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 Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyWed Dec 09, 2009 12:07 pm

As blaize was going along to the route of the grass country he took out his scroll. The mission scroll had two locations of were to go along and find the Fashugi tree. The one that Blaize choose to follow was within the bamboo forest. Other then bamboo tress there will still be a few other tress to find and this is wear it would be easier to spot a Fashugi tree because the difference is so simple and obvious. blaize looked At Shizu as the travel was halfway over the only thing left to do was to find that darn tree. Blaize wanted to split up and look for it but because they were in another country that would not have been wise enough to do. he did not want to risk the lives of the two of them even further. he did not know what will await him but he knew with preparation he could succeed. he looked over at Shizu before speak.

"We have arrived Shizu. This is the bamboo forest. This is one of the locations were we should search and retrieve the samples of the Fashugi leaves for the poison lady. Because of the only short in difference of trees it should not be that hard to find. I believe that if we stick in a group it will be better for us just in case something shows up to stop our plan. I hope you have better eyes then i do. Or at least a tracking since. If not its alright it just makes the hunt more fun. yet dangerous of course."

Blaize spoken as he wondered wear to look. The forest it a great place but he did not want to travel along and loose hs way he keep on the search as he decided to look at shi for a moment and pause. he wondered if she had any plans or answers into everything he was saying. it was nice to have a partner because you never know if your way is the right way. he looked at her and spoke once more.

"Well Shizu do you have any idea what we should do or search first i am defiantly open to ideas of all kind"
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Shizu Shi
Sand Genin
Sand Genin
Shizu Shi

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySat Dec 12, 2009 6:17 am

She thought for a few moments, those that had made her stop walking. She had to think; and by that needing to see everything that was around them. It was all bamboo. Witch means, that the leaves the both of them were looking for would have been a normal looking tree. In witch, the tree might have flowers upon the branches.

"If were looking for the Fashugi tree; that'd mean it would look different from these bamboos,"
Shizu raised her left hand toward the bamboo's around them. "And if we are looking for a normal tree; it might have flowers of some type on it." Shizu tired to come up with something that'd work along on the mission. As then, Shizu begain to start walking along with Blaize, keeping her eyes open for any sort of strange 'trees' or enemy ninjas that would be around. The one hand that wasn't in her pocket; twitched a bit as if ready for anything or anyone was to come out from the many bamboo trees around them.
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 6:56 am

Rykin had been tracking them from the distance for a fairly long time now. So much so he had already planned an ambush ahead of where he assumed the two of them were heading. Rykin was a medium sized boy at 5ft 10in tall and 150lbs in weight though he was also tone and ripped with muscle. His clothes were perfect for the environment a camouflage suit that enveloped his entire body plus his mouth and nose. Around his eyes had paint around them to again hide the possibility of being seen too soon. It was his mission to protect the tree as given by his family and a responsibility given to him by the village. He wasn’t entirely sure as to why yet but he would still protect it with the best of his abilities.

In a few moments the two Leaf shinobi would be completely surrounded with traps leaving only a small area for him to ambush them and keep them within that small area. Once more if they tried to flee they would trigger the traps. The scenario was perfect in his favor and within moments he would reveal himself. The traps were also disguised so that they would be extremely hard to see. Mostly they were wire and explosive seals surrounding them.

Once they had stopped for a moment he performed a few hand signs and soon the sky’s opened up and it began to rain down on all of them. The rain would soak them all as well as the ground they were on. He performed another jutsu and sat back as he approached them from behind. He would leap out from behind them with a kunai drawn and ready to take out the female silently with a kuani stab to the back of her neck.

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 7:13 am

Blaize Ryuzaki was starting to wondering if they should have requested more information then what they were given. it was almost like a goose chase trying to find the tree. Wither or not he knew the information he was given was well enough or the village would not give him the mission. Shinobi went on missions with even little intel then what Blaize and Shizu had. But there was nothing he could have done. Blaize sighed for a moment as they both went along the route trying to find this Fashugi tree within the bamboo forest.

He herd when Shizu spoken asking if they were looking for a tree out of the Normal of this forest. blaize nodded to her to give his answer. The tree in this area should have been the easiest to find because there are so many bamboo tress if they spot an irregular one it would stick out just like a sore thumb.

"If only missions was that easy"

Thought Blaize to himself as he steps forward and noticed something on the ground. It was something wet. Water.....Rain.. As he thought that the area started to rain around them. Blaize looked in the air as he stooped his travel as he looked into the sky as it was raining. he said outloud.

"Its raining......so soon?..... I don't get it the sky it wasn't black or anything when we entered this forest right? Shouldn't there have been a thunder sound as well? Well it couldn't be a thunderstorm but of course the change of color would slowly appear in the sky.... Maybe the grass country has more to offer don't you think shizu?"

He said as he looked forward now putting his hands in his pockets as he looked forward and wondered were the hell is this tree. his eyes focused on the surrounding but the rain made it hard. he sucked his teeth as he stopped focusing so hard and thought to himself.

"Damn it to hell. The rain is making it hard to concentrate what is the deal with the sudden rain if only i could evaporate it."

As he stoped and then turned around to shi speaking.

"Any ideas on this weather that we can avoid so we can...."

