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 The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]

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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyThu Jul 30, 2009 12:41 pm

A haven can be found anywhere, or so they say. Even in the worst situations, a sanctuary is just around the corner, if you go and look for it. A cave during a fierce storm, and underground shelter during a bombing, the eye of a hurricane where all is calm. These things all exist, but lurking just outside of their perimeter lies the undying destruction, watching and waiting with unending patience for the pray to come out of this sanctuary, if for but a minute, so that their life or will may be claimed and taken away from the world. But could such a place be found among the twisting sands of blazing hot quantity, could such a place be found where neither food nor water exists in any direction for miles while the golden flakes twist and shift, tearing flesh from bone if prompted enough to do so. Yes, these things are known to mankind as an Oasis, a sudden patch of vegetation, life, and most importantly, fresh water serving as a pimple amidst the golden demon land. She had heard of such things, and imperatively decided that she wanted to visit such a thing. After all, her life existed in no specific location, she could go where she wanted. Unluckily for her those places were always lonely and void of any human activity, something that would seem very undesired to a normal person, but still preferred to her. As a result she had become very feeble in the face of human contact as well as all but lost her voice, only having two volumes: Soft and quite when speaking, or loud and hoarse when shouting. Unfortunately for her voice, the latter was the one done the most. Not very often was she in a situation where a person before her was deemed worthy to receive anything more than a shout that was more like a plea to just go away.

Her luck was running out, however. As free as she was, foolishness and a lack of knowledge was present with her when attempting things like this. She never figured that these oasis would be difficult to find, and therefor packed very little provisions, and by now was lost in the desert, surrounded by heat which caused her to sweat due to her all over black clothing. Her hair wet hair clung to the top of her head and her forehead, looking as though she had just gotten out of the shower. At least her long hair flowing down the length of her back was not as wet. The last thing she needed was weight behind her. She was a fighter however, and because of this she was able to push on despite these conditions with a pace that refused to slow. Her life so far had hardened her physically to the point where she could take on tough challenges and last longer than your average person. She could even outdo up to weaker Jounin, but an average or up shinobi at Jounin level would be able to last as long as her, possibly even outlast her. Either way, she continued to trudge through these sands, never slowing but the exhaustion clear on her face. Her legs would soon give out and she might just find her end lost and alone within the sands. At least in this situation, she thought, she would die surrounded by warmth, a warmth almost like that of her father. She would rather it this way than to die surrounded by a coldness that was so intense it caused the victim to believe that upon death icy, bone thin hands would extend and claim the soul, dragging it down to the netherworld below where eternal suffering was to be experienced, frozen.

One could not say she had given up hope despite the fact she kept on walking. Hope was not a factor with her, hope did not exist. The only things that mattered was whether or not her current situation was worth pushing on until tomorrow. It was as simple as that. She had decided that day that she would live until tomorrow, and she would push herself to obtain that goal unless she was stricken down forcefully, in which case the only thought that would cross her mind as she closed her eyes forever was that it simply wasnt meant to be, that on this day life had finally taken the final punishment upon her. Her resolve was as solid as this, and that was all she needed to go on. She was beginning to find this harder and harder to do however, as she felt her legs were near the breaking point. Before she knew it, this point had been achieved as she collapsed on the ground, her face in the sand. She stayed in that position for awhile, closing her eyes as she waited to slip away. But she heard a sound then, the sound of something that seemed out of place. She slowly lifted her head to look forward and found her vision filled with green. 'That doesnt look right...' she thought to herself as her eyes began to flutter. Darkness consumed her before she was able to think anything more about the site she had witness in front of her.

She awoke later to see that the golden sands were now tinted different colors such as orange and orangish pink. Her eyes opened slowly to find that she could look directly at the sun without being blinded, as it was retreating out of site. It was a sunset, and night was almost upon her. She felt strength within her body again, and slowly stood up and looked forward at the green that was also tinted different colors. She looked on weakly as her legs began to carry her forwards into this greenness, and walked on until she found a large pond of water. Action was taken in a slow fashion as she kneeled down and scooped up some water in the palm of her hand, drinking it as slow as her actions. She did this a few more times before she carried herself to sit down at the base of a tree. Only then did her body stop moving on her own, only then did her brain return to her as the dreamy haze lifted from her eyes. "Where am I..." she said aloud in a monotone voice, still soft and low. She had no one to receive an answer from, this she knew, but she still felt as though it should be said.
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Allie-Chan (=

Allie-Chan (=

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyFri Jul 31, 2009 8:23 am

With every step, it seemed, the world grew fainter until everything melted together. The woman moved as if on auto pilot, her mind busy reviewing the directions the old woman had given her to find the oasis as her eyes and sense of direction guided her. It was easy enough walking north-west until you hit something, the problem was keeping the direction and not getting turned around or set off course. No matter how many times you ventured through the sands, nothing ever seemed familiar except the silence and the heat bearing down on your head. Though the woman broke barely a sweat even half-way through her trip in this inferno of a land, she was beginning to get agitated. Something didn't seem right for some reason.

