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 Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles

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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyTue Sep 29, 2009 9:59 am

Name: Juubei Kakei

Nickname: Juu-kun (friends only), Needle Boy (His nickname given to him by an old friend)

Alias: Tobari no Juubei = Juubei Of The Flying Needles

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Casual: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Smoker10

Anbu:Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Anbu10 (Its an illusion to conceal his real identity, gonna make it into a jutsu)

His look is very and highly uncommon for a ninja, he never wears his ninja uniform or any other ninja uniform to try and hide himself from the public his dark brown almost black hair hides his pure purple eye color as a result as a medical ninjutsu mishap in his birth procedure. he wears a set of purple blue glasses and always carries smokes around with him for the pure sensation of feeling the lack of pain when fighting while high on smokes, he wears a black upper jacket shirt that is actually lined with small metal plates on the sleeves and on the neck piece to make is so that he has some protection against a kunai on the arm or neck. the strings on the neck are made out of a high strength silk cording that allows the easy and good tightening or relaxation of the neck collar.

Juubei's pants are very uncommon in the world, they are made from both silk and made from a very strong type of rubber leather mixture to make sure that when he is surging Raiton through his body his clothing doesn't set on fire from the extreme electrical currents. his shirt is made of the exact same material and both of them are hand crafted by Juubei himself about 5 years before he became a missing ninja. his body build is mostly muscle and he is around 5'10 in height. though he doesn't look like he can hit hard all the training he has done makes his body and skin as tough as leather and his muscles like steel (meaning his skin is hard to slice and his muscles are very tense and are rather powerful). his body is not one for fighting although it looks in shape to match up for a good fight it isn't in the best of shape due to his constant cough from smoking for too many years and his slow development of lung cancer from the smokes.

Face: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Midou_10 (When having a good time)

Face when aggravated: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Midou_11 (Only when aggravated or wants to be left alone)

Juubei will also tend to hide his face using a mask he was given on his time of birth.

Personality: Juubei is a very unpleasant man at times, his disposition to see people die infront of him and his cold looks tend to make him somewhat "Unfriendly" looking towards people. His mind and body are both torn by the war between his family clan and the Kuromeru Kiri clan of Kirigakure no Sato long ago. Juubei, he went by for many years, after becoming a highly skilled and a very deadly ninja. He went by the name "Juubei Of The Flying Needles", after becoming an A ranked Missing Nina. His lust for bloodshed and his taste to see others suffer at his own hands made others think rather unpleasant thoughts of him. Even though he may have a very displeasing state of mind he is quit the person who once friends with will always have your back, give his life to save you and even give you his last loaf of bread, or his last bottle of water even if it means that he would die. Juubei's mind was changed after he met one young girl who was killed in a ninjutsu crossfire between himself and a Kirigakure no Sato Hunter Nin, Juubei had tried to protect her and failed as the Hunter Nin took her life right infront of Juubei driving him mentally insane and making a monster out of him. Juubei began to kill all the people who had even threatened him, his love Rein, and his clan. Juubei sent himself into a rage after coming back finding his clan murdered by Hunter Nin while they were sleeping. Ever since that day Juubei has been one never to trust anyone and to kill if threatened no matter who that person was, or what ranked ninja they were, from Genin to even Kage level nin he would kill if they gave him the slightest thought of harming him.

Occasionally Juubei will actually be a rather cheery and kind person despite the crimes he has committed against the ninja world he came to Konohaakure to join as one of the Anbu black ops to show that his past is horrific but he is ready to redeem his crimes and work towards saving and serving his city to become a ninja that is known not for murder, but a ninja who is known for his skill. His goal is to redeem his past in service towards Konoha.

Personality Trait's: his kenjutsu

Catch Phrase:
-“Blade with whom I have lived, Blade with whom I now die, Serve right and justice one last time, Seek one last heart of evil, Still one last life of pain, Cut well old friend” (when drawing his blade)

-“You are gonna regret crossing me/us (depending if he is with someone at the time then he will say us instead of me)” (said at the start of a fight).

-“Looks like we got some more targets to Butcher” (when highly aggravated and in a state of mass psychotics after seeing a whole bunch of people)

Weapon Name: Mithrodin and Mithara
Weapon Type: sword
Appearance: The Mithrodin is a sharpened blade it has a silver and brown handle it is a cross between a knife and a sword it has two pointed spikes on the blade the blade is short but extremely sharp by only running your finger along the blade you can be cut down to the bone almost instantly the blade runs a slight bit back over the hand about 2 inches the scabbard is slightly different to the blade its case is similar shaped but has a latch on it. (Mithara is an exact duplicate)

--Description: The Mithrodin is an ancient weapon made out of Karuzawa Darksteel that is made from high heat and magma flow from millions of years of melting and many o year of forging this steel is unbreakable due to its years of high pressure and its forging by being belted for years and years of blacksmithing it becomes nearly indestrucible. (This metal is one of a kind it cannot be found anywhere else) Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Mithro10 (has two of them)

Blade Position: Has two sheaths on his back one going across his spine sideways at hip level and one going diagonal from his right shoulder to his left cheek but he only uses this in a competition like the Chuunin exams or when he is just walking around but only ever has his blade on his other sheath when he is on a mission.

Clan Name: Kakei

Kekkei Genkai: the needles can be made from either the iron inside the kakei clan members body and blood to create the needles or they can use the chakra in the body to shape and sharpen the needles to a point that they can pass through the skin like a normal chakra release. the limit to usage on the needles is 8 from the hands at one time, after a needle is released another can be made in its place in an instant. the needles are a manipulation of the metal and iron inside the human body to a point that it can be made into a weapon and used to fight with, the iron is compressed and densified to make it extremely hard.