Blaize stopped mid sentence and noticed something popping out from behind them. At least were they were someone was right behind them. Blaize eyes widen as he wanted to do something but he knew the quickness would be too late. The only thing he could do was to speak aout the following words.

"Shizu behind you!"

(OOC: Sry so short kinda doing 10 things)
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Shizu Shi
Sand Genin
Sand Genin
Shizu Shi

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 7:57 am

{that wasn't a short post blaize XD}

The rain fell from the sky; making Shizu give a slight shiver. She hadn't felt water on her skin, this cold; since the last visit to the land of fire with her father's family. For some reason, it felt cool and calming on her skin that wasn't covered with clothes. As if, being any more on guard. Her hand went right around the handle of the sword that she was carrying. As Blaize said; this wasn't normal rain. No clouds, or not many had been around a few moments ago. "Agreed; this isn't normal Rain fall. The skies showed no sign of up coming rain. This must be a jutsu of some sort." Shizu muttered to Blaize, glancing at him.

Shizu's hair begain to become soaking wet; being coming quite annoying. Making the female pull up her sweatshirt hood covering nearly her entire face. She watched the ran fall onto the ground, making it muddy. She came to a stop, a few steps behind Blaize before he had stopped walking. Something, or someone must have been watching the both of her. She could as if eyes watch them; like an animal waiting for them to pounce on the pray that they would eat.

Her ruby eyes widened after hearing the alarming sound in her partners' voice.The grip on the sword's handle tighten, as she spun on her heels taking the sword off her back blocking the kunai's direction. As if they could, her red eyes became more bright as if they were alarmed on what could have happened to her.
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 8:19 am

Now was his chance to actually attack like he had planned. The water bunshin had done its job and his attack had been spotted by the woman with the sword. In doing so however the two of them had both spun around to face the bunshin meaning he now had a prime opportunity to strike. He had already shunshined the moment his bunshin had come in from behind to attack them. The interesting part was that he had managed to predict their exact actions as he had already closed in on them the moment she had turned around. After all he hadn’t been far away, just well hidden. He was directly behind her now the water bunshin landing and leaping in front of the man to prevent him from seeing exactly what was going on and in many ways he would not even know the real him had appeared behind her. This had been the perfect scenario for an ambush. Rykin had the kunai inches from her skin after having come at her with it from full speed.

Ok Here is the explanation:

In the last post I obviously stated the water jutsu and the use of another jutsu as well within the spoiler.
Quote :
He performed another jutsu and sat back as he approached them from behind.

This sentence refers to the water bunshin as in he sat back while the bunshin approached from behind and did the attack you two reacted too.

Quote :
He would leap out from behind them with a kunai drawn and ready to take out the female silently with a kuani stab to the back of her neck.

In actuality the bunshin wasn’t attacking at all but had been spotted. Rykin the real one was as the sentence stated getting ready to attack from behind.

However even if you were to look at it as if the bunshin was the one was attacking from behind than you would still be able to count in this attack as well. Either way it worked for me. However it’s your mission and do not ‘wish’ to kill either of you as this is an NPC, but it is also a mission and possible so you guys can decide what to do and you wont hear much of an argument from me if it makes sense ^^’ <3
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 8:44 am

OOC: All makes sense but i think you forgot something. The real you that is behind her is now in front of me. Since ur behind her and if she turned while you are behind her then im right in front of you.

Blaize Ryuzaki was shocked to see an enemy already here. How did he come here. how did he track them. Only Shizu had a suna headband. His was still back in the hokage's office. he must of been guarding the place and since were not familiar with this area he could spot us out a mile away. But the most surprising part was that something poped out of no were right behind Shizu but right infront of Blaize.

"There are two of them?"

He said as he thought as he wondered what just happen there is two of them? One has to be a clone or something. But why reviel his position now? I mean why? It dosent matter it just means a foolish count on his part. Blaize Snapped his fingers and then took his hands out of his pocket and extended his hand to the ground having a kunai fall to his hands with wire as he took the Kunai and slashed the middle of the Shinobi. he did Not Know what this one was a real one of a Clone but when he did that Slash to his back he took his hands behind his head and used his feet to trip swift trip him. Guiding his hands to the left he made the shinobi face plant to the ground. he did not know weather this was real or not he then spoken to shi as he looked to see if his planned worked out.

"Shi! We have trouble. There is one behind you. He could be using a clone jutsu or there is more then one Shinobi. Stay on Gaurd!"

Hopefully when he said that he then hoped Shi took care of that shinobi clone or not infront of her. The only reason he decided to trip the shinobi infront of him was so he would not interfere with Shizu. if blaize Jumped back then he let his teammate down by trapping her in between.
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Shizu Shi
Sand Genin
Sand Genin
Shizu Shi

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 9:25 am

A low, threatening growl came from the back of her throat. A warning that of the most it can be known as. Quickly, she glanced over her shoulder toward the new person behind her. Shocking yet knowing that she'd be hit from behind. Her eyes went right then back to the 'person' in front of her. Shizu pushed her sword forward, as if to make the shinobi stagger and fall back a bit. Giving her the time. Shi jumped for ward a bit, her sword then strapping to her back as she made the hand signs, to go under the ground no matter if the ground was even a bit muddy.