Tsuki let her mind wander further back after she checked her course. It would be so easy to walk over the border and leave this village. She would be like everyone else in her life. Walk out and either never come back, or come back dead. The only thing that stopped her was the fact that, maybe, her brother would return some day. And the fact that if she didn't live in the constant heat of the desert she'd forget what it was like. Maybe eventually forget why she stayed here without the constant reminders. Forget that she had everything, and then it was ripped away piece by piece, and made to watch as it was taken. But, maybe it wasn't so bad to forget. She sighed and brushed her short black hair from her vibrant golden eyes. There would never be a right answer to this kind of situation.

Then she noticed the sun was already setting, and that there was an uneven patch of green reaching up over the harizon. If her mind hadn't wandered then maybe she would have been faster getting here. Tsu walked through the small shrubs and trees to stand just at the water's edge, her eyes raking over the bank in search of the herbs the old lady told her to get for her. The she saw the strange plant on the opposite back and sighed, picking her way through thorns and some scratchy bushes she couldn't identify, praying to god it wasn't poisonous. And it wasnt until she was standing on the opposite bank did she notice the woman moving accross the sands. Tsuki stood still and watched the woman as she leaned against a tree, resisting the urge to laugh at the woman's words. Then she stepped out in front of her and tilted her head slightly, her voice sounding cold, but slightly curious also.

"The question i want to know is why are you here? What is your name?"
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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyFri Jul 31, 2009 9:13 am

Her eyes drifted downwards as her eyelids closed over them halfway, looking at all the life and growth of everything around her in this strange pocket of divinity in the middle of so much...nothing. Even after hearing so much about it, and even hearing why such a thing was so, she couldnt help but be amazed by it. This did not show on her in any physical way, as she remained to hold a distant look as her gaze floated around her. She heard her words die away into nothing around the edges of her ears, knowing that they would never be answered. But it was alright, she really did know where she was. She was at the oasis she was looking for, but the question had been directed in a different way. To her this place seemed like paradise due to its location, and it was so out of place that it just didnt seem like it belonged to the earth. It felt like she had stumbled into a completely different realm, a realm that had placed itself randomly in the middle of the churning sands, as if landing there by luck. She was lost in her thoughts so deeply that she didnt hear the sounds of movement around her, the sounds of someone else around.

The intrusion was so sudden, and so completely unexpected that it sent a jolt throughout her entire body, causing her eyes to snap up filled with an immense fear that gripped her like all the awful memories of the past. Her entire body shook, but it was unnoticeable to the outside eye, and she gasped almost silently at the sound of the voice that did not hide its coldness with its curiosity. This person was standing right over her, her head tilted to the side in interest. The presence of another human, and one that had become apparent so abruptly at that, was to much for her to handle on the spot, and she was neither able nor willing to say anything in return to her. The shaking continued as she looked up at the woman standing over her, looking petrified. She was actually scared enough to be petrified, however was still able to move. While she stood still in her position, as her hands had shot down to the ground beside her upon hearing her voice during her jump, her shaking was not noticeable. But as she started to move the shaking became apparent, something she herself noticed quickly. Despite her scared stiff situation, she was still able to think. She wanted more than anything now to run and sprint away, and in order to do that the person above her would have to be distracted, as as her headband strapped to her hip instated, she was a shinobi of the sand, and therefor would be able to catch her unless she had a headstart. Therefor, she decided the best course of action to getting away would be to speak with her as best she could, and try to slink away at the same time. Luckily this person was not a man, and her voice returned to her in time because of this. "E-Eve..." he said in a very soft yet horribly frightened voice, waiting for the opportunity to start inching off.
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Allie-Chan (=