The needles don't require hands seals due to the only thing needed is focus of chakra to the hands like in the water walking or tree climbing jutsu but instead of to the feet and making it stable it is sent to the hands and pushed out of the skin causing some pain to the user due to the force needed to push the metal needle through the skin of the body. the needles can only be imbued with the users natural elemental chakra for example if the ninja uses wind and fire then the fire can be imbued to make the needles melt object and the wind to curve them around targets if needed be. the needles are unique in the way that they can be shortened or lengthened depending on how the user wants them to be used in combat.

Clan History: The Kakei clan were famous for their ability to create Needles out of their own body using either their own life force or their element affinity. The clan was created by many of ninja who could do such a thing; they would never use jutsu in a fight due to the use of their "Needles" even though the Needles put strain on the arms and hands. Long ago a war between the Kakei and the rival clan the Kuromeru Kiri clan was so horrific that it shook both sides from the bloodshed, yet when the Kakei went to attack once again but when they arrived at where the Kuromeru Kiri were they were all dead from disease and wounds that bled them to death. The Kakei clan felt a sense of victory and a sense of safety that they could live without fear of being killed off and becoming eliminated. Many years after this the clan began to breed children to follow on in the clan name, all of the children able to use the Needles even at birth from the very first second. 5 years after this Kirigakure found out that the Kakei were growing and sent Hunter Ninja after them and had them all executed and burnt to death, some of the children escaped and a few of the adults with them. The clan was in ruins and all that couldn’t get away were like sheep to the slaughter all that stood were cut down and many were dragged away to be slaves or worse. The survivors had no other choice but to flee the land and find safe refuge in another city. Many of them died on the travel and others died soon after when the Kirigakure Hunter Force set in search and killed off more, only a few remained and they headed to Kumogakure no Sato and were given safe refuge in the city for many years after that.

Last edited by Brad on Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:24 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyTue Sep 29, 2009 10:04 am

Rank and Village Information

Rank: A rank Anbu (its being decided)

Village: Konohagakure no Sato

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu (main) Kenjutsu (sub)

Elements: Wind (main) Lightning (sub)

Special Characteristics: special training for one-handed jutsu handsigns.

Clan Jutsu Information:

Jutsu Name: Flying Needles
Clan: Juubei’s Personal Move
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind, Lightning
Description: The Flying Needles Technique is what made Juubei famous for his needles, the ability to control needles even in mid flight to move around someone’s defense made him a god when using this. Although its drawback being that it puts strain on his arms and makes his upper body movement slower each time he uses it (usable once every 5 posts). The Millions of Senbon that Juubei spills forth from his body make it Incredibly difficult to avoid and make it even if it means that he could kill them which is extremely hard to do considering the spray is inacurate or just paralyze them due to the lightning affinity used. The wind affinity is used to curve the needles even in mid flight to make it incredibly hard to stop.

Jutsu Name: Lightning Surge
Clan: Kakei
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: An excess of lighting that can be charged into one powerful ninjutsu attack or even give Juubei the ability to increase his next jutsu’s potency by 70% of what it formerly use to be. The large increase electrical charge inside of his body generated from being like an electric eel tends to tear the ground from the sheer pressure and the amount of gravity being pulled to the one area, the lightning tends to shoot off in random directions ranging to around 3 feet in any direction around or above him. The torn ground will surround Juubei until he is done channeling the lighting into one area e.g. his fist, foot or even into his entire body making him faster and more agile than before. To perform the move it require the ninja be in the same position as the chidori with their right hand to the ground with their left hand above the right holding it tightly, the Raiton will then course up and down the right arm of the user and begin to cover them a few seconds later. The force of the channeling wears Juubei out quickly as this is a last resort attack giving his next jutsu the force enough to kill the target on impact from the amount of volts going through him.

Once the charging is complete the Kakei clan member will them create a sword or shield to use to attack or even defend themselves from attackers. The weapon can also be changed into a shield quickly if the ninja is skilled in the jutsu enough to change the shape and size of the Raiton. the only backdraw to this is that it tires Juubei out and makes him black out in 3 posts of time due to the excess of chakra release.

Jutsu Name: Dancing Needles
Clan: Kakei
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A or Lightning
Description: The Dancing Needles technique is utilized by members of the Kakei Clan, it allows the user to send forth multiple needles that dance around either the user of the jutsu or the opponent. If used against someone as an attack it is able to cause mass internal bleeding and or puncture vital organs such as arteries and cause severe bloodloss killing the person in a matter of minutes (8 posts until death of bloodloss unless healed by a medical ninjutsu if an artery is punctured). The dancing needles jutsu can also be used as a shield to protect the user from any range of ninjutsu, and or Taijutsu attacks though genjutsu cannot be stopped by the shield due to the hypnotic state, although the genjutsu may affect the clan member the shield will continue to surround the user until the user is either dead or cannot sustain the shield. The other part to this jutsu is that when used with the lightning affinity that the clan member has if they have it at all is that they can paralyze the opponent and stop body movement. the shield can only be sustained for 2 posts of time before the needles retract back into the body.

Jutsu Name: Lightning Needles
Clan: Kakei
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: The Lightning Needles are used to paralyze a person and stop them from combating against the Kakei clan member for the rest of the fight. The needles are used from any range of lightning from a shock to total body paralyzation. The needles stored in the body act as a lightning rod and draw the lightning in his body to them like magnets to increase the potency to do more damage and stop the opponent from moving. After the needle hits it can be increased using a hidden string that only Juubei knows of so that he can course the lightning through the needles constantly to keep the person in one place.

