At the End of the Major Fight between them two, Sasuke looked over at Naruto who was laying on the ground and spoke these words "Naruto...I.."
Now, over the past they had from the smiling childhood "friendship" and til then, it seemed like, they had fun together, like developed a bond, and thats why naruto wanted that bond to last, because it was the very first bond he thought of sasuke as a brother and a best friend, and before they fought in that major battle, sasuke even thought that they were best friends, so, when Sasuke looked and saw that naruto finally put a scratch on sasuke forehead(forehead protector), sasuke was hoping to say "Naruto...Im Sorry.."
Do you actually think he was actually going to say those words? if not, what did you think he was going to say? and if you dont remember the scene, watch episode 134 of the first Naruto Series, not Naruto Shippuuden.
So, what you think?
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