Allie-Chan (=

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyFri Jul 31, 2009 10:52 am

Tsuki watched the woman with silent gold eyes slightly narrowed, one hand resting on the left Satsu Kaji. The woman seemed to disoriented, and she could see no visible indication of a village on her. Though it was obvious by the way she was dressed that she was either incredibly stupid or wasn't from around here. Tsuki herself couldnt have standed the heat in her clothes for very long, even having lived here all her life. It was amazing she got this far into the desert when it didn't seem like she had many things with her to take the trip. She didn't know what compelled her to do it, but Tsu let her guard down and leaned down on one knee as the woman began to shake. Moving her swords so they didn't brush the ground, she leaned forward slighty towards the woman and examined her condition from a few feet away. The black stone crosses slipped from her shirt to hang suspended in the air from black and white strings, glinting silver in the miniscule light still left by the setting sun. Her voice was considerably softer, but still held a note of coldness as she sighed and met the woman's eyes.

"Calm down, Eve. Can you tell me what village you come from, and why you are in the desert and quite unprepared it looks like?"

It looked like Eve was ready to bolt at any given moment, and Tsu was more than willing to get back to Sunagakure a little earlier than she planned when she confronted the woman. At that point it seemed like a waste to let the woman run back into the desert when it seemed like she wouldnt last very far at this point. At that moment, she had the feeling something was off again. Tsu peered over the brush near them and looked back at the water's edge, scanning the banks for any sign of movement. She opened her mouth to speak again, then closed it. As she bega to turn her head back towards the woman, the sense that something wasn't right grew stronger....
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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyFri Jul 31, 2009 11:19 am

Eve watched the woman in front of her, the same frightened and desperate to escape look on her face that had appeared the very moment her voice first landed on her ears. It wasnt anything personal, technically. Nothing this person had done caused this reaction within her, she was just completely and entirely horrified of all humans in general. This horror was split into a few different ways, however. The women of the world were the ones that saw the scared girl that sat huddled in a corner, holding on to anything, usually her own legs, dearly for some kind of comfort. Men on the other hand frightened her as well, but this fear was expressed as anger. She hated all men on the earth, except her own father, from the pit of her soul. This anger, this rage was great enough to cause her to kill any man she met the second she did. However, the same fear was as great as well, balancing this rage to the point where she only became more aggressive and defiant with men, more so than women. The only way someone could get her to talk freely without the overwhelming desire to leave the vicinity as soon as possible was if they were 1. A woman, and 2. Very very careful about it. The one before her had achieved both of these goals, while not necessarily realizing either. However, she did make one mistake with the second. Her sudden and completely random entrance, along with her curious yes, but also cold voice had jolted the fear, which had taken hold of her. The only thing speaking to her now was her instinct. And instincts only word: Run.

In truth what she required was time and patience, but a good hold and lack of any chance for escape, while subtly and not apparently purposely, to slay the horror and cause her to stop shaking and not only thing about the chance to run away. Another thing the woman did right by speaking. Her voice was soft and calming, which did cause her to calm down a little bit, like she had asked. It would have been more effective had that small tint of coldness not been present. She recognized that coldness, it was the same thing that existed in her mother. No matter how she spoke to her, no matter the situation, that cold and obvious dislike for her was always present. This frightened her more to the point she was scared of what kind of person she was, which in turn caused her to panic even more. It was taking hold of her, but she would not allow herself to do this illogically as long as her thought process outweighed her instinct. She had been asked a question, and this thought process told her the right thing to do was at least say something, maybe not answer her, but say something. The fear and look of a cornered bunny rabbit was still there in her wide pink eyes, and she opened her mouth to say something, when suddenly this person looked behind her. Without a seconds hesitation, she was bolting.

She pushed strength through her legs to stand up quickly. Before she could realize what her own actions were, she was yanking a kunai out of her pouch that contained the very few supplies she had in the same motion she stood up. With that kunai, she pushed herself into the woman with it pointed towards her, plunging the bladed weapon deep into her shoulder as a means of handicapping her. Then, she began to run in the direction of the desert as fast as she could, her hair waving behind her. She didnt care that running out there now would probably get her killed, she didnt care that she didnt have enough supplies to last her unless she walked straight for the nearest forest, which she was doubted to do. She didnt care that she was making a stupid decision, as at this point, instinct had taken hold and she didnt even realize. All that mattered is getting away from this person. To that end, she was sure to stop her in her tracks, or at least delay her. Using one of her many earth style jutsus, she pushed chakra into the ground nearby the woman, and summoned up a large spear like spike to stick out of the ground, pointing towards her. It was long and pointed a little low, but it did not shoot out of the ground or go far enough to impale the woman should she have stood still. After doing this, she yelled out with that hoarse voice of hers, anything the woman saying before or after this never reaching her ears. "Leave me alone!"
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Allie-Chan (=