Jutsu Name: Spiraling Needles
Clan: Kakei
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: The Spiraling needles are one of the more deadly techniques known by the Kakei clan. It is used to pierce through people and into another target with the increased speed given by the affinity for wind usage and the sharpness of the needles themselves. The Spiraling Needles is used when on an assassination mission and when things need to be done quickly. The needles can be controlled by the Kakei clan member using the wind affinity and pushing them around using the wind, the needles can be used as guards when a kunai is thrown and there is no time to move or draw another the needle can be turned back and used to knock the kunai away from the Kakei clan member.

Jutsu Name: Dance Of The Crescent Needle
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning + Wind
Description: The most deadly of most of the Kakei clan moves. This jutsu is just like Hyate’s Dance Of The Crescent Moon but minus the sword and using needles to throw millions at your opponent and causing instant death by either wound puncturing the target and causing mass internal bleeding and damage. The needles are sharpened to the point where they can be used as a stabbing weapon and flicked forth from the fingers like Kimimaro and his bone jutsu.

Jutsu Name: Eight-Needle Strike
Clan: Kakei
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The Eight-Needle Strike is a common jutsu used by the Kakei clan. It is used when the Kakei clan member wants eight needles and creates them between his fingers and his thumb on both hands to use as weapons. The needles are just as sharp as every other needle but cannot be infused with an elemental affinity such as lighting or wind like Juubei has. The needles are thrown at the opponent all at once to try and confuse them to make them move into a position that is unable to make a counterattack from.

Jutsu Name: Six-Needle Strike
Clan: Kakei
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The Six-Needle Strike is another common jutsu used by the Kakei clan. It is used when the Kakei clan member wants six needles instead of eight and creates them between his fingers and his thumb on both hands to use as weapons. The needles are just as sharp as every other needle but cannot be infused with an elemental affinity such as lighting or wind like Juubei has. The needles are thrown at the opponent all at once to try and confuse them to make them move into a position that is unable to make a counterattack.

Jutsu Name: Rain Of A Thousand Needles
Clan: Kakei
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning, Wind
Description: This is a very uncommon jutsu that is used in the Kakei clan family for the use of this can actually harm the user as well. A thousand needles are shot into the air and made to descend upon the opponent making them highly disoriented and incapable of moving around to another place without stepping on a razor sharp needle trapping them in the one spot open for either a Flying Needles, Dancing Needles, Lightning Needles, Spiraling Needles, Eight- Needle Strike or the Six-Needle Strike.

Jutsu Name: Needle Pillar
Clan: Kakei
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This isn’t known as the needle pillar for no reason. The Kakei clan user will place their hands on the ground and start to shoot the needles into the ground using their affinity for wind to moves the needles in a massive ground of roughly 100-1000 needles creating a pillar of razor needles once it surfaces. The needles can be used to make a wall as well as a pillar to attack with. Although the needles can be broken when exposed in a pillar form, they are still highly durable and extremely hard to break.

Jutsu Name: Needle Tornado
Clan: Kakei
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind + Lightning
Description: This is used as a combination of both the clan members’ affinity for wind and their affinity for lightning. The needles are spun into a spiraling tornado making it impossible to escape and impossible for the person not to be harmed severely. The lightning affinity comes in when the clan member throws in the Lightning Needles technique creating a spiraling thunderstorm of needles and razor winds suffocating and slicing the opponent to pieces.

Jutsu Name: Three-Needle Strike
Clan: Kakei
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The Three-Needle Strike is a low ranked jutsu used by the Kakei clan. It is used when the Kakei clan member wants three needles instead of eight or six and creates them between his fingers on his left or right hand to use as weapons. The needles are just as sharp as every other needle but cannot be infused with an elemental affinity such as lighting or wind like Juubei has. The needles are thrown at the opponent all at once to try and confuse them to make them move into a position that is unable to make a counterattack.

Jutsu Name: Distracting Needle
Clan: Kakei
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: This is Juubei’s version of a flare or a flash bomb, he throws the needle infront of his opponent and imbues it with lighting making it explode in a blinding flash or light that leave the opponent open to a Snakebite or another attack. If the needle is looked at when it explodes it can blind the opponent for up-to a matter of 5-8 seconds (2-3 posts) and causes them to see two of everything for a few seconds after they can see again (makes the opponent see two of everything for 2 posts).

Jutsu Name: Sandstorm Needle
Clan: Kakei
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning, Wind
Description: This is a common and easy technique that all Kakei clan members know from childhood. It is used around a sandy area as the wind affinity kicks the dust up and the needles are thrown through the blinding sand imbued with lighting to try and paralyze the opponent or even just slow them down even by a little bit to gain the upper hand and easier ability to win the fight quick without the need to push hard. is able to be stopped via a wind jutsu to blow the sand back at Juubei causing himself to become teperarily disoriented and confused. (lasts 2 posts)

Jutsu Name: Silent Needles
Clan: Kakei
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind + Lightning
Description: The Silent Needle technique used by all Kakei clan members is as said a silent needle. Its primary use is when on either an assassination mission that needs pure quite and not a sound, the needle once imbued with wind passes through it without making a sound due to the air around it that gives it the silent effect. The lightning affinity is used when the Kakei clan member needs to kill the person fast or just make them black out from too much body stimulation.

Last edited by Brad on Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:34 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyTue Sep 29, 2009 10:08 am

Jutsu Information:

Jutsu Name: Needle Bomb
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: The needle bomb is a standard technique that the Kakei clan always utilize in due to the explosion of lightning and the bright flash of light causing blindness and also deafness to the exposed person or the target of the bomb. The needle is a mainly used as a get away tool helping the ninja to escape the fight and run away or even cause the target to leave themselves open to an attack.

Jutsu Name: Lightning Ball
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: The lightning ball is very similar to the chidori but a lot less potent and less powerful. The lightning ball is used as a stunning or paralyzing jutsu to either stop or harm the target. The lightning balls main use is to paralyze the target and stop body functions to give the user an upper advantage in the fight to allow easier victory.

