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 Training with Kazuki

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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 4:50 am

Katsago got up from bed and washed up.He changed into a black shirt with long sleeves.And he put on some black cargo pants and on top of that put a black robe put the hood up.The robe had several chains hanging around it.And he put several rings on his left hand.Now that he was dressed he head out to the Ramen Shop to get some breakfast.He thought about his upcoming day today.Pretty much all he wanted to do was learn some jutsu from Kazuki.As he ate he began thinking about a girl he met a couple of days ago.She was very mysterious and she actually made Katsago happy.He knew that she had to be the only person who could that.And as Katsago wrapped up his meal he said his goodbyes to the Ramen Salesman and began trudging off towards the training area.As he arrived he he could see Kazuki waiting for him in the middle of the training area."Lets start shall we?" said Katsago.
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 5:18 am

Kazuki sat against a lone tree in the training grounds. The sun was at an angle that it cast a short, but large shadow. His eyes were closed and leaning on his right shoulder was his sword, the blade wrapped in a silver bandage. His breaths were short and far between. He had been given a light task this day, a request was sent for a genin to be trained by one who could use lightning elemental chakra and Kazuki had been the one assigned to it. He may be one of the older jonin in the village, but he had never trained anyone before and he was quite unsure as to how he should proceed. He only had the boy's name to go by, Katsago.

Kazuki had arrived at the training field a little earlier than he had wanted. Over an hour before Katsago was scheduled to arrive. Again this was due to his rather unsure state. But he had decided that likely the best thing for him to do would be for the boy to show him what he currently knew. The sun moved slightly more when he noticed someone approaching. He made no movements nor opened his eyes but knew it was the right person. "Lets start shall we?". At these words, Kazuki slowly opened his eyes and got to his feet. His sword falling almost to the ground but he had a grip of the bandage and stopped its decent shortly before it hit the dirt.

Kazuki turned to the boy and observed him for a moment. Immediately noticing the extremely dark clothing. Not the best choice for desert life, and it caused the boy to look the opposite of himself, wearing rather light coloured, thin and extremely baggy clothing. With one quick motion, he then swung his blade over his shoulder and it stuck to his back. Immediately after, he took up a more combat oriented stance, his hand motioning for the boy to come at him.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 5:49 am

After the Genin Katsago had said "Lets start shall we?" he saw Kazuki slowly open his eyes and rise.Katsago thought to himself 'hmph this Jounin probably thinks hes cool bcus he can hold a sword....hehehe'.As Katsago was thinking that he slipped a ring off his finger and said "transform..."and as he said that the ring grew into a 5 foot sword made out of crystal.He put two of his fingers on the sword flowed raiton chakra into the sword surrounding the crystal part of the sword with lightning.So now if hit by the sword Kazuki would be paralyzed for a while.Katsago then performed Bunshin no Jutsu which makes up several clones of Katsago that dissapear in a puff of smoke when contact is made.Katsago sliced at the air with his sword that was still surrounded by lightning along with the Bunshin."You aint the only one with a sword....."replied Katsago.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: 10 m
Element: N/A
Description: This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 6:12 am

Kazuki watched as the genin created several clones. A rather standard move, but it could beeffective depending on its application. What did interest him was that weapon. Materializing a weapon of that size from a simple ring, a perfect way to conceal a weapon but the size of it could be a bit unweildy for the boy. What happened next did impress Kazuki as Katsago then infused lightning chakra into the blade causing small sparks to fly from its blade. For a genin, that was a rather impressive feat. But that was enough of being impressed, it was time to get started with the training. Kazuki exhaled a slight breath and tightened his stance. It was time to begin.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 6:37 am

Katsago smirked as he saw that Kazuki looked a bit impressed.He also saw Kazuki take a breath and tighten his stance.This was Katsagos que to begin the fight.He first had his three Genin clones attack him.He knew exactly what to do.As the clones dissapeared into a large puff of smoke which would make it hard to let Kazuki see for a quick minute it was Katsagos time to attack.He performed a high jump over Kazuki.Once he did this he did not hesitate for one second as he went for a down slash of his sword knowing that Kazuki would probably dodge it anyway.
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 7:10 am

Three clones charged forth at Kazuki, who would quickly dispose of them with a quick spinning kick aimed at their heads. The clones exploding in a cloud of thick smoke. Limiting Kazuki's visual capabilites instantly. He could however, still "see" Katsago who leaped into the air. Kazuki then calmly took a couple steps forward. The smoke having completely surrounded him, it would be hard for Katsago to know what Kazuki was doing. The steps he took would place him behind the boy when his attack landed. See how the boy would react in this situation. So far he had been good, a bit more and Kazuki figured he would have enough information to start the training.

