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 Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)

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3 posters
Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 11:44 am

“It’s going to be ok.” Haeichi reassured the man on the bed in front of him. His location was smack dab in the middle of moon country on call to heal someone that the medics of moon were incapable of performing. Haeichi had his hands spread over the man’s back as he began to reconstruct the man’s spine back into place. Loud cracking could be heard coming from the man’s back as the man relaxed on the table under drugs to keep him from feeling anything. As he constructed the spine Haeichi moved to the man’s skull and placed his hands on it and began to use his electric chakra to reestablish control from the brain steam to the man’s spinal cord. Haeichi finished up and turned the lights off in the room, sweat dripping from his head form the extremely delicate procedure. He turned to the head Moon Medic “Let him rest a few days and then let him slowly begin to move. Remember he hasn’t moved his muscled in a good deal of time, I recommend physical therapy after two days of rest.”

Haeichi then headed out of the hospital, he had a long way to go to get back to Suna now. He was wearing his normal clothes, a sleeveless leather jacket with his black pants and ninja shoes. His black bandages still surrounded his eyes with the ends running down his back. He may have been blind but he knew where he was going. However he was also aware that Akatsuki were often spotted around Moon and as such he was constantly on alert. He entered a small forest that would eventually take him to the docks when he heard a very faint noise. He concentrated on it and sniffed the air slightly.

“You really shouldn’t try sneaking up on people when your robe is flapping in the wind.” He said aloud to the Akatsuki member that was training him from a few hundred feet away.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 11:55 am

Near arrived suddenly in the moonlight, disturbing the area around him as he suddenly appeared from what seemed like nowhere. Near examined the area in front of him, noticing it as a simple open field, with tall grass all around. This was not an uncommon description, and could usually describe most of the moon country. He walked forward, and decided he didn't like the silence. Near made a few handseals, and rose his hands to the sky. He closed his eyes and concentrated, combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms together in the air at a large amount. After a few seconds, dark clouds formed in the night sky, covering up the moon. Near lowered his hands, and it began to rain. The rain was hard, and hit Near mercilessly, like condemnation on a sinner. And yet, it felt as if it washed his sins away.

Near smiled, and made a handseal. a single shadow clone appeared. Near and the clone began to spar, trading punches. Near concentrated on dodging the clone's blows, as taijutsu was never Near's strong point. Near also made sure to not hit the clone hard enough to make it disperse. Near trained for a few minutes when he felt another chakra presence. After a few seconds, he heard this new presence speak to him.

“You really shouldn’t try sneaking up on people when your robe is flapping in the wind.”

Near laughed, and dissapeared, reapearing behind the ninja, a kunai in hand. Near's arm was outstretched, holding the kunai to the back of the ninja's neck.

"I suppose it's my fault for choosing my wardrobe."

Near awaited the ninja's next move, and readied himself mentally for battle, his mind going through different situations.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 12:12 pm

“If I wanted you dead I would have killed you already.” Haeichi said appearing behind his Akastuki opponent as his afterimage disappeared in front of him. ‘Hmm Déjà vu’ He thought for a moment as he grinned toward the man. He could hear something else as well and almost instantly a senbon flew out of his hand that would undoubtedly find the man’s shadow clone. He grinned again afterward, “I am going to assume you are Near Leader of the Akatsuki based on a couple things I am not going to mention. I am asking you to leave now or I will kill you, and be assured I ‘will’ kill you. I just gave a man in moon the ability to walk again and now I find myself fighting you already.” Haeichi said without a stutter.

“The rain worked out in my favor, I can hear every move you make by the sound of the puddles. However I also think there may be a reason why it suddenly appeared, am I about right so far?” he asked as he still stood in a neutral stance. Facing the man “I am going to also assume your now a Taijutsu specialist as you wouldn’t have fallen for my afterimage technique. I’m right again, aren’t I?”
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 12:19 pm

Near smiled as the ninja's afterimage dissapeared. It was true that Near realized it was such a little too late, but this didn't matter. The ninja he was now fighting revealed something very important about himself. He was blind, and relied on soundwaves to navigate, that and other senses, probably. He was right about one thing, there was a reason Near had summoned it. with Near's mastery of the water element, each of those drops of water was a weapon to Near. Without moving a finger, or a muscle, without even making a sound, Near could manipulate them in any way he wished. He could send all of them shooting at the ninja like bullets, powerful enough to pierce the skin. He could grab the opponent from the puddles he stood on. There was no limit to what near could do with the water around him.