Jutsu Name: Dance Of The Silent Assassin
Rank: C-S
Type: Kenjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: The Dance Of The Silent Assassin is a highly dangerous jutsu. The user imbues their fist with their affinity for wind and makes blades around them giving them the ability to cut through solid objects or even people. Focusing harder and putting more chakra into them can sharpen the blades.

Name: Kai [Release]
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: This is a technique that allows the user to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu. To perform this single hand-sign technique the user must simply focus their chakra in order to avoid being thrown into a Genjutsu. This will usually also cause the user to close their eyes during the performance of the technique. This move can also be done on another individual who was unable to avoid the Genjutsu be surging chakra into the body of the effected victim.

Jutsu Name: Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.

Jutsu Name: Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: This is a basic technique taught in the ninja academy. The user quickly replaces himself with another object, such as a plant or an animal (usually a section of log). This technique usually confuses the attacker and leaves them open to a countertype-attack. Low chakra use

Name: Body Flicker Technique

Rank: D

Element: None

Type: Ninjutsu

Description: A Jutsu that many ninja use in combat to evade attacks or to simply move away from their current location. The range is 0-10. Focusing the user’s chakra to increase their reflexes for a short time the chakra usage depends on the distance uses it.

Name: Advanced Body Flicker Technique
Rank: C
Element: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A Jutsu that many ninja use in combat to evade attacks or to simply move away from their current location. The range is 0-20 feet away from the current position. Focusing the user’s chakra to increase their reflexes for a short time the chakra usage depends on the distance uses it.

Name: Improved clone jutsu no-jutsu.
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: These clones can hit once with out disappearing. These clones cause the same damage as the user depending on his condition. The clones will look exactly like the user in his condition. These clones still can't do jutsus or help in any.

Name: Gothic Henge No-Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: This is a simple transformation technique that Juubei made up himself he made his normal transformation jutsu turn out to be a Gothic looking young girl with attractive blonde hair going down to its knees and with an attractive slim body screaming come get me. He thought of a way to trick people when he saw a group of people he would use this jutsu to camouflage himself but this is no ordinary jutsu though it is low in rank Juubei can decide if he wants to stay like this but the only problem he has is that the transformation is a complete change of person he becomes a girl entirely changing every aspect of his body to match a perfect female. Once he is in this form it does not use chakra to sustain but if he runs out of chakra he cannot transform back because this requires him to still have chakra to use if he has none he must stay as a girl until all his chakra has returned he cannot change back to himself even though he still has some chakra after he sleeps he only uses this to hide from people or to play mind games on people.

Name: Change of body illusion (isn't a genjutsu, it uses ninjutsu to change his appearance)
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: Changes Juubei into his anbu look (only used when called to do an Anbu mission)

Last edited by Brad on Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyTue Sep 29, 2009 10:10 am

Background Information:
Clash of the two clans: It was many years ago when Juubei was being born, the war between the Kakei clan and the Kuromeru Kiri clan began over the single part of land that was left after the great murder of all Kirigakure no Sato’s bloodline clans. The head of the Kakei clan went to ask for the Kuromeru Kiri clan’s surrender and stop the bloodshed but they had a different answer and killed the leader of the Kakei clan. Juubei’s mother received the news while giving birth to Juubei, the timing was terrible as the medical ninja had found out and made a mistake that caused Juubei’s mother to start to bleed to death and Juubei’s life was in danger. When the medical ninja knew what he had done and knew that he had to get Juubei out quickly or he would die he knew that taking him out now would leave him blind forever until the day he would die.

The death of his mother hit the entire village harshly, as she was one of their greatest ninja’s in the entire clan. Young Juubei had no idea about his mother’s death or even that he would remain blind for his entire life and beyond. Juubei grew up with no sight and was worried that something was wrong and knew that his birth wasn’t right when he over heard his father talking to the same medical ninja about it even though he was only 3 years of age he still knew what was going on. Later on that night the clan was attacked by the Kuromeru Kiri clan without mercy and many were killed in the fight others had fought off the attack and tended to the wounded, Juubei’s father being one of the dead Juubei began to realize how much he hated that he was brung into a world of war and murder.

Kirigakure attacks the Kakei: The night after the attack the Kakei clan pushed back and when they arrived at the Kuromeru Kiri clan camp they found all of them dead from wounds and disease. The clan felt a sense of safety for their children and a sense of victory. They headed home in celebration of their victory and had a grand festival. 5 years later Kirigakure found out that the Kakei clan had been growing in size and had become more powerful and skillful than before so they sent Hunter Nin in to destroy the entire clan but as the fight began some of the adults took a few of the children and left the clan village and headed off to Kumogakure no Sato trying to hide from the fight.

Screams echoed from the village as women, children and men alike were cut down where they stood and many were taken as slaves to work in the city as slave ninja’s going on missions that would end up with them dead. Juubei being 7 now had only just begun to wander how much longer his clan would live, and if so who would be left. Many days past as the few survivors headed to Kumogakure in fear of never seeing the rest of their clan ever again, many of them died on the travel and others died soon after when the Kirigakure Hunter Force set in search and killed off more, only a few remained and they headed to Kumogakure no Sato and were given safe refuge in the city for many years after that.

Living Inside Kumogakure No Sato: It was a year after the clan’s extermination and Juubei and a few others began school. Juubei couldn’t remember what happened on those nights very well but all he had remembered were the screams that echoed in his ears every night and every time he slept. Juubei began his first day and was introduced by a few of the students one of them being Kazuki Fuchouin a student that used threads to fight that were hidden inside a small bell, Juubei had paid close attention to Kazuki during the school hours and out. Days passed and tests and exams come and go, Juubei hated the exams and eventually after all his time in the academy he began to wonder what it would have been like to stand and fight with his clan even if it meant that he would have died.