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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 7:21 am

Katsago landed his sword onto the solid concrete of the training area.Kazuki had to have seen Katsago somehow through the smoke.'A KKG most likely' thought Katsago.He had seen Kazuki take a few steps into the smoke and now he could not get good clear vision of him.He played it safe than rather going into the deep thick smoke that would probably get him hit from behind.So he took a few steps backward and jumped in a near by tree.He then performed the jutsu Lightning Balls which would let him gather Raiton chakra in his mouth and swirl it around into several little balls about the size of tennis balls.Then he thrusts them out of his mouth at his oppenent.If Kazuki gets hit with this he will be paralyzed.At this point there were several lightning balls headed toward the smoke.

Name: Lightning Balls
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: Grimjaw gathers Raiton chakra in his mouth and swirls it around into several little balls about the size of tennis balls.Then he thrusts them out of his mouth at his oppenent.User will be paralyzed for one post if hit.
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 7:54 am

Kazuki merely watched as the boy leaped away and into the nearby tree. His dexterity was quite good for his age. A moment later, the boy unleashed his next attack, firing several balls of lightning towards Kazuki. A jutsu Kazuki was unfamiliar with, but wasn't about to test the effects of on himself. It seemed that this was perhaps Katsago's weakest point, strategic planning. He was merely launching attacks directly, the first was a good attempt, but definately fell short in its practicality as the smoke from clones is rather small and short lived. Anyway, it was time to wrap this up with one final move. As the spheres neared, Kazuki quickly leaped to the side and darted forward, during his leap, three kunai were thrown. One flew directly to the genin while the other two at his sides to prevent him dodging left or right.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 8:21 pm

Katsago as he was still throwing the lightning balls saw Kazuki leap out of the way and throw kunai straight for Katsago.It was just then that he was gonna die.Kazuki had thrown them perfectly so that he could not dodge.But he could block them.He had to time this just right.He tightened his stance of a crouch on the tree as the kunai aproached him.And just when the kunai were about 2m from aproaching him he leaned back a bit and performed lightning shield.This jutsu allows Katsago to flow Raiton chakra around him so that attacks can be deflected.This shield can defend Katsago from alot of attacks but the only problem about this jutsu is that Katsago can only hold it for about 3 seconds at the most.So he has to time it just right unless he wants to get seroiusly hurt.Katsago saw as the kunai bounced harmlessly off the shield.Then he let it go and jumped from the tree about 5m infront of Kazuki waiting for a response.

Name: Lightning Shield
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: If an attack is coming towards Grimjaw he can concentrate Lightning chakra all around him to make a shield but Grimjaw can only hold the shield for about 3 seconds .
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyWed Jul 08, 2009 9:33 pm

Kazuki watched as the boy rose a shield and deflected the single kunai aimed at him. Creating a quick flash of electricity around him, the kunai's course was diverted away, an effective shield but did have some shortcomings as it seemed the user had to time its use properly, something he'd have to work out of him. As the boy leaped out of the tree and landed before him, Kazuki nodded in approval. He had some potential but had not yet shown it all. He then took a breath and spoke for the first time since they met. "What is it you wish to learn?"
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyThu Jul 09, 2009 12:37 am

(OOC:Sorry for really short post but nothing much to say)

As he came to his senses and sheathed his sword back into the ring he heard Kazuki say something for the very first time."What is it you wish to learn?" and it was at that point that he just wished to learn Raiton jutsu is all.But he didnt know anything very specific.So he sat down at a tree pondering for a second but then said "Can you teach me anything?"
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyThu Jul 09, 2009 12:57 am