Gloved hands come out of the ground, grabbing the person that was behind her anckles and started to pull him into the ground. Under the ground, Shizu's eyes were shut tight, the hood was still up. Only thoughts ran threw her mind. thinking what she was able to do once this was other.


{sorry for so sort}
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 9:57 am

OOC: For knowledge I 'did' tell Blaize I was gonna have him use Raiton as an element within the cbox during his last post while Lexi wasnt in there. I didnt want to make it seem like I metagamed it. I had planned it from the beginning with the rain jutsu.

IC: Seeing that somehow his attack failed he worked on the sword that lunged at him. The sword came at him diligently meaning it wasn’t meant to harm him and under normal circumstances he would have simply blended to the side and given her a kote gaeishi disarming her of the weapon all together and leaving it for him to use. He had to remember now though he was fighting two people not one so he had to take care of one quickly rather than fight two at once. She had indeed given herself a bit of time but she had given him time as well. He quickly performed two hands seals as the lady entered the ground and he activated a lightning jutsu that would only work if he were to be touched. He expected her to appear next to her partner to regroup but instead it seemed she was going to go for him. As she grabbed his ankles a strong jolt of electricity would be sent into her and would only amplified by the wet earth that surrounded her. There would be no way for her to move for a bit. However luckily due to the electric shock her move to ‘pull’ him under would be unsuccessful as the jolt would only lock her nerves out as well as her muscles leaving him time to slip out just as his bunshin erupted into a pile of water. He quickly pulled put a smoke grenade and dropped it leaving him completely concealed and during this time he tossed a kunai with an explosive tag directly between her hands that were still sticking up from the ground. He would then flee backward into the trees again to get ready for another attack.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 6:46 pm

"Ohh no darn it all its a freaking clone!"

Blaize thought to himself as the water splashed to the ground as he put the clone down. The real one was infront of the clone whitch was attacking shizu. It seemed shizu was already prepared for the attack while using her sword. When blaize started to get up he took out two cirulatory items as he noticed something shizu went under ground

"Why would she go underground there is starting to form mud unless she is trying to regroup. No she's angered already the best shot would be to still go after him. He started to take out a few kunai and leave them on the ground while sending chakra within each of them a small amount of fire chakra. Though he only did this to about five kunai out of the ten he put to the ground. Then he stopped noticing something below the opponenet a hand?? Is it shizu?

During that time the opponent made to hand signs already blaize thought because of the surprise of shizu that she would cancel out his jutsu to his dismay she was only cought in his trapp it seemed he had lightning element two which now was shocking her leggs. Blaize clench his theeth as he took out a seperate kunai from his pouch and threw it at him to catch him off gaurd though it semed he was already prepared by throwing a smoke grenade at the ground. Blaize then rushed a few feet behind shizu and threw the cirulatory item in the direction of the smoke bomb followed by another. Then blaized looked down tryint to look for shi as he did he snapped his fingers as the bombs not. Started to explode or make a bomb of fire and it risen the the air. Though this was rain this would not be taken out by this bomb this bomb was made by potassium and raw potassium is able to burn with water touching it without supplying a source of fire to begin with. Now this was to use as blaize advantage he was the source to create the bomb blazed but not with the water from the jutsu it just grew a bit more higher. Blaize then extended his hands as the flames from both fires became one as he expelled fire from his hand to the fire from the bomb. His plan was successful with chakra in the fire he was now able to controll the flames. At this point the opponemts kunai wouldent work for him because when it hits the fire from exploting tag would just be canceled.though blaize did not know an incomming attack was forming by the enemy.

Blaize was now in control of the flame he wanted to make sure that shizu was alright so he focused the flame to spiral around the two of them to provide come coverafe as he then spoken out.*

"Shizu hey you alright??? Need help getting up??" Of cource blaize would help but as of right now he was looking ahead to make sure no anbush was being planned by that shinobi.

(Ooc sry for errors on mobile and I can't post my potassium bomb bc I'm on mobile but its on my pro.
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 7:17 am

OOC: Posting out of Order because Lexi is paralyzed for 2 posts.

Rykin had backed away to regroup only to see even more clouds from the smoke pop up. They wouldn’t last long however with the ever shifting air current caused from the rain that was still pouring and now the skies truly had grown darker overhead of them. He couldn’t see them though situation wise he knew right where they were. He thought for a second and knew he had roughly enough chakra to use 7 more jutsus safely before he would have to switch to hand to hand combat. He had to make the best out of every one of them or else he would have to rely too heavily on his close range. He performed a series of hand signs back to back the first being a water jutsu that would hold the male in place and the female as well. The good thing was that he could not see him nor had any idea where he was at so he would have no idea where the attack was coming from nor would he knew to jump up. The sticky liquid would wrap around his feet and seep under his feet from him standing there almost instantly because of the water already being there. Now a water bunshin and himself charged into the smoke, Rykin himself. His fire would be near useless as the rain pounded on it weakening it and causing steam around him as well. Rykin came flying from the man’s left side and the water clone had a better mission. Once the clone got close he would trap the man in a water prison jutsu from behind.