The week after his last exam Juubei graduated into a Genin and was partnered up with Kazuki and a Kenjutsu student named Natsuhiko Miroku of the Miroku clan, masters of Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu. Juubei didn’t get along with Natsuhiko very well for they both were trying to best each other in combat skill and in class exams even in missions. Juubei and Natsuhiko were very competitive over everything that they could find, even when it came to impressing their sensei. Juubei constantly fought with Natsuhiko when they were around town and walking in the streets.

Genin Arc, Juubei’s Torment: It was Juubei’s second mission with Kazuki and Natsuhiko and the team sensei Shido Fuyuki a beast master but not part of the Inazuka clan from Konohagakure, he was a man that could summon beasts to his aid by the sound of a whistle. Shido being their sensei had to put them to the ultimate test of faith and to test their teamwork together. Shido sent Kazuki, Natsuhiko and Juubei out into the wild and left theme there for an entire month to test how well they could co-operate with one another. Juubei being the silent and kind type at his age gave away his last loaf of bread and his last bottle of water to Kazuki for he seemed to have run out of his own. Even though that this meant that Juubei had no food or water left at all. Juubei had become hungry and thirsty from giving away his food and water, but Natsuhiko had otherwise seen why he did it, for he knew that Kazuki and Juubei were almost siblings to one another.

Juubei had the feeling that he would die before the end of the month and felt like he had failed his sensei but Kazuki had other plans, he let a smile loose and gave Juubei half of his food and water as a gift of friendship and kindness. Juubei gave his thanks and made it to the end of the month, Shido showed up the very second of the start of the new month as he had promised the Genin team. He couldn’t understand why Natsuhiko was still unfriendly towards Juubei but didn’t give it much thought into the matter. Thing became complicated as Shido was given an assignment to take out one Kuroudo Akabane the S ranked missing ninja that goes by the name “Dr. Jackal” as for his murderous and psychotic desires. Shido knew that his Genin wouldn’t stand a chance, even Natsuhiko wouldn’t stand a chance even with all his hidden power and his ancestral blade of ages.

Shido took on the assignment to put his Genin to the final and ultimate test of battle to see if they were ready to be true Chuunin. The team left for Kirigakure no Sato in search of Dr. jackal as for was their assignment for they needed him dead to stop the bloodshed. Once they arrived at where he was supposedly hiding is when Juubei began to have flash backs of where his clan were killed for dr. jackal was living in the former Kakei clan village and all that he had heard and seen was coming back in one big bang. Juubei began to freak out spinning in circles his eyes wide and cold, as black as the night sky and emotionless. Shido began to worry about Juubei for Juubei was starting to grip his head in yells of pain and anguish, Kazuki began to try and comfort Juubei to try and calm him down from his pain yet it was almost too late for Dr. Jackal had arrived at the scene almost instantly after Juubei had begun to loose his sanity.

Dr. Jackal Arrives, Juubei’s Power: Dr. Jackal had shown up with a smirk on his face seeing Juubei being driven insane from the sight of his former clans living area burned to the ground and bones surrounding the area. Akabane knew that the body was a Kakei from the very beginning for he could sense that he was storing needles under his skin and that he had seen the boy from when he was a hunter nin for Kiri sent to destroy the village and all its inhabitants. Akabane saw the boy trying to help Juubei and cracked an evil smile saying how enjoyable it will be to kill them all slowly especially the little Kakei clan boy but Shido had other plans and stepped infront of them saying how Dr. jackal should give himself up and go quietly and peacefully or be forced by death to go with them. Dr. jackal had no such intent of going without a fight and began to charged at Shido like a raging bull, Shido’s quick movement helped him move aside away from Dr. Jackal’s attack and saved his own life but at the risk of leaving an opening for Dr. Jackal to attack Juubei and Kazuki.

Shido had begun to freak as he couldn’t stop Dr. Jackal from reaching the Genin but yet Juubei had awoken from his state and swung his foot around connecting it with Dr. jackal’s temple, his blood filled with rage as his mothers pendant dropped onto the floor infront of him as Dr. Jackal cracked an evil smile drawing his scalpel’s out of his skin and throwing them at Juubei. Shido didn’t want to show his beast master skills and threw a set of kunai to intercept the scalpels knocking them away from the two Genin. Kazuki began to twirls sending out his threads tangling Akabane up in them stopping his movement and restricting his attacks for Shido to come in and arrest him and take him back to Kumogakure but it was of no use for Dr. Jackal had cut through the threads in a mere split second and was charging at Juubei once again but this time they had no time to react but out of no where Juubei let forth a might roar and screamed the name Lightning Surge as lightning spewed forth from his body striking Kuroudo to the ground in a fit of muscle contractions and fits.

Juubei had collapsed onto the ground after exerting an S ranked jutsu at Genin level almost killing him and everyone around him in the process. A few days later Kuroudo arrived at the Kumogakure holding cells and was imprisoned on the charge of mass murder, theft and the slaughter of an entire clan. Juubei awoke several days later to see Kazuki sitting next to him with a soft smile and a tray of food, Juubei had never felt so happy to see anyone in his entire life but yet when he tried to move his body felt like a million volts had just passed through him as it had pretty much done when he unleashed on Dr. Jackal.

It came to Shido’s attention that Juubei had recently woken up and went to check in on his prize pupil. Shido was amazed to see how a young Genin was able to unleash an S ranked forbidden Kakei clan jutsu in a mere second of his life being taken and if he could do this when in fear of death what if he could focus it into a time he could choose to use it at free will. Juubei felt like his body was made of liquid and had trouble moving for a short while after exerting himself like he had just done, Shido his sensei asked a to meet with Juubei in the town center to take him out to a training area to harness the new found jutsu.