Kazuki paused at the boy's words. He figured Katsago would have already had something in mind that he would simply help him in the perfecting of. He rose a hand to his chin and looked to the ground, thinking for a moment. The boy used lightning elemental jutsu, there was really only one thing he could teach him at that moment in time. He lowered his hand and simply nodded. Kazuki himself never spoke much, only speaking when it was absolutely nessessary, or when he needed to convey something that he could not express with actions. Not due to personal preference, but because of his physcal condition, a disease that resided in his throat caused it to be extremely sensitive so when he spoke too much or too loud, it would flare up and he'd practically be mute until it receeded. It wasn't so much a weakness as a minor inconvience on his part. But he had grown used to it over his twenty five years of life. But it was time for the training.

He motioned for Katsago to pay very close attention to what he was about to do. Slowly and clearly, he showed the boy the needed handsigns for the jutsu. Going through the motion a total of five times to give Katsago an understanding of their exact forms. Upon the final handsign the fifth time, he closed his eyes and focused. From his skin, tiny shocks of electricity began to rise. After a moment, he opened his eyes and showed him the result of the jutsu. Moving extremely quickly behind Katsago. Tapping him on the shoulder, then moving back. Afterward, he exhaled and cancelled the technique, the electricity fading.

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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyThu Jul 09, 2009 1:53 am

He saw Kazuki pause and in that time he noticed Kazuki did not talk much.Kazuki motioned for Katsago to pay very close attention to what he was about to do. Slowly and clearly, he showed Katsago the needed handsigns for the jutsu. Going through the motion a total of five times to give Katsago an understanding of their exact forms. Upon the final handsign the fifth time, he closed his eyes and focused. From Kazukis skin, tiny shocks of electricity began to rise. After a moment, he opened his eyes and showed Katsago the result of the jutsu. Moving extremely quickly behind Katsago. He felt Kazuki tap on his shoulder and Katsago dared to glance back but he wasnt there.Then he turned around again and he was back where he started about 10 meters infront of Katsago.

So now it was Katsagos turn.He slowly did the hand signs that Kazuki provided and at the last sign he put the jutsu in to effect.Electricity began to charge off him.And his hair standing up a little now.But Katsago was focusing to much.You could see sparks fly as huge amounts of electricity was surrounding Katsago.And then his hair starting standing up all the way with his hood down now.Then the electricity stopped and Katsagos body spazemed for a a quick moment and Katsago collapsed to the floor.
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyThu Jul 09, 2009 8:00 am

Kazuki quickly ran to the downed boy. He had not stopped him from overloading the jutsu, it was best he felt the point where he went to far as that is something Kazuki could not teach. But he had hoped that Katsago had not gone so far as to completely kill his body. Kneeling over him, he quickly observed the body, still having small spazms. "Can you feel this?" He asked as he pressed two fingers into the boy's left arm, at the elbow joint. He would continue doing so over the rest of his body, the next point being his ribs, then stomach, going down the left leg. To ensure there was no permanent paralysis caused by the jutsu.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyFri Jul 10, 2009 7:54 pm

Katsago was unconcius after all the focus he had put in to the jutsu.Now he was in lala land.He dreamt he was still 20 years old again back in the old times.Way before the villages were made.He was in his house with his wife Akiko and the dog woke him up as he came to his senses."Finally awake sleepy head?"said Akiko."Uh Akiko....what are you..." "Dont worry about it Kat itll be like the old times soon I promise"said Akiko."What do you mean?"said Katsago but just then he felt sharp pains in his body.He collapsed again but when he woke up again he saw Kazuki poking him every where."What in the world are you doing?"
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyFri Jul 10, 2009 8:25 pm

"What in the world are you doing?" Katsago said as he came to, Kazuki simply glared back into Katsago's eyes for a moment before pressing hard into his calf muscle. This was mostly due to the fact that he had fallen asleep during training from such a minor shock, the boy would definately have to work on his stamina in the near future. Whatever the boy's reaction would be, Kazuki would then stand up and quietly say "You're fine, get up". His voice its usual near inaudible volume. Talking that quietly was the only way he could get out a good amount of sentences before his throat gave out on him. He then moved several paces away and awaited for the boy to get back to his feet and ready to continue.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 8:01 am

Katsago was still on the ground when he felt Kazuki press hard into his calf.Katsago was wide awake.And he heard Kazuki say "You're fine, get up" in a barely audible voice.Then Katsago got up slowly still feeling sore.But he still managed and tried the jutsu again.