Allie-Chan (=

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptySun Aug 02, 2009 2:04 pm

The movement from the corner of her eye told her she was coming, but her body only got centimeters worth of movement before the woman's weight crashed into her shoulder. At the moment, she didn't even feel the pain as she cursed herself. Cursed herself for still having the kind nature people came to know and love in her. Cursed herself for not being so hasty to think her capable of attacking her in her condition. Cursed herself many times over for not learning medical jutsu, and for letting her guard down. Already, her body made to stand to chase the woman without her own command. It was a reflex for her now to retalliate to any kind of attack.

That was when she stumbled when she noticed the pain in her shoulder, and the scent of blood. Her mind showed her a flashback of that day, years ago, when the blood hadn't been her own, but Ritsukin's, that filled her sences. The spike that had protruded from the ground went halfway through her side before she pulled back, shocked by the sudden pain. Tsuki yanked the kunai from her shoulder, gritting her teeth, and went after the woman. Even in her state, she was able to catch up in a few moments, and then jump in front of her to cause her to stop. Her hands moving in rapid seals as she yelled out at the woman.

"Don't you understand when someone wants to help you?"

Tsu pushed her chakra into the water deep in the ground, and pulled it toward the surface, forcing it around Eve to keep her from moving. She silently hoped the woman knew how to hold her breath underwater. As the sphere formed around her, Tsuki pressed her fingers to the surface of it to keep it stable and held together. Her dark gold eyes staring back at the woman, confusion and curiosity evident. She barely noticed the blood now as it discolored her arm, stomache, and top part of her leg. It was hard to keep the anger from her voice, but she somehow made it sound soft and soothing. Like how her brother would speak to her when she got herself beat up.

"I wasn't going to hurt you, Eve. I just wanted to talk to you."

Sighing, Tsu dropped her hand from the water's surface and watched as the sphere collapsed around Eve. It would have been less frightening for Eve is she had used her shadow, but then maybe she was stronger than her. Everything was a possibility now. One hand rummaged for bandages in her small hip pouch while the other lay accross the hilt of her sword. She wondered how long she'd last on the way back with these wounds.

"Please answer my questions. And why did you attack me?"

*Note- We give eachother permission to god mod eachother in advance to posting them, and agree on it. This is just to make sure there is no confusion or misunderstandings.

Name: Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Suirou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.
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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 1:58 am

Eve's eyes widened in defeated fear once the woman suddenly appeared in front of her. Despite her efforts, she had still been caught by the person. Her instincts told her to turn and run the other way, which she began to do but suddenly tripped in the sand trying to turn around and fell on her butt in the sand. At the same time she yelled out at her for her actions, flinching slightly at the sounds of them. She was stuck now, and at the will of the woman in front of her. But even if she couldnt fight, she would shout back. She was tired of always being taken advantage of, and this woman would know it one way or another. She began a response but shouting out at the woman as her hands touched the sand below them. "No!" she shouted with her hoarse and unsteady voice that always showed whenever she shouted. But that was as as far as she got before her words were drowned by water. She began shouting, but her next word couldnt be made out as the water suddenly rushed up around her, causing the word to be shouted through the water.

She was taken by surprise that she just began shouting within the water, bubbles appearing in the prison and floating to the top. Her heart began pounding even faster as she became stressed, trying to find the way out of the water before she drowned. But she couldnt, feeling her lungs began to fail her as she became weak. Before long she would drown completely...It was the end. Then, the water suddenly fell around her, and she fell down on her hands in knees, a begging position in front of the woman as if she had been begging for her life back. She jumped back on her feet, the womans words meaning very little to her as tears streamed out of her eyes. "Nobody wants to help me! Nobody wants to talk with me! Your just like everyone else! You just want to use me! I'm not a tool damnit!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, trying desperately not to simply break down completely.
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Allie-Chan (=

Allie-Chan (=

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 3:37 am

Tsu slightly winced as a new pulse of pain went through her body when she moved her arm to far back in search of the bandages. Her good arm was the one that rested on her sword, fingers occasionaly twitching of their own accord until she flexed her grip on the hilt. She'd had worse than this before, and usually prepared for it better with the bandages near the top of her pouch. Though, for some reason, she neglected to do as much preparation for this trip because of the nature of it. You wouldnt expect to need bandages on a trip gathering some rare herbs from and oasis in the desert. Momentarily giving up, she trained her bright eyes on the woman once again as she began to shout. Her mouth contorting into something close to a sneer before she erased it before the woman could see it. Use her? For what? To do her evil bidding? It sounded like this woman didn;t want help, but needed it. Tsuki nearly walked away then, but still wanted to know why Eve had attacked a shinobi that raised no weapon to her, or showed hostility. All she did was ask a few simple questions.