Juubei and Shido, The new found Power: Juubei had done as Shido asked and showed up a the meeting place as requested and was taken to an open field where he could train his jutsu but he had no idea that this could be his worst day of his entire life and could change everything for him in an instant. Shido’s request was that Juubei was to come by himself and that he comes prepared for any situation and it was the best idea he ever had. Juubei showed up a few minutes later and found out that Shido had been attacked by several Missing ninja in a hope that they could kill off what was possibly the last member that was known to be alive in the Kakei clan, Juubei had confronted the ninja and was seen as the only living heir to the throne of the Kakei family line and was to be “exterminated” on site. Juubei had no idea that this could be his last day alive but yet he still stood tall, as it was in his blood to never back down and fight even though he was blinded at birth. The ninja lunged forth at Juubei trying to play games with him and laughing giving away their position to him as for some enjoyment for themselves, Juubei had other things planned and knew the exact position they were going to be in using his chakra radar he developed by sending out a invisible wave of chakra that bounced of targets to show him the way around. allowing him the advantage and throwing his needles one by one he managed to get the missing ninja’s attention as a very skilled Genin still not a Chuunin though. Juubei had become worried about the health of his sensei and ran over to him crying and gripped the ground as his blood filled with rage and frustration and his hands began to flicker with lighting as his entire body began to jolt lighting out from it his body raging with lighting as they began to charge at him.

Juubei’s quick mental state saved his life as he moved both Shido and himself to a safe location away from the ninja. His life in danger and his body in a rage he shot off the same jutsu again killing the ninja as they went to strike him down. Juubei had fallen weak to the same jutsu again after exerting himself more than before, as he was trying to save his sensei. Being weak as he was he didn’t give up and was able to drag Shido back to Kumogakure for medical attention but he was too late and Shido had died for excess blood loss.

The so called Betrayer, Juubei’s search: The Chuunin exams passed and all the Chuunin were taken on as new Jounin, Juubei being on of the many Jounin taken on but yet this didn’t satisfy him as he began to wonder why they had known about Juubei and his training schedule. Juubei set out from Kumogakure in search of who planned the attack and why they did so, Juubei had no luck as of yet for he was beginning to forget all about Kumogakure completely. His so called “betrayal” made him feel like he had left his city and his family in search of his mentors killer, even though he had planned to kill them by himself he was now classed as a missing ninja and an outcast and a traitor. Juubei left for Sunagakure after his departure from Kumogakure and went in search of any ninja willing to take him as a partner, he entered Sunagakure and was hiding himself by wearing a rouge ninja outfit he had taken off one of the missing ninja he killed a while ago. Juubei had planned to seek out further training or even to live the life as a free for hire ninja who is willing to take on any mission as long as it keeps him out of certain “problems” with Kumogakure.

Juubei took his time to reside inside of Suna as one of the many ninja residing there, but he still didn’t fell like he was in the right place to be for his clan were from Kirigakure and he would be hunter by them, and for his betrayal against Kumogakure he would be hunter as well. He had no choice left but to once again leave Suna and head off in his own quest to find his own way in life that didn’t resolve in bloodshed, killing or violence. Juubei’s search wasn’t easy but yet he knew the road would be difficult and dangerous to him and anyone around him for being hunted isn’t something anyone wants to be. Juubei took off the next morning after thanking the lady that allowed him a place to stay in her own house even though she had no idea who he was or where he was from.

Juubei left Sunagakure with a smile and a feeling of safety from the world as he was beginning to wonder how he would have gone about his life living inside of Kumogakure as a Jounin but yet he had no more cares as for he was hunted and wanted for high treason against Kumogakure. Juubei couldn’t care less if he was hunted but he became Hated and became known as “Untrustworthy” and “Unloyal” to his own home city that he was raised in and taught to be a ninja in for his entire life.

Juubei went into hiding for many years after he was hunted down for “high treason” but yet he had no problems with killing those who would dare lay harm to him or Tsuki his vengeance upon Kumogakure for trying to kill him is his plan and his ultimate destruction but he would need another partner in crime to do so, a ninja of either Jounin or higher to help him pull of his new found desire to destroy the entire city but alas he has no one as of yet so now he must search for his new found partner and get them to help him take his revenge on Kumogakure for their treachery has been waved by for far too long.

The ask for forgiveness, Juubei goes to Konoha (Anbu Arc): Juubei knew that his betrayal to Kumo wouldn't go well for him and he set off to Konoha to try and serve a new city as an Anbu to redeem his past killings for revenge and vengeance against those who had done things in the past that effected him or his clan. Juubei was aware that he could be killed on sight but he took the risk and talked to the hokage about becoming an Anbu. (I'm gonna add the RP things done here in a history style instead of RP styled. so it looks more like an actuall history)

(Tell me what you think admins, if i need more work please do pm me instead of posting, makes me job of doing the history so so much easier, thnkz)

Last edited by Brad on Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:14 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyWed Sep 30, 2009 4:10 pm

RP Sample: (old one i use heaps)