At the last hand sign Katsago put the jutsu into effect.He was shooting electricity off him again but this time it was only little sparks flying.Katsago tried not to focus to much in doing this.Finally he had got the jutsu to work as he was speeding around Kazuki like a race car.But just then Katsago got clumsy and ran into a tree.Getting he cursed at him self "Kurosai......atleast i sort of get the point."
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptySun Jul 12, 2009 9:09 am

Kazuki merely watched, his face and body unmoved by the boy's progress. He had already learned not to overcharge the jutsu for its rather negative effects, but after he ran into the tree, it seemed he would still need to pull back on its boosting effects. Just because his speed was increased did not mean he could control himself. But at this point, there was really nothing left of the jutsu to teach, the boy just had to practise on his own until he was at a comfortable level of mastery. Kazuki then went back to the shade under the tree where he originally sat and slid down the bark. Closing his eyes and waving his hand in a rather lazy gesture stating for him to continue the jutsu for a little while longer to get a full understanding of its abilities.
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C ranked Missing-Ninja
C ranked Missing-Ninja

Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyMon Jul 13, 2009 5:53 am

Katsago brushed off the last bit of dirt off of his black robe.By now you wouldve thought that wearing black clothes wouldve made him a human sauna by now but fortunately for Katsago he never broke a sweat.His creator recreated him to be that way.And now in the form of a boy Katsago hated his creator even more.He performed the jutsu one more time.On the last hand sign he once again put the jutsu into effect.He ran around the tree Kazuki was sitting at.He tried to put a little more Raiton chakra into his body and noticed that it made him go a little faster but he hadnt put to much for he didnt want to get paralyzed again.Then ran up the tree Kazuki was sitting at and hung his feet from the branch and stared Kazuki for a second.He held out a scroll that had a list of jutsus he wanted to learn.

Name: Raiton Koumaru
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: First Katsago will make a sphere of Raiton chakra in his hand then he can either pucnh someone with this or throw it.If hit the enemy will be paralyzed for one post.
Link: https://ultimateshinobi.rpg-board.net/training-area-f136/training-with-kazuki-t1807.htm#20154

Name: Raiton Kami
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: A Jutsu which concentrates chakra through your hair, and at close enough ranges can be used to trap the opponent with your hair and then shock them.
Link: https://ultimateshinobi.rpg-board.net/training-area-f136/training-with-kazuki-t1807.htm#20154

Name: Raiton FiTo
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description:Katsago focuses raiton chakra into his feet and once he begins to walk and leave foot steps behind with and electrical current going through them.The enemy will step on them and be
imobolized for a post.
Link: https://ultimateshinobi.rpg-board.net/training-area-f136/training-with-kazuki-t1807.htm#20154
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Training with Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Kazuki   Training with Kazuki EmptyMon Jul 13, 2009 9:42 pm

Kazuki opened one eye as Katsago pulled out a scroll. He lifted a hand and took the scroll, sliding it open and reading through. Three jutsu were listed, the first jutsu did seem to be quite useful while the other two were questionable at best. Especially the one that focused chakra into his hair. The theory was that it would be used to ensnare and capture an opponent. With that though, one, the enemy is dangerously close to your head and if they manage to counter it, the effects would be devistating. However it also seemed impractical as one would need exceptionally long hair to even attempt at pulling this jutsu off. Which from what Kazuki could see, Katsago was quite lacking. The other did seem to have its uses, but the range was quite lacking and it would be pure luck to carch someone with it.

"We'll start with the first" he said quietly, getting slowly back to his feet and brushing the dirt off his pants.
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Training with Kazuki Empty
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