Near dissapeared suddenly, Reappearing in the air, standing atop a platform of water, about an inch thick. Near smiled, and the raindrops around him shot out in all directions like tiny bullets. And because he made it omnidirectional, nothing short of a space jutsu would allow the ninja to approach him, on top of the fact that Near had a blind man dodgin water bullets. Was that cruel? Near didn't really care.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 12:37 pm

Using the opponent’s lack of knowledge again he could easily hear the bullets of rain and decided to dodge them by slipping in between a blank area where the attack would not hit. His attack was meant to hit at a point not the surrounding areas as well, which made it easier to dodge. In retaliation he quickly brought electricity to his hand and placed his hand in the water making sure the opponent would be shocked. It would be a matter of mere seconds before the lightning would hit. However he wasn’t stupid. He kept moving letting his hand drag in the water trying not to make himself an easy target. He knew a lot about his opponent already and enough to know he ‘was’ facing the Akatsuki leader. He had a mastery of water which meant he used ninjutsu and if his info was correct he might see some fuujinjutsu as well. While he potentially shocked his opponent he launched two exploding kunai at his opponent, one aiming directly for the man and the other at the water the man was standing on. He would make the one going for the water explode first and then the one going after the man.

Name: Lightning Fist
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Description: Haeichi's entire arm is covered in lightning and the force of the lightning is delivered to an opponent upon contact stunning them slightly, aside form that just a regular punch.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 12:47 pm

Near sighed as the opponent dodged his attack with little difficulty. He obviously misjudged Near's control. As the opponent sent electricty through the rain drops, Near immediately seperated all water from his body. There was a zone of an inch, where Near allowed no water to touch his body. Near removed a few senbon from his pouch and threw it at the exploding kunai. Each of them pieced the tag laterally, disrupting the seal, rendering the explosive properties null. Then using the water around him, he caught the kunai and launched them back at the opponent. At the same time, Near began to shoot all of the rain around the opponent inwardly at the opponent. Simply stating, no matter where the opponent moved, the rain would shoot at him, as if the ninja had a gravitational pull attracting the rain. Near made a handseal and a shadow clone appeared, The clone jumped to the ground, and made handseals, before proclaiming:

"Earth style! Flowing River!!"

A mudslide erupted from infront of the opponent, and moved to carry the opponent away in a wall of mud 15 ft tall and 30 ft wide, something almost inescapable. After half a second, the clone was already making handseals, and was then shouting:

"Earth Style! Rock lodging destruction!"

hundreds upon hundreds of stones began erupting from the earth, flinging at each other so fast, that their collisions were like explosions, incredibly loud. None of them were aimed at the opponent. instead, the mass amounts of stones colliding with each other served as a distraction. They were incredibly loud, and would make concentrating on other Nearby sounds difficult.

Earth Style: Earth flowing river
Rank: C
Descripton: A mud slide that forceable moves the opponent in any direction the user choose

Name: Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
This jutsu dislodges rocks from the area to launch at an opponent to crush them. The launched rocks can be broken down further to attack multiple targets from several angles.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 6:15 am

Haeichi couldn’t help but scoff, his opponent was severely underestimating him and his speed. He quickly could hear the simple formation of the hand signs and leapt into the air and out of the way of the attack once he realized it was ground based. After landing in a tree a calm wind began to form around the battle field. The stones were a nuisance but he could easily work his way around the trick. The real problem was the water bullets he had to constantly avoid and that just agitated him more and more he had to work his way toward the opponent because at the range they were currently at he was at less of an advantage. He began sprinting through the air in mid air toward his opponent still dodging the water bullets with a hint of gracefulness. He then drew a kunai up to his face while staring directly where the opponents eyes were when suddenly the bandages around his eyes flew off and into the sky. If he had made direct eye contact his opponent would no longer be able to use any of his chakra for a little bit (2 posts), and all currently active chakra techniques and buffs would be immediately cancelled. Now was his chance, he lunged a hand forward toward his opponent launching an invisible orb of wind at his opponent with immense speed that would cause great blunt damage if it landed.