Juubei awoke one day in a hospital after he had been in a mugging out side the city walls by rouge ninja’s a beautiful nurse about the age of 21 walked in and sat on Juubei’s bed telling him that his sword and his gear had been stolen and that he was lucky to be alive and that he had lost so much blood they thought he was dead Juubei was not impressed to hear that his stuff had been stolen he got out of bed and stumbled to the door telling the nurse that he was fine even though he was clearly in so much pain that his eye’s started to water the nurse helped him back to his bed telling him that the other Jounin of Kumogakure were out looking for the attackers and if the find his gear they will bring it back to him “Juubei get back in your bed before you kill your self” the nurse had said to Juubei “Women I have no time to wait my sword is like my child I must care for it and right now I need to get her back” Juubei was not impressed by the nurse’s words he tried to make another break for the door but this time he collapsed onto the ground because his left knee had been fractured by a massive chunk of wood “Juubei your body needs more time to heal unless you want to be a paralyzed ninja and be no good to Kumogakure keep trying to run away but if you do this again I wont help you” the nurse had walked over to Juubei and helped him to his feet taking him back to bed she had helped him onto the bed but she feel right on top of him her face to his he looked into her beautiful blue eye’s and he leaned his head up to catch her in a kiss the broke it off once another nurse had entered the room to check on how he was going the other nurse had seen her kissing Juubei even though a staff and patient relationships weren’t allowed to happen she didn’t care after the other nurse had left again the pretty young nurse had given her name to him it was Rain Mikamura she was 21 and beautiful she kissed him again winked and left his room Juubei was surprised to see that even after his brutal attack he was still able to pick up cute girls even though he had a scare running from the top of his left eye down to the bottom of it he had realized that his eye was cut but not his eyeball it was only the skin that was cut so he was safe as she left he began to become bored so he struggled out of his bed walked over to the closet and fell over the young nurse had seen him collapse again but she was sympathetic towards him “Juubei are you okay?” she ran over to him helping him up yet again “thank…you……I was having trouble…getting dressed could you…help me please I’m hopeless……at the moment could you help…me?” Juubei wasn’t trying to get the nurse to undress him he was in serious need of medical attention due to his injuries “thank you rain I appreciate your help so much but I need a drink and if you have time would you like to come for one or two with me Rain will you come drink with me” Juubei had always drunk alone since he was the proper age but know that he had found a girl friend to chat with he was happy again “Sure why not I get off work in about 10 minutes, can you lay here for that time Juubei?” “Sure I can I can wait for a pretty face to come get me any day” Juubei was a smoothie when it came to talking to a girl even though he had no idea what they were like he knew what to say just by looking at them. 10 minutes was up and Rain had come back for Juubei but she found him on the window seal she snuck up behind him and yelled BOO! At him he fell out the window falling 3 stories to the ground he hit the ground leaving a massive bloody mess on the floor she had just killed Juubei but in an instant he appeared behind her scaring her making her fall out the window she had no ninja techniques to save herself Juubei leapt out the window grabbing her and using the Advanced Body Flicker Technique to take them both to the ground safely he had her in his arms she was light and skinny framed he put her down and she brushed herself off grabbing his arm and taking him for a walk back to her house she needed to change from her medical outfit and into her casual one “Juubei why did you scare me out the window today?” Rain was curios as to why he did it “because you did it to me making me fall to my death Rain you killed me haha nah I was playing around but hey I saved you didn’t I” “yes but did you have to almost kill me while you had fun and how does this dress look is it okay” Rain was wearing a red flower dress like an Akatsuki wore but it had a blue body not a black body Juubei looked like he had been hit with a bat his jaw dropped when he saw Rain standing there looking like an angel itself “Holy hell Rain you are one smokin babe so where to Rain your choice” Juubei was wearing his uniform with the his emblem on it Rain didn’t like it much because it looked to much like the Akatsuki robes but only with his emblem on it he had a demon face on both his shoulders and a wolf crest on the front with the dunes behind the wolf signifying that he is the Desert Wolf. Juubei and Rain left for the restaurant on their way there they saw a young boy being beaten up by adults because he had taken a loaf of bread “OI you there scum pickin on that kid leave him alone or I’ll bust your heads in” Juubei was enraged to see people treating a kid like that “WHAT are you gonna do about it you ninja scum hu bring that’s what I thought you cant fight because you don’t wanna get messy for your little date now run along and you won’t get hurt” the adult said in a tone that signified that he was in the mood to kill anyone who got in his way “that’s it Rain can I bust some heads together we’ll come back for them later but this kid needs help look at him” Juubei asked Rain while he cracked his knuckles “I thought I told you to move on you dirty ninja trash now beat it before we BEAT YOU AND YOU LITTLE LADIE FRIEND” Juubei was outraged he was so mad his chakra was becoming visible around his hands “YOU SCUM ARE GOING TO PAY!! FOR THAT” Juubei was furious first they beat up a child then they insult his girl that was the last straw he used his Advanced Body Flick Jutsu to appear in between the 2 men and slammed the man that had threatened Rain head first into the wall knocking him out cold while he hit the other one with a Dolphin Strike jutsu smashing him around at an incredible speed putting the man onto the floor bleeding from the face Albel had found out that these men had taken his sword so he grabbed to man slammed him against the wall yelling at him “WHERE IS MY SWORD YOU PIECE OF CRAP KONOHA TRASH………WHERE IS MY SWORD!!” Juubei was crazed with rage as the little kid ran to Rain she checked him out for any severe damage he only had light bruising from the punches “Juubei let him go please don’t kill him we have a date I don’t want you to go to jail or become a missing ninja please let him go” “As you wish Rain…SCUM never return inside this city again or I will kill you and your boss now where is my sword tell me or lose a finger or worse your life” “Alright I’ll tell you just please don’t kill me your…your sword is just around the corner I will go get it just don’t kill me please” “You had better hope to your god that your not lying about my sword or so help me I will KILL YOU UNDERSTAND” the man nodded and ran around the corner and retrieved Juubei’s blade the Mithrodin he had returned with it as promised and he had taken his friend back to their hide-out “Kid you alright how is he Rain any severe damage or is he okay?” “Well I don’t see any bad bruises on the boy we must have only been a few seconds away when it started” “boy tell me why they were hurting you” Juubei was concerned that the boy had killed a man of their possie and was now on their hit list “I took a loaf of bread from them and then they started to attack me I'm so glad you helped me sir I will go home now” “alright boy be careful where you walk okay kid’o” “sure thing mister hey I love your jacket it looks like the Lightning Emperor’s ja…are you the Lighting Emperor?” “That’s right kid the Lighting Emperor saved your hide I'm new and improved kid now hurry home go on skat” Juubei had his sword back helped out a kid and fought for his honour for his girl he made a big impression on Rain now she had hearts in her eye’s now she loved him all he did was sighed took her arm and went to dinner without even a scratch on him with his sword by his side and his girl close he had won the day. Time came and went Rain and him had a beautiful dinner and went to a hotel and a few days later got married and had a baby girl Juubei was now a father to his own clan to come.
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyFri Oct 02, 2009 9:04 am

Several things.