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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 8:16 am

Blaize looked around in the smoke as nothing appeared as of yet. His flames was around both of them though the raining was still pouring down. His Fire was able to stay in tact since the flame he was controlling was based of potassium so the flames did not go out. Blaize waited to hear on Shizu Reply. he glanced at her location for a second. The hand that was sticking out was still out but there was a shock around them. This was bad. How long was the stunning suppose to last. How is he able to help her out without sacrificing the mission. he didn't care for the mission right now because his comrade was in danger. he would help her as best he could. And he has been, so far the jutsu and moves he had use was to protect Shizu. he would go for a charge attack but if Shizu is hurt or stunned then she is on her own as well as blaize on his own. Blaize sucked his teeth as he was thinking on what to do.

"What to do....what to do.... Shizu whats going on. Please tell me your alright. This shinobi did cheap blows but what do you expect from a grass shinobi. But why is he attacking us and in this range. Could the tree be not to far from here? It must be, were is it?"

He said as the smoke was starting to clear out as the water continues to come down. As that happened Blaize spotted something out of the normal, a tree non bamboo like not to far from were they have been. They have passed it. If they have gone forward they could have missed it. So this is why he decided to attack to make sure we did not spot the tree. heh guess we have to be glad for something now were is he how will he attack.

Just then Blaize felt something on the ground of the water, he looked down as something formed from the ground. he tried to pick up his feet but he couldn't What was this sticky liquid. Great this isnt good for anything here. But it seems that the water is whats giving him the effect. Now how am i suppose to take down that, matter of fact were is he-

During mid thought he looked through the left and noticed that he was coming at his direction. Blaize looked and wondered why he was taking it upon himself to get so close. Maybe it another clone. Great this is something the two of them don't need. blaize snapped his fingers as he extended his hand as the flame around them extended outwards hitting the oncoming shinobi mind you the flame in the circle was extending outward. Once he hit the oncoming shinobi he started to do some hand signs looking around. he was not going to let them get near Shizu or himself that was for sure. They are so close to their objective as well.

Not knowing about the clone but if the clone was to the other side of Blaize the outward Circle of flame would take the oncoming clone as well and once hit the clone would then disparce to regular water and the would be gone. (OOC: Not metagaming just showing what would happen to the clone.)

OOC: Sorry for shortness and repetative kinda interupted like 20 TIMES in RL
Edit: to include my bombs and fyi the potassium will stay longer then two post bc it says two minutes and the 10 second shock lasted 2 post.
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 1:57 pm

He was almost certain that the fire would have extinguished but it hadn’t and his attempt had already failed from the beginning. The steam however was building so much so their movements had become unrecognizable as well. Rykin hit the fire around them and bounced off suffering minor burns to his forearms that were mostly protected from the amount of water of them and the fact his own clothes were soaked as well. There wasn’t much left he could do, sure he was stuck but now she would be out soon as well which would cause another issue again. He figured there had to be a limit on just how long that ring would last and the amount of steam in the air had put anywhere within two feet of the fire user our of visual range. This was both good and bad for him, it was good because he could plan ahead and attack but it was bad because they would always be on their guard. The clone hit next sending tons of water into the fire creating even more steam. While in the air he quickly tossed the 10 of his remaining 11 kunai to the ground around the fire now knowing just how far it could reach and knowing how little the man could see. Each of the kunai had an explosive tag attached to them and he was ready to blow them the instant the shield was down. He now formed a series of more hand signs and raised his hand to the sky as the rain became more condensed to simply the area they were fighting in. This jutsu would probably be the last he could use without killing himself. It was his best jutsu and his so to say signature water style jutsu. The area of the battle field continued to rain but the rain began to get sharper and sharper till the sky was raining like small spikes no bigger than nails on them. He fell to his knees and held up a hand sign panting from the chakra usage. He had to protect the tree if it was the last thing he did, not because he wanted too but because he was asked too, by his village and his family. He would still be able to fight with his hands and feet but any C rank or higher jutsu would probably put him in a long sleep. The needles would only last a few second but he hoped it would at least weaken them a bit.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 2:32 pm

Blaize Ryuzaki was wondering if he got the Shinobi or not. It seemed that he has if he did not come back to get them. The last thing Blaize has done was to extend his ring of flames out. he was happy that he had the bombs with him or else the flames would not work. but he did know one thing the Flame came with a price. The tempurature started to increase in the area and steam was being created during the time Blaize had used the potassium bomb/ It couldent be helped, he just hoped that this will start to cancel out the Rain soon because it was starting to get real annoying.

During the right side the flames were getting weaker it seemed he cought on some water supply when the Flames went out during the time he was getting that Shinobi. It must of been a clone he was trying to get them with again. Close range is dangerous at a time like this but his first objective was to make sure he dosent get close to Shizu. He just hoped Shizu will get out of the area soon or he would have to think of a plan to pull her out while distracting him. The potassium flame were spiraling around him once more he wanted to get things ready just in case there was another attack. For now there was so many things limited he could do but for now it would be a slight variation of what he did. he needed to do this to help shizu not to give her another worry with this shinobi.

The Tree was sooo close to them. Blaize would just go ahead and go to the direction but Blaize knew better then to leave a comrade behind right? In any stance Blaize felt the rain become stronger. He felt out needels like spikes of water pouring down on them as he started to bite his lower lipes to withastand the water. He tried to pinpoint exactly what was going on. he couldn't see the man so that was bad but what was he to do. Nothing much just to get him the hell away. For now Blaize did a hand sign as the flames were starting to disparce within the air as he spoken out loud to himself.