Name: Push
Rank: A-S
Type: Taijutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Haeichi places wind chakra into his hands and manipulates the wind and pushes his hand forward in a open palm attack which allows the wind to travel out with extreme blunt force. He can also use these to stop enemy taijutsu or even push back an enemies weapon. Haeichi can also make a fist and do the same technique which allows his punches to realese a lot more energy than it normally would. This technique is rankes A-S based on possible damage done not for chakra consumption.

Name: Wind Platform
Rank: A
Type: Taijutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Haeichi can summon wind chakra to his feet which can literally allow him to step against air and allow him to manuver that way as well. Essentially wind chakra is realeased from his feet with just enough force to make what would seem an invisible platform that he then pushes off of.

Name: Faint Breeze
Rank: C
Element: Wind
Description: Haeich makes a very light breeze similar to that of a normal calm wind but it covers a much larger area. Haeichi uses this so he can use his kkg to understand where certain objects or people are.

[quote] The Kisai clan also have a very special technique only availabe to those A rank and over. This technique requires direct contact with the opponent and upon removing the cover from his eyes he can make the opponents chakra become suppressed for 2 posts meaning that they will not be able to use a jutsu for 2 posts and it will cancel any buffs that are currently active.[/quote
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 6:52 am

Near's eyes grew wide, as he felt the water platform dissapear beneath him. He fell to the ground, but managed land on two feet. Quickly, he released the seals on his body, releasing weapons that fell to a pile all around him. Because of his kkg, he could release the weapons, even with his chakra cut off, he just couldnt release weapons in scrolls or in his cloak. This still left him with a few swords, his now useless staff of water and earth, exloding tags, and kunai, as well as shuriken and senbon. Near picked up two katanas as they fell, and held them in a defensive position. Near wasn't sure how long this suppresion would last, but he would make sure to survive until it was over.

Near was about 10 meters away from his opponent, who was now thrusting his hand forward towards Near. Near surmised that this was some sort of jutsu, and rolled to the left. He felt the wind rippling past his right side. Near threw his katana into the air, and grabbed three shuriken which he quickly threw at his opponent. He then caught his katana as it fell. Near rolled back behind his pile of weapons.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 7:22 am

Haeichi didn’t waste any time in reacting as he saw the man fell from the water tower that he had been situated on for so long. He began to move extremely fast creating over thirty afterimages to make sure he would not be tracked and when he finally got close he shunshined behind the man and let his hand trail over the man’s shoulder. Granted he might get slashed if his opponent were to turn around suddenly but none the less the physical contact was all he needed to complete the jutsu he had wanted to do. He also dropped around ten paper bombs as he continued to move out of the way of any counter attack. The point of the jutsu was not to kill his opponent but hinder him so he couldn’t move. He had used a medical jutsu to screw with the man’s nerves and unless the man had some medical background he would not be able to figure out which brain signal moved which body part.

Name: After Image Movement
Rank: A
Type: Taijutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Haechi can move so fast during his attacks and movements that generally the image of him attacking lags and leaves an image behind giving the opponent the illusion that he i either moving normally or standing still.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination.

Ranshinshou - Chaotic Mental Collision
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Description: Ranshinshou is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Sannin Tsunade. Changing the chakra in her hand into an electricity, Tsunade can create an electric field to disrupt her targets nervous system. Because the brain and body communicate using electrical impulses, Tsunade can use the field to disrupt her targets ability to move. What results is commands to move one body part being relayed to another, making it near impossible for them to move unless they have high skill and understanding of the body
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 7:39 am

Near saw the afterimages and cursed inwardly. As he already saw the afterimage, he knew the opponents plan, which was to confuse Near. Near began spinning rapidly on one leg, The katanas in his hand forming deadly spinning blades. As he spun, he kicked weapons in all directions, avoiding the exploding tags.

However, He noticed that his opponenet managed to make contact. Acting quick, Near threw his blades back, to sides, at such a speed that the opponent would only be able to move back to avoid them, as moving to either side would cause them to slice open his sides.

