Avatar RPG Number of Members: 2419 (as of November 25, 2009) we would have over 7000, but due to a hacker most were deleted.
Number of Posts: 18512
Number of RP Posts: 3336 (as of November 25, 2009)
Date of Origin: July 16, 2008 Position on Google: #1 Site when Searching "Avatar RPG"
The Current Plot for the Site: The Elemental Nation has a new leader and is building up it's power tremendously, they are the main shipping and supplier of the world's resources and other products, making them a bad opponent for war. However, the Dark Nation is slowly trying to find a way of producing their own resources so that they may start a war on the Elemental Nation.
The Fire Nation is currently peaceful with all nations, but hostilities rise between them and the Earth Kingdom as a struggle for neutral territories leads to battles of militias. Although no war has officially been announced, it is predicted that the two will go at each others throats for the recently discovered islands between them, which include Shangon Island. The islands are the ideal place for mining, crop-growing, lumbering, and other resourceful activities. Once again, the nations are looking for a way to break away from bargaining with the Elemental Nation because of the foothold that it gives the foreign nation over the others.
The northern and southern water tribes are completely at peace with all nations, keeping to itself without communications to the other nations. As they become more and more closed off, they unknowingly become more and more vulnerable to attack, due to their lack of progression with the other nations. Some nations, like the Light Kingdom, suggest attacking the tribes for easy territory, but because of fear of the Elemental Nation getting involved choose not to do so.
The air nomads travel throughout the world, not wanting war, and no one really wanting to provoke it. Their peace seems like it will last for years to come.
Nations of the Avatar World:
- Elemental Nation
- Fire Nation
- Earth Kingdom
- Northern Water Tribe
- Southern Water Tribe
- Air Temples
- Dark Nation
- Light Kingdom
Other Places:
- Shangon Island
- The Underworld
Why you should join: The site is full of good, hard-working, and dedicated staff members ready to cater to your every need pertaining to your character. Getting approved is quick and easy and the RP requirement is fairly low unless your going for the ranks of Lord or Titan. This site is a laid-back RP environment, meaning we do not expect much out of you or your posts!
Staff List and Positions:
Administrators: General of the Site: Roxas
General: Cloud
Lieutenant General: Haru
Major General: Aaugren
Brigadier General: Shane
Moderators: Master Sergeant: Taski
Sergeant First Class: Miyako
Staff Sergeant: Darling Dio
Sergeant: Rhanta
The staff ranks are based on military positions because they are coolio. xD
Link: http://avatar.forumotion.com/forum.htm