"Katon: Flare heat"

As that happened the flame started to go within the air like it dissapered. The truth was that he was using the flames he had to spread out within the 5 meter radius and increase the temperature. The heat would increase to not only help the stop of the rain to back to the way it was or almost nothing at all it would effect his opponent. When the opponent will feel this change it will feel so sudden that his body would automatically try to go ahead and control the temp in his body. With that the body gives bombs, flashes, heat around your body some places more then others making the target shinobi loose there concentration for one post. The heat would force the target to focus more on himself trying to get use to the heat then his opponent for this one turn. He had flames plus the chakra from his hand signs he used for the jutsu he just hoped that his body makes a lot of heat bombs/flashes so he can spazz out on the difference in temperature.

The flames only started to make the the water return to its normal water state. The needle like rain hurt his body until the jutsu took effect. Though with the help of the change in tempurature the needle water continue to pour but only to return back to its water still state
(OOC: sry didnt now how to esactly edit the post)

he did not worry about Shizu she knew how the Sand village worked and an increase of 20 degrees would not be that bad for them. not bad at all since they stay at the village, he hoped with this he would have the opening he needed to make sure that they would defeat him. He called out to shizu.

"Come on now, try to get out or i have to force you out Shizu, remember we have company."

As he spoke that last few words he pulled out another bomb and send it to the air to make another flame spiral but half then it was before. he made sure this chakra was not to be combined with his previous jutsu so that he still would have something for him to continue battling. He just hoped the plan took down the rain

Last edited by Blaize on Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shizu Shi
Sand Genin
Sand Genin
Shizu Shi

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 11:32 pm

The shock of the lightning had ran threw her body. She cursed in her mind that she did something that is such. But how hell was she to know about him being a lightning user? But then again, she was a ninja. And had to think ahead of others. No Matter what. Shizu had tired to move her legs, arms, any part of her body. But then; it was hard too. The lightning had studded her so she wouldn't be able to move. Damn them. She tired to send some of her chakra out so the lightning would were off more fast. Suddenly; she was able to her Blaize above. Her; trying to ask if she was alright....

Shizu tired to replay back to him. But before she opened her mouth, she remembered that of being under ground. Agh, the water from above was starting to sink down into the ground where she was. How wonderful. She thought sarcastically . But then again, Shizu could start to feel her arms become slightly move able again. The feeling came back into her legs, toes, fingers.

She sighed in her mind. Thank Kami she was able to get out from under all the earth dirt. Shizu felt around slightly, before feeling the ground above her. She pushed herself up making some sort of hole opening. Taking in all the air she would need for being down there so long. Shizu turned to where Blaize is, nodding her head as if she was alright. Shizu shook off what dirt was on her body, before reaching over her back and taking off her sword once more; getting into a fighting/defance stance.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:47 am

(I do believe you two are still in syrup capture field, no??))

Rykin smirked at the genin's attempt to disperse the rain. But he had the wrong idea. Sure, it was fire, but at c ranked, and that amount, it just wasnt enough to make the water instantly evaporate. Instead it fell and began to condense in the air, forming a somewhat thick fog. Rykin could use this to his advantage. However, this heat made him uneasy, and he was having a difficult time concentrating on his plan of attack. Nonetheless he pressed on, though not at full ability.

He remembered the proximity wires within the area, that he had set up, for capture. He jumped back about ten feet, landing clumsily. He picked up a good amount of wires that seemed to lay on the ground. He jumped into the air, and they notched onto slits in the trees , and some across the treetops. He landed again clumsily, the heat making him almost delirious. He could barely put the overhead wires into the ground. But he did so. The result was essentially a cage of wires. The opponent would not be able to escape from that spot in the forest without first disarming each and every explosive tag. Which would take too long in a fight. And Below ground was only an option for one of them. Rykin would deal with that one later, if he had to. Rykin stumbled back agaainst a tree, breathing heavily. He withdrew the last exploding kunai he had, and held it, ready to throw at a moment's notice. He was at the only exit to this wire prison, and he would guard it with his life.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 8:59 pm

Blaize bit his lower lip as he was mad at what just happened. His jutsu worked but did not worked at the same time. Yes it must of worked to the point that the ninja must of been effected of some what after his change in the temperature but the change was not lasted as long as he wanted because the heat mixed with the water to produce a warm foggy substance around them as he was wondering what he should do now. he noticed that Shizu was starting to come out of the ground after the shock the shinobi did not to long ago. He also noticed his feet.

his feet was engulfed in flames as he was trying to move a step to get close to shizu but the step was slow. When he was moving before he noticed the substance that was on the ground. So he must of planned this earlier but he was still able to move. He did not know what this substance but he did know that he was able to move. This must of been something to slow him down but he knew enough not to take this to a disadvantage. He was wondering what to do. The fog was now surrounding them. He wanted to get them out of the way. The water of the rain seemed to stop but another obstacle from damn fog was now in the way. There was only one way to take control of this without the risk of hurting Shizu in the process. He started to think of a plan of how to execute this as he spoken to himself.

"Come on Blaize there is always many obstacles in the way how are you going to get out of this one. Think water is gone be happy about that. That can't get to you no more. What else do you know. he is a lightning user so you can't get to close. So what do you have to do, win at mid range, how are you going to do that? by controlling the area? Now how is that going to help you, by giving you time for you and Shi to cooperate, Right now how how, All this darn thing in the way if i can only blow it out......Wait Blow it away....Wind..... I got it!"