"I have no intention of using you, Eve. When your offered help, your supposed to welcome it or turn it down politely, not run them through! I hadn't done anything to make you attack me, so why did you!"

She asked, her voice rose slightly as she questioned the woman on the ground before her. If she ran again, she'd just let her go and say the hell with it. It wasn't worth it. And she didn't want to fight someone who seemed as confused as this one did. Eve didn't really seem like she completely understood her words. Like they just phased through her or something. Tsuki shook her head slightly, her black hair falling over her eyes. Her voice was low and quite as she began to walk towards Eve, then stopped when she was beside her. Just an arm's reach away, though she didn't look down at her, but forward to the direction her village lay.

"If you don't want help, and you want to die out here, be my guest. I offered you help without wanting anything in return. So if you refuse, i can't make you accept it."

It was then that she looked down at her, something sad gleaming behind her golden eyes. She couldn't help her brother, couldn't help Ritsukin, and couldn't help herself. For once in a long time, she thought she could finally help someone. And it turned on her. Tsuki wondered if her role was actually to play the bad girl, and not the good one afterall. She started to walk back towards the oasis, listening in the silence for the sounds of Eve's fading footsteps as she ran. So far she heard only silence and her own slightly ragged breathing.
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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 4:44 am

The response of this woman in front of her crashed down around her ears as if her own had had no meaning to her. Did she not believe her? Was she denying it? She felt hot and cold swarming around her, the two different temperatures trying to claim dominion over her body. The tears that streamed down her face chilled her body from their source, the fright and denial that was clearly shown shouting out of her mouth, while the blazing hot atmosphere of the desert region beat against her outside. She felt in between, caught between chaos, almost like the emotions that were swelling up inside of her. her eyes looked so desperate as she peered out at the woman who looked at her so oddly, desperate for some kind of comfort yet to scared to stop shivering and accept it. She hadnt said anything yet to her first words, she was just unable to, stunned by them completely. They made sense, she wanted to believe them, but for some reason she just couldnt. They shook her to the core because of the frustration they caused, frustration and confusion.

Even though she hadnt said anything yet, the woman still made an advance on her, and began walking forward towards her. She became stiffer than before, and was unable to move as she braced herself for some kind of strike. But it did not come, instead she moved until she stood next to her, looking off in some kind of direction. She said more then, more confusing and antagonizing words. Was she trying to help her, or was she just playing the same game that god forsaken cleric was? She wanted to know, she wanted to believe, but she still couldnt. She ripped herself around to face the womans back, more tears coming out of her denying eyes. "Y-your lying!" she said, her voice a little lower now. "Y-your a human! Humans d-dont want to help other people! All they care about is themselves! You'll trick me, and then you'll stab me in the back! Just like everyone else!" With each passing word her voice got weaker, and started to waver more.

Then she slumped onto the ground, her eyes half closed. She had had enough, enough of the screaming and disbelieving. This person wasnt going to help...one way or another she would just end up leaving her here to burn after taking all of her supplies. Just like her mother, just like her friends, just like her family, just like the cleric...The hope that maybe she was telling the truth was a far off dream, no one could be like that, no one could be that considerate. Not with her, her life was gone...The tears continued to flow but she didnt move, and didnt make a sound until she just started mumbling. "Dont lie to me...I cant take it anymore, I cant take the deception..."
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Allie-Chan (=

Allie-Chan (=

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 5:35 am

The faint sounds of her steps faded until she stopped altogether, standing halfway between the oasis and the woman on the ground. Blood that had trickled onto her Suna head band glistened with a black light as she turned her head towards the woman over her shoulder, though her eyes were still hidden by the hair dangling over her face. All this nonsense Eve spouted about humans stabbing eachother in the back. About humans not not caring for anyone but themself. Some of it, she knew, was true. Some of it she had plenty of examples for, like the humans who killed her mother, possibly her father and brother, and her team. She lost everything she had to live for to humans. But there were different kinds of humans. The people who had died were nothing like the ones who killed them. As she spoke barely loud enough for the woman to hear, she raised her head so one glimmering eye looked back at her as she turned her body halfway back towards her.

