time to rest” North thought as he felt the chakra disappear, a shadow clone appeared outside the hole and whisper something, the moment the clone was done a large fireball twisted around the small wooden shield and covered it in flames. “That should take care of these seals.” North thought with a smile on his lips.

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Strange Ace
B ranked Missing-Ninja
B ranked Missing-Ninja
Strange Ace

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyWed May 13, 2009 11:52 pm

Saint saw as one of the ninjas managed to pass by the seal.Although it took him a few jutsus to do it. Saint looked at him with interest and softly spoke. "Huuh,you are rather interesting my fellow ninja."Saint said calmly,as he stood on the water. Then he quickly started to put together some hansigns and quickly spoke the words of a jutsu. "Jaki Gekijou"the name was. AS he looked directly the opponent in the eyes,he could see in his mind as the mokuton user (North right?) became crazy,one of his favorite techniques. This technique made the opponent go crazy making unneccessary moves and foolish ones at that. Sain laughed as he quickly focused on the opponent,and looking at him to see what happens. Saint didn't know whether this would help Near and him or whether it would make the opponents make hard desicions. This technique make the one cast on to really dont cared about no ones so it might be hard for the team mate to make him react fast.

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Fujimaru Timaki
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Fujimaru Timaki

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyThu May 14, 2009 2:10 am

NPC: South

The seal was broken and now they could leave this self-made wooden coffin, South knew that North was forced to use a lot of chakra because of his impulsive move by surrounding the group by the wooden shield, but that was all he could do at the moment. He was sorry, but at the same time angry with himself for not seeing through the genjutsu. North had broken the seal and was the time to attack. He could feel is heart pumping and his chest was filled with rage, his only thought was to kill the enemies that had attacked him and his lord as well as his friend. “Pay with your life and stain the ground with your blood”. He could now use the wooden shield to destroy his enemies, luckily the attackers had made the mistake of putting themselves between a large stonewall and the wood shield and it would be quite easy to crush them, but all that didn’t matter right now. Now he just wanted to kill the enemy that had sealed his wood, his dear wood.
South folded his hands and several thick oak pillars spring from the surrounding earth barrier and rushes towards the clones as well as Near and Saint. But South wasn’t done yet, the wanted revenge and he was going to get it one way or another “Ganchuusou”, all around the wooden shield a large amount of large and long spikes came up from the ground. “Die, die, die, die” South was furious.

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S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyFri May 15, 2009 4:50 am

(OOC: Will post first thing tommorrow. After rereading everything I beleive Near has not used as much Jutsu as I first imagined and the tech is indeed C Rank (the larger may have been B rank given its size). The reason being is given its nature I thought it akin to a much higher level tech. However we have all been working under false assumptions though. The 4 part seal does not stop you leaving. Read it carefully, it only inhibitis entrance for anyone without a special seal. In both cases the Daimyou and and his guards are within it, thus if they pass through it they would be exiting and so unaffected. As a way of trapping someone I am afraid its horribly ineffective)
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyFri May 15, 2009 5:37 am

((Jiro is right, I will have to rely on different methods of trapping you, I'm afraid. I can't believe I made that typo when I first made the technique >.< ))
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.)   S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) EmptyTue Jun 23, 2009 10:25 am

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S rank akatsuki mission, assassination. (Private.) Empty
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