Blaize Then started to snap his fingers, as he performed his KKG again. Having his feet and arms engulfed in flames for the second time in the row. The power he now had was now double, at least the flames. He started to take out his katana and then use one of the flames from his arm to engulf the katana in flames, leaving the power of flames in his right hand to normal instead of double. With that he then price it down in the ground. he felt resistance and stickiness, hard to price within the ground. This was his full evidence that something was on the ground and something was according to that Shinobi's plan. To recap the Tree was not to far from the target they had passed it. So all they have to do is defeat him and collect the samples. he then moved on to the next phase. Blaize bit his lower lip so hard that he started to bleed. he then put his thumb on his lip to get the blood as he then did hand signs and placed his hand on the end of the katana as he just performed the summoning jutsu. White smoke appeared making it the same as the fog. The summoning came out and was gliding in the air as it made its landing on Blaize as it then spoken.

"Hey Kyo little Brother.....What the hell is going on????"

Blaize then spoken as he was taking out a Potassium bomb from his pocket as he then spoken.

"Quickly create a wind right in front of me to take out the Fog, we need coverage the shinobi here is trying to kill me and my partner i need your help can you do that??"

The summoning nodded as it jumped up from its summoner and then focused chakra on its wings and flapped it to the front of Blaize creating a tornado like wind that was starting to blow away the wind. As the wind was blowing away the fog, blaize waited until he was able to see shizu, as that happened he took his potassium bomb and threw it with his left hand to the tornado as he send part of his flame from his left hand with the bomb into the wind and when that happened the bomb went off with the fire creating that tornado a wind/fire combination tornado in the skys. Blaize plan had worked not only did he take off the fog but now he was in control of the tornado wind. He quickly used his hands that engulfed in chakra (Both normal strength not double because of its usage in the battle in this post_ to separate as the tornado started to split in two creating a ring of fire around himself and shizu to protect them both. The reason being he did not know were the enemy was, not only that he wanted to make sure Shizu was alright he then spoken out to her.

"Shizu, im glad your free from the imprisonment, can you move? Can you go on? if you are i will not hesitate to back you up in whatever form of attack you chose. let me make something clear to you though. he is able to use water and lightning chakra we know that, as well creating hard rain like hail in a way. Not only that he seems to take cover when he wants to but because of the first time encounter we can suggest that he likes close range when he is sure he can take us on. But now that we are both here we will now the upper-hand. not only that. The tree we past it. You can see it now that it is all cleared up. Look to your left a bit and look at the odd looking tree. isn't that the tree we saw in the scroll. It is and that is what we need. but first its this guy here that is having the most trouble."

As he finished speaking the flames were now fully surrounding the two shinobi protecting them in a ring for now at least. it was not for shizu to shine to see how she will take control of this battle. Blaize was being defensive all this time because of Protecting his teammate. The best offense is a good defense that is what Blaize had.
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Absolute Greed.
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin
Absolute Greed.

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 8:07 am

Rykin laughed in his mind, these two genin were finally finished. Earlier in the battle, Rykin had dropped 10 of his eleven explosive kunai just outside the ring of fire. Because the genin's new fire shield was larger than the previous one, the kunai were now inside it. With a handseal of Rykin's, the exploding kunai all detonating created a huge explosion, which doubtlessly killed both of the genin inside. It was really too bad, if they had just looked down, they would've noticed the kunai. Rykin made another handseal, about to deactivate the other explosive tags. However, he decided against it, thinking it would be a funny occurence for some deer to be blown to bits.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 10:21 am

(Okay i wrote a long a## post and it was deleted because it moved back a page and the words did not save so yea >.< darn it all!! Please note don't kill me on spelling either forgive me i will try to use spell check on mobile)

Blaize Ryuzaki felt glad that his new plan has worked out for him and Shizu. Again he had to go to defense before he get to go offensive. The person was now gone for now so the ring of fire had to be put up. The summoning lizard was now afloat in the air as it smiled as it started to land on his head. The smile meant that he was glad this Ryuzaki was to think of a plan like this. He then spoken out to the brother as he landed with its wings spread out.

"Good job kyo's little brother, Seems like you got the outer fire ring and kunai tags all over the inside of this area two good job"

Blaize eyes widen hearing that all he could do was think to himself.

"What? Tags around here? When? How? They weren't mine! CRAP!"

He said out loud "What Tags i didn't bring any"

As he thought the final words he knew he could not have spoken but wonder what the hell was going on. As he thought of that the blast started. The summoning lizard eyes widen as he said those words. he thought they were his. then who are they? the enemy oh No!

he flapped his wings as the explosion happened as he was scared and spoken out
"Get away get away wind wind wind!!!!"

He send wind around himself and blaize to cushion the impact. Though at the time Blaize could not talk though just acted as the explosion happened Blaize bit his lip as he then though what could he do, he had only one plan Left. As the tag exploded he could only release one word from his mouth.