Near collapsed to the ground and couldn't move. He concentrated and felt the medical chakra suddenly surge to his brain. Near, knowing the mystical palm technique, did have some experience with medical jutsu. He understood now, that his brain's signal's were scrambled. Near quickly ran through his body's senses, and his feelings. When he tried to move his left leg, his right eyelid blinked. His left hand was now his left toe, his neck now his right foot. After a few seconds, Near finished going through all these, his brain succesfully rewired. Someone of Near's intelect wouldn't have any problem with this task, afterall

Near quickly grabbed senbon from the pile, and threw them blindly around, he continued doing so with kunai and shuriken, stopping after a few seconds. Near had been blind, and needed some defense. Near then grabbed his katana, and readied to defend himself. Near missed having chakra, and ironically enough, he could feel his chakra surging back to him just as he was thinking such a thought.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 8:09 am

The swords were a useless gimmick as they hit the wave of air from his hands and deflected, while doing this he made a hand sign with his left hand and made the explosive tags that had dropped around the man explode into an enormous fireball. He had quickly vanished yet again after the explosion and concealed himself. That attack he had planned out would be unavoidable at the man’s last current state which was still falling to the ground to try and figure out what the hell had happened to his movement. He had to hide as the bandages found its way back to his eyes again. However now another problem occurred,a dreadful migraine appeared in his head as his nose began to bleed from the pain. His special attack had now worn off and he himself was now hindered. He began to search through his pack and quickly found a few herbs and ingredients and swallowed them. Hus migraine would be on hold for a while but not as long as he hoped. He checked his pack as well he still had tons of equipment, enough to do some damage in his next skirmish with the man, if he was still alive.

Name: Push
Rank: A-S
Type: Taijutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Haeichi places wind chakra into his hands and manipulates the wind and pushes his hand forward in a open palm attack which allows the wind to travel out with extreme blunt force. He can also use these to stop enemy taijutsu or even push back an enemies weapon. Haeichi can also make a fist and do the same technique which allows his punches to realese a lot more energy than it normally would. This technique is rankes A-S based on possible damage done not for chakra consumption.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 8:13 am

Given the delay between the sword deflection, the handseal, and the activation, Near had regained his ability to move by the time the explosion went of. Near used the replacement technique with a nearby weapon, and he shunshined away from the scene. Near now stood, hidden in the shadows of the night in a tree, surveying the battle field, looking for his opponent. Near was completely concealed in the shadows, and he hid his chakra presence with ease. He did not move. Only looked in a single direction on the battle field, looking for his opponent, waiting for him to make a move.

Shadow Blending
Rank: D
type: Nin
This jutsu allows the user to seamlessly blend in with any mostly dark shadows.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 8:34 am

‘Dammit’ Haeichi though. He wasn’t sure when he had the time to dodge but he had. His opponent was easily found in his mind as well as he activated a couple jutsu, one making him completely invisible while the other silenced his movements completely. His chakra control was precise enough to control how much chakra he leaked out so others would know, he always had 0 of his chakra leaking out and kept it under the radar till he needed it. Quietly he sped toward his opponent, using the wind and his sense of smell to find the man. He would not engage him from the front however. He threw 2 exploding kunai, one directly at the man and the other off to the left, if he tried moving right or upwards he would counter with a heavy punch.

Name: Bikou Ninjutsu - Shadow Stealth Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible. The skill and length in which one can stay hidden varies by rank and ability.

Name: Art of the Silent Step
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Haichi concentrates wind chakra to the bototm of his feet that manipulates any sound waves where his feet touch an object and maniupulate it so that no sound can actually be heard by animals or humans.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 9:59 am

Near smiled as the exploding kunai were launched at him. He held out his hands, and two invisible strings extended from them, grabbing onto the exploding kunai. They whipped them around in the direction of the opponent, who's presence Near could feel, half instinctively, half reasonably. After all, a kunai attack from two directions meant another attack from the other. The exploding kunai went to Near's upper right, before Near made a handseal, and dissapeared.