"Humans are despicable creatures put on this earth to destroy eachother for the entertainment of God. Though some of them choose to take a different course than what is planned out for them."

Tsuki turned fully back around and started walking slowly to her as she reviewed the faces in her mind. The ones she gained throug her life. The ones she lost. Though she already knew the faces were the same in both categories, at least she was still able to remember them all. It barely mattered that she didn't have anyone left, or that she spent her days to herself. Watching the lives go on around her without them seeing her there, like looking through tinted glass. The memories and the self-promise of revenge was enough for her. By now she was standing over Eve, and she put her hands on the woman's shoulder as she kneeled down to her level. Pain, loss, and something she had no name for ran through her eyes as she met the woman's gaze.

"It's true, i'm human. Your human to. And if it weren't for the human's who sacrificed their life for me, i wouldnt be here. If I didn't witness the kindness humans were capable of, and never understood why they did what they did, i'd have no reason left to live. There are the humans who don't care, and then there are the ones that do. No matter what, there will always be one who cares in the world, Eve. If all the evils banded against them, they would still prevail and live on. You can see them only if you unblind yourself to the truth."

Her soft voice drifted into silence, the words she didn't even have to think about. They just came to her there as she looked at this woman. Someone who didnt know the kindness Tsuki grew up on. Even if she lost it all, she felt lucky to have ever received or witnessed it. It was far more than many others had a chance to get. Standing, she felt her hand wrap around the black stringed stone around her neck, and made no move to stop it. Tsu looked away from the woman and began walking away yet again.

"I'm not lieing to you, but believe what you wish. I will always know the truth about humans, and hold it to whats left of my heart."
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A ranked Missing-Ninja
A ranked Missing-Ninja

The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p]   The Wind Dies as the Sands Reveal [p] EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 9:29 am

She was silent, kneeling on the ground with a new stony, indifferent face to her. The fear had left her, and so had the instinct. But so to had the joy, so did the happiness and humor, what little there was. Now, she was empty, she had let go, let all that she had been believing in just float away from her. They didnt matter anymore anyway, just words to rely on...but not anymore, she didnt care. A strange change indeed, but in truth it was what she really was. After the fright had left, after the instinct had left, all that was left was her beliefs and distrust. But these had been trampled and throttled by the woman in front of her to nothingness, and now she really had...nothing. Her eyes were half closed while she sat, just staring at the ground like a corpse that had structure. The tears had stopped as well, dried up along with her voice. She remained like this as the woman lectured her more, only draining the life further out of her, only trampling what she had clinged to even more.

She heard footsteps, the unknown and new sound of the sand crunching under protected feet. What were the shoes for again? Thats right...to keep the heat away. Funny that along with everything else, her senses had left too. Even though she was sitting on the blazing hot sand still remaining some heat even though the sun was almost gone, she felt nothing. She couldnt feel what she was sitting on, not that she realized she was even sitting anymore. 'Its all...gone?' she thought subtly to herself, her eyes empty and defeated as well. As wrong as it sounded, her whole world had literally just crashed around her, the world for what she thought it was was gone. If she was looking at her situation from a practical point of view, she would be calling herself a sucker. She was falling for what this woman was saying, believing the lies she was weaving. Simply put thats the way she would be thinking. But because of the situation she was in...she couldnt help but believe it all. Something about those eyes, those strangely colored eyes that she couldnt doubt.

She never moved however, just listened to what she said, and thought about it deeply. It was ALL she could do anyway, just sit there and listen like a child being scolded by a mother. This was indeed what she was doing despite the fact she looked as though she wasnt paying attention to anything. Through every action that was given, this was her reaction: apparently nothing. Even as the woman kneeled down before her, gripped her shoulders, and spoke even more...she did nothing but look at the ground with thoughtful yet empty eyes. Her look deepend at what was said to her next, but still making no movements. She probably looked helpless to the woman because of her inactivity, and seemed to show it as she stood up and began to walk back towards the oasis. But thats when the light returned to her eyes. All of a sudden she was off of the ground, and without making any footsteps, it seemed, she was standing behind the woman, holding her tight in am embrace. She spoke then, into the womans back with a monotone voice, the same she had used the first time she arrived at the oasis. "Show me...show me...kindness"
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