As that word Happened the fire from his spiral now expelled from itself and flew away to its area as the flame on his hands and leggs performed a small shield around him to protect him from harm. Though the impact was more then six meters there was a chance for it to form. The reason being is because the First fire ring was around fire meters in distance and the kunai tags were set right beyond the reach of the first tags. as the second one was a combination of the wind and fire the fire ring extended two-three meters in length allowing the kunai tags to become in its inner circle. The explosion went off and Blaize has the flames released to protect him. it was easy to do because the flame was already out on his body to begin with. Though he wished it did not had to come to this. though he did want to get out of the impact and that was all that he could do, or so he thought.

When he released the flames the flames flew off to the distance, though in this case the flames would reach the so called wire tappers that were around them. The wire trapper were modified to form a cage of wires, the so called cage that the grass genin was now right next to. In this case the wires should be caught on fire from the fire release of the spiral and should be now exploding in its location. because the grass genin was right next to the so called wire cage he should be caught up within the impact as well. If this did not kill kim this would likely cause him to be no threat to the Shinobi Blaize and Shizu. Though this was an accidental start of the wires but because the wires were also nearby them and the flames spred out the wire would eventually be caught and explode.

back to Bliaze during the explosion. The explosion was able to fight through the panic winds the lizard has made and now was able to go through the shield of fire, Though both of these surprised last moments were enough to cushion the blow so to speak. The wind around them would help lower the pressure from the so called exploding tags that were 6 meters away. and with the the flame shield that was around him was able to cushion some of the impact as well but it was a large impact none the less. The impact left blaize's body numb, He started to fall back a few feet, if the explosion was one way then the body would be flying off to a different direction, but because it was a circle the blast only moved him a few feet. That was wear he fell to the ground. he was panting heavily as he was still alive. he thought to himself during that time.

"Darn it all i cant move, my body it feels numb from that explosion. What the hell just happened here, i thought i had a perfect defense, I would be dead if it wasn't for the flames and my lizard. I have to admit im glad i got the air cleared so the lizard could see them. Darn it but Ive planned so cautiously. I cant move my arm but i do have some use of my fingers, i don't know what i can do now. My ears there ringing that explosion must of gotten me good. but i can see right, yes i can see. I cant speak though there is too much debris and its making me cough. I cant do anything anymore for a while, there is only Shizu and my summoning here to help fight him off. I guess i have to relie on the two of them until i get full use of my body. darn it all its like being paralyzed.

Just them he herd another explosion just a few meters away from the kunai's range there were something in the ground on fire as it was rising up on the trees forcing part of a branch to burn on fire. Blaize did not know what was that, it must of been his flames burning something up but what was it. The looks seemed like something that wasn't good. He couldn't see a figure he was already weak as he was from the explosion. He panted as he moved his fingers forward as if he was calling for someone to come to him. that was the motion he gave. He had one eye open as he rested his other eye. he didnt know wear the lizard was or shizu, but shizu must have survived the impact. She was still underground there was no way a blast like that could take her down if it was under ground. She may have to deal with some rocks but not enough to kill her that would be impossible, until he could move he would have to rely on her, like shizu relied on him when he protected her from another assault on the genin.

To the summoning lizard.

The impact left a good toll on the area. the wind he used cushioned the blow but the impact was still able to come through though being a good 6 meters away, he noticed the flames around him and his summoner he wondered what he was trying to do, protect them we it worked for a little bit it tried to fight off the pressure explosion but it only minimized the damage sending blaize falling to the ground but the lizard flying a few meters away from them as he landed on something on. it was a small tree, he looked at it and then payed no mine until the tail was stuck on it. he pulled on its tail as some leaves sticked on the tail. he could not nag he focused himself and glided towards his summoner to see if he was alright.

"Blaize Blaize! Hey Hey Blaize!!!!"

When he was close enough he could see his chest rise up and down slowly he was still alive though his fingers were moving slowly so it must mean that impact affected him greatly he wondered what it was as he went over to Blaize and landed on his head as another explosion came across (The wire one) once more a few meters away.

As per shizu she should be okay she was underground still unable to move. she should be able to move now and can evade that move. if anything she should be alive not having the most of the impact. its her post now though lets review.

1) Summoning noticed Kunai with tags in the inside of the fire ring.
2) Blaize said it was not his both lizard and Blaize eyes widen knowing who it could passably be.
3) Explosion from 5-6 meters away from 10 kunai happens.
4 Lizard scared and uses wind around them to help take down the impact of the explosion.
5) Blaie Releases his flames.
5(a) Blaize uses his flames from hands and feet to create a shield around him to help minimize the impact knowing he could not stop it from happening though he had to release his control on the flame ring he used.
5(b) Blaize release from the ring of fire made the fire go rouge around in its own section. I.E flames on the left go left flame on right go right. So on and so on.
5(c) The rouge Flames caught the wires that were near by burning them and exploding them. Since the character was right next to the cage he should be burned, dead, or really injured. this was an accidental explosion, a premature detonation
6) Blaize Hurt description and uses some use of his hand to move his fingers in a certain way as if to call someone over to his spot.
7) Lizard impact was minimized from the flame and wind and was blow away a few meters landing him on a weird tree. gets its tail stuck on the tree, pulls on the tree getting leaves on its tail and hovers over to Blaize to see if he is alright then witness the burning of the wire seals.
Cool Lands on Blaize's head and checks him and sees him breath.
9) Shizu is supposably underground regaining movement on her body and is now able to move. Though because she is underground she should be facing minimum or no damage since it was on the surface and none of the kunai was right below her.