Near reappeared several meters away, 3 shadow clones beside him, and since they appeared as he appeared, deciphering who the real one was would be impossible. Near and his shadow clones made handseals at the same time, though each one for another technique, except for the third clone. On Near's final Handseal, He dissapeared beneath the earth.

The first and second shadow clones stopped at the same time, shouting in unison:

"Earth Style: Rock lodging destruction!"

about 50 rocks shot out of the ground beneath each of the shadow clones, all of them aimed at the area where Near's opponent was. The two shadow clones which did so were beneath the rock as they exploded outwards. Riding on the rocks, they jumped from rock to rock, inscribing the exploding tag seal on each of the stones. When all 50 stones collided against the earth, There was a massive explosion that covered the entire battle field, with Near safely below ground.

The Third clone, acted as a decoy, being destroyed in the blast, giving the illusion of a suicidal attack. Near, underground, made no sound, and hid his presence perfectly.
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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 10:14 am

Haeichi sighed as he reappeared and prepared two shuriken. The two kunai he had thrown had missed by a mile. He was beginning to get tired of this guys petty games of attacking and hiding like a rat bastard coward. Haeichi launched a single powerful burst of air from his palm and sent it through the rocks making them explode prematurely. He had jumped now throwing one of them at the last remaining clone as the others had been destroyed in the blast. Of course he knew his opponent was underground now, it was only logical that when three appear and one disappears that the man was hiding. Haeichi launched himself off an air platform above him and sent himself flying down at the ground. He punched the ground hard and used his chakra control to make the impact even more severe and causing the ground the fissure and reveal his opponent.

“Are you going to stop running now?” he asked as he threw the last senbon in his hand at his enemy hoping to stop his heartbeat by hitting the right nerve.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 10:26 am

Near smiled as the earth split apart. He made a handseal, whilst still hidden and a water clone appeared seamlessly, apearing to be Near. Meanwhile, Near went even farther underground, silently beneath his opponent. That was when his opponent threw the senbon. It struck his clone, and the clone fell to the ground hanging on just long enough, to appear to be real.

Suddenly, Near grabbed outwards at his opponent from the earth, and attempted to switch places with him. Near figure this would work, since the opponent would've thought he won, and that Near was dying. After doing so, Near shunshined, and took the spot of his water clone, standing up, smirking at the spot where his opponent should be.

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Chouga Akimichi
Sand Jounin
Sand Jounin
Chouga Akimichi

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 6:40 am

'Still underestimating.' He thought as the trapped afterimage disappeared. His opponent still didn't understand that at close range he would lose. It took mere milliseconds and he wa sbehind his opponent as he sank his hand depp into the center of his opponents back and grabbed the mans heart that he could still hear beating. He then yanked it out with incredible ease. His opponent would die now but in the very least he could bring his body back for experimentations as well as retriving all the knowledge in his brain.

"Booya...Bitch." Was the last thing his opponent would hear before he bled to death.

Name: Spear Fist Taijutsu
Rank: A
Type: Taijutsu/Medical
Element: N/A
Description: This Taijutsu technique is extremely painful and uses a variation of the chakra scalpel as well. Haeichi will make a fist but keep his thumb, middle, and index finger extended and apply chakra to those fingers. In return everytime Haeichi hits the opponent using this style he literally stabs his opponent making this an extremely painful technique.

Name: Brain Surgery
Rank: A-S
Type: Medical/KKG
Element: N/A
Description: Using his clans KKG Haeichi can perform brain surgery on a person and can accomplish a number of things from fixing skull fractures, spinal cord trauma, and surgury involving even the cells of the brain. He is also capable of extracting knowledge this way by literally viewing the man memories through his eyes after activating this effect.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 6:44 am

Near's eyes gaped wide, and he collapsed to the ground. The last thing he did, was flip over on his back, smiling. He concentrated, activating the final jutsu he could as an odolwa. His body stopped, his brain cleared of all information, and all of his kkg's info throughout his blood was destroyed instanlty. How pleasant, was death.

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The Fourth Hokage
The Fourth Hokage

Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 2:24 pm

Topic Voided.

Reason One, Pat breaking an agreement

Reason Two, Dante didn't travel to Moon Country so there for isn't there.
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Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)   Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat) Empty

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Day of Reckoning (Private, Pat)
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