You need Adam's permission for S rank Missing Nin, if you have it, have him post here.

Same for the demon, but I'm gonna take a stab at it and say no on the demon.
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyFri Oct 02, 2009 10:38 am

if you actually look at it she cant do anything but be his eyes and thats it, i cant use her chakra to fight since she has none at all. all she can do is just be his eyes and thats all im using her for and that i can assure you.

and with the thing with adam I did make a plan with adam but i think its still un decided atm but i'll check
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyMon Oct 05, 2009 3:30 pm

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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyFri Oct 09, 2009 12:46 pm

Jesus Brad is it so hard to use the code! Razz

Quote :
Kekkei Genkai: Unlimited amount of Senbon needles stored within side the body used as weapons.
Going to have to have more information here please. What are the needles made of metal? How many can you use at a time? where can you use them from? is it kind of a manipulation like metal or sand, can you ue it freely? Does it involve handseals? can it be combined with elements? how? At least two paragraphs of description please.

Also will need the S-rank and demon permission from adam as well. ^^
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The Fourth Hokage
The Fourth Hokage

Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 4:37 pm

I'm super against demons/bijuu.
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~Deadwood Zen~
Leaf Chuunin
Leaf Chuunin
~Deadwood Zen~

Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 7:08 pm

Could the demon be allowed as a pet, sicne it knows no jutsus?
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 7:40 am

dude It cant even fight XD its not like i can even draw chakra from it since its more of a spirit then a demon anyway, it just helps him see since he was blinded at birth.
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 9:39 am

there, I added more on the clan kekei genkai and made it about 2 paragraphs
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptySun Oct 18, 2009 6:33 pm

Okay adam I took out the demon and replaced it with something that I thought is gonna be a rather amusing plot, I cannot draw chakra from it, I cant use it to fight since its only a voice inside of juubei's head, nothing more, nothing less thats all it is man.
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyTue Oct 20, 2009 6:16 pm

Hmmm Jiro its time to look it over man, if it needs work anywhere just post, its late at night here and im a lil tired and im gonna need help with it v.v. so tell me if you have any problems with it man.

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S ranked Missing-Ninja
S ranked Missing-Ninja

Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyWed Oct 21, 2009 5:45 am

...Well, Besides the indestructible metal and border-line jutsus. I see no problem with it.

Please make your swords indestructible, as that is not allowed. And please remove jutsus such as; Needle explosion, Rapid fire, Chakra blade and reduce your amount of S and A ranks; as seeing as your only a Konoha A ranked ANBU; you should have only 2 S ranked and 4 A ranked; if that. So please reduce the number of powerful techniques you have.

Do as I have asked, and I will have no problem with approving it.
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles EmptyWed Oct 21, 2009 10:37 pm

Generally okay and certainly original but I have a number of issues regarding your jutsu. Your personality needs tweak since it suggests you were formally an S rank missing nin. It is impossible to go from S rank to A rank. Please change to A Rank

As Robin mentions your swords need tweaking. They can’t be indestructible but they can be nearly indestrucible

The following Jutsu have issues/need editing. I noticed to seems to be no consistency in the needle amounts, some c rank tanks can create a million needles while some B ranks only allow 6. This needs to be seriously corrected

Dancing Needles - Reduce number of needless involved and the following line makes no sense

Quote :
The Millions of Senbon that Juubei spills forth from his body make it Incredibly difficult to avoid and make it even if it means that he could kill them which is extremely hard to do considering the spray is inaccurate or just paralyze them due to the lightning affinity used

It needed to be re-worded. If this tech can paralyse people state for how long? etc. It needs to be clear and more descriptive

Lightning Needles: Needs more specific clarification of what it does, how long the stun etc and how does the string work given out your fire these needles out your body. How’s it created?

Eight-Needle Strike, Six-Needle Strike and Three-Needle Strike: The following techniques seem underpowered and of questionable point. I am confused as to why you would have C rank defensive tech lower down that allows a million needles and a B rank one that only allows 8. I suggest you increase the number of needs to 500 at A rank, 200 at B Rank and 100 at C Rank. May want to state waht damage these techs do too

Rain Of A Thousand Needles area: How big an area does it cover?

Needle Pillar: How big is the pillar/wall? Is the wall/pillar solid and can it be used to defend against jutsu? If so what rank of jutsu

Silent needles: How can they be used to kill or knock some out. Need to be far more specific

Rapid Fire: I would suggest make this a technique allow you to perform any two needle based attack jutsu in rapid succession for cost of a c rank of addition chakra that would otherwise not be possible

Needle Explosion: Serious needle imbalance given the limited number of needles in high ranking techs, reduce to 200 needles or something more in keeping

You need to add henge since it’s a academy tech. Your other henges confuse me a bit since henge could be used to do both the gothic and anbu transformation. You can keep them if you want but they aren’t need.

Finally I would like to remind you A Rank Nin only have A rank techs to start with. You need to be S Rank to have S Rank techs
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Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles   Juubei Kakei: Juubei Of the Flying Needles Empty

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