IF THIS IS not allowed or not possible i don't see how. if not then i don't understand how you can make one dead off of kunai that are 5-6 meters away yet one can live if getting exploded by a log on an exploding tag. Deflecting a exploding tag with a sword, so on and so on. and how the explosion did not happened as the ring was passing it i don't know either, makes no sense and since the tags are now inside of the ring the ring should have touched the kunai and made an impact as it touched so if that can happen MY post should be possible to happen. Please excuse my spelling. Thank you.


Last edited by Blaize on Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 1:12 pm

Quote :
1) Summoning noticed Kunai with tags in the inside of the fire ring.
2) Blaize said it was not his both lizard and Blaize eyes widen knowing who it could passably be.
3) Explosion from 5-6 meters away from 10 kunai happens.
4 Lizard scared and uses wind around them to help take down the impact of the explosion.
5) Blaie Releases his flames.
5(a) Blaize uses his flames from hands and feet to create a shield around him to help minimize the impact knowing he could not stop it from happening though he had to release his control on the flame ring he used.
5(b) Blaize release from the ring of fire made the fire go rouge around in its own section. I.E flames on the left go left flame on right go right. So on and so on.
5(c) The rouge Flames caught the wires that were near by burning them and exploding them. Since the character was right next to the cage he should be burned, dead, or really injured. this was an accidental explosion, a premature detonation
6) Blaize Hurt description and uses some use of his hand to move his fingers in a certain way as if to call someone over to his spot.
7) Lizard impact was minimized from the flame and wind and was blow away a few meters landing him on a weird tree. gets its tail stuck on the tree, pulls on the tree getting leaves on its tail and hovers over to Blaize to see if he is alright then witness the burning of the wire seals.
Lands on Blaize's head and checks him and sees him breath.
9) Shizu is supposably underground regaining movement on her body and is now able to move. Though because she is underground she should be facing minimum or no damage since it was on the surface and none of the kunai was right below her.

4) Would not be possible, using wind to reduce the concussive force of an explosion is impossible unless the wind is as powerful as the force itself, which it isnt or your summon would be killing you.

That is pretty much all that needs to be said bc that alone would kill you AND Lexi. Lexi herself is also above ground as she stated climbing out in her last post. This would result in both of you dying.

The reson for your death is NOT the explosive kunai. Using fire on a explosive seal wouldnt activate it but simply destroy the paper and the seal itself. However because the wire cage around you had seals and exploded as well THAT is what would kill you and seeing as the fire would never reach it because the explosive kunai wouldnt go off than their would be no reason to do so as well or be able to get all of them by the time they exploded. The force would kill you and Lexi int he blast if the fire didnt even reach you, OR best case scenario you live and are knocked out with a concussion and its up to Pats NPC to do what he wants with the two of you.

You can edit your post with Pat's permission if you want.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 7:15 pm

One thing to say about the explosive cage. Pat moved the wire next to him lifting them up within a tree. As he is standing right next to them. The wires are more then five-6 meters away since its further then the kunai tags. And according to the general use of an exploding tag the explosion would go off if there was fire lit on it. Narutopedia has it on itself. And since the fire wind combo would have reached the kunai tags since it was further then the kunai tags it would have been able to activate/negate them(force wise) but since that was denied that allowed pat to do what he did.

Second if my flames were released buring the wire cage pat should be knocked out as well because he was right next to the cage. If it exploded he should be knocked out and/or dead as well and if the wire cage is the one that kills me then it can't because of its distance really and he did not make the wires go in a circle he made a cage in one area and that happends to be the same location he was standing on. As for shi well she hasent posted her responce of a final action so I can't say if she died or not.)

note: the edit from my post before was to include the jutsu used
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 10:49 pm

The fire is made from the activation technique which sets the 'seal' on fire. if the paper were to burn prematurely to the seal being activated than it would be a dud.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 5:55 am

Then isnt what was suppose to happened when the second fire ring expandes distance reaching the said kunai tags?
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Lightning Emperor
The Kazekage
The Kazekage
Lightning Emperor

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyFri Jan 08, 2010 1:26 am

Not understnading what your saying because of the way your worded it....Im guessing your asking what happened if the fire ring reached the circle of exploding kunai's? When it hit the kunai and the tags the tags would simply be burned away. Since in your post you retracted the fire ring to try and protect yourself I guess when the explosion occured you would not reach the cage and once it explodes you die. Pat made it explode so you would die end of story. UNLESS somehow Lexi and get you and her out of the way of the explosion.
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Sand Genin
Sand Genin

Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree   Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree EmptyFri Jan 08, 2010 1:31 am

If I died then I was hurt from the kunai only. If I hit the flames and nade the kunai tags a dude leaving only the cage then pat just suicide himself since he was right next to the cage and the cage was away from me and shizu to begin with and after pat modified it to become a cage. Since he exploded that and made an explosion on the cage the effects of that can not kill me or shi wince we were in our same spot. And since the cage is away and only nearby and very near to pat. If the cages explode then pat kills himself since he was right ontop of the cage since he made it
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Herbs of the Fashugi Tree Part Three: Finding the Fashugi tree Empty
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