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 A Billowing Cloak [Private]

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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyTue Apr 28, 2009 8:54 am

He cocked his head and dragged his feet along. There was no point doing this, it would be more efficient to just Shunshin where it was that he wanted to go. The problem was that he wasn't sure where he wanted to go. The storm as starting to pick up behind him and he readjusted his hat so that it would not get blown off and so that sand would not get blown into his eyes. He had been having an internal struggle about why it was that he was traveling through this damned place anyway. Who the hell traveled through the desert for no apparent reason while there were jutsus to be learned, enemies to be slain, and a new generation to be properly molded. No... There must be some reason that he was here, some internal force had obviously guided him here? What the hell for? He had no clue. The area around him was pretty much flat except for the occasional small dune what got blown over and then recreated again by the storm pounding against his fresh cloak. And why was he wearing the cloak anyway? He would be traveling through territory that could be occupied by ninja. And even though most did not know of the Akatsuki, if even one did, Junsei had risked his own life for no reason. Ah well... He shrugged and continued on. He thought he saw something on the ground a short distance away... Maybe it would be something interesting. Maybe this was what he was looking for. Well, not really he, more like that odd internal force.

Last edited by Genesis on Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyTue Apr 28, 2009 9:31 am

Cheshire was curled up into a tight little ball, completely asleep when she felt a slight tapping on her shoulder."Mm..." Cheshire muttered, pawing away at the air. After a second or two, there came another tapping, batting her ear softly. Cheshie didn't even bother to respond to this new annoyance again, she simply rolled over and resumed sleeping peacefully. After a couple of seconds of no batting, Cheshire was sure that the mysterious force had simply let sleeping dogs lie. Or cats, rather. But then it came again, swift and in her face. This time there was no gentle pat with a soft paw, but a painful claw over her nose. Cheshire squealed in pain and sat up, holding her nose with tears in her eyes."Okies, who's the wise guy!?" Cheshire looked about her, and almost right in her face, insane smile and gleaming teeth, was the Cat in all its splendor and glory. Despite its wide, almost friendly looking smile, there was something definently sinister about it. So sinister, Cheshie couldn't help but start to laugh. The laugh ended quickly, but the smile remained, and Cheshire reached out a hand to pet it companionably.

However, as soon as her hand was about to touch its coarse looking fur, it took a leap backwards and melted into the sand blowing about. Noticing the sand for the first time, Cheshire jumped up gracefully, picking up her knapsack before it was completely underneath a mound of sand. Sand mound. Sand dune. Whatever. It definently hadn't been blowing this hard when she had fallen asleep, but Cheshire wasn't the least bit worried. As long as she kept a positive attitude, everything would turn out hunky dory! Cheshire smiled wider, if possible, and rummaged through her knapsack and located Mia, her stuffed kitty. Purring loudly, she kissed the top of Mia's furry little head and looked about curiously. Off in the distance, or so it seemed, was a blob heading her way...maybe it was her Cat friend! Well not really friend...Cheshire thought, rubbing her nose for emphasis. But that must be the reason It woke me up! With this newfound plan, Cheshire skipped merrily through the blustery wind towards Blob #1.
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyWed Apr 29, 2009 8:43 am

He stared at the thing. It seemed to be coming closer. He considered his options. Escape... He could run away, Shunshin, their would be no trace of him, no damage done, though on the other hand, nothing gained. He could reveal himself to be one of the Akatsuki, or one opposing to Suna, and let what came come. Maybe they would have a little petty battle in the storm, maybe the person would run away in fright, or maybe... What if it revealed itself to be a friend instead of a foe. There was a third option, investigate farther, gather more evidence so as to better formulate a conclusion. He looked down at the cloth that covered his hand, staring at the place where his right middle finger was. His ring with its symbol was there... He weighed the pros and cons. If she did turn out to be a foe and attacked him outright, blurry vision would be a huge disadvantage. On the other hand, if he saw it clearly from a distance he could judge some things about it... He decided to take the risk, and activated his ring. His vision shot forward through the sand, suddenly magnified to mountains. He examined every inch of the oncoming figure. It was definitely a she... That terrible hair style, that large chest protrusion, and terribly frilly outfit... She also was a sand shinobi, no doubt about it. He felt a slight tinge of guilt. She was his age... It had been reckless to activate the ring, she could easily be a jounin. Ah well... His vision abruptly changed and he was seeing again, though now blurrier. He blinked rapidly though the blurriness did not go away. A sacrifice. "Hello" he called out "do you require assistance?". Technically it was a rhetorical question, she was coming on just fine, though she would not know that he knew that that was the case. He smiled and readjusted his hat, it had nearly blown off his head in the onslaught of wind.
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyThu Apr 30, 2009 10:16 am

Cheshire smiled a little wider and performed a cartwheel, getting instantly buffetted by the wind blowing directly against her. Giggling, she got up, but not before she grabbed Mia again and jumped right in front of him. For it was a him, she could tell from up this close. She got real close to his face, invading his personal space and began inspecting him. Her inspection consisted of poking his face, pulling on his hair and clothes and comparing how tall he was in comparison to her. This inspection took around five minutes of poking an prodding before straightening up and smiling widely, holdig up Mia. Now the voices she uses when she talks through her kitty doll Mia vary but generally go something along the completely ridiculous lines. This time her voice started in an annoyingly high pitch with random low tones thrown in.
"Hihi! Me and Cheshire do not require assistance right now! She was just taking a little nap before you came suh-ir! I'm ah Mia, and this is aah Cheshire-Chan!" Cheshire wiggled Mia around and smiled mischieviously at him. She never spoke directly to people she didn't deem worthy enough to be spoken to, and after close of inspection of the guy, he hadn't passed the test. But of course she could have been mistaken....Time to put him to the second test! Cheshire wiggled Mia in his face again."Cheshire-Chan doesn't know whether or not you deserve her respect. Suh-Ohhhhh she's gonna test ya again! How about that....Ready?" Not waiting for his answer Cheshire swung Mia up into the air where it landed in her smiling cat knapsack facedown. Even before Mia had landed safely, Cheshire twirled and aimed a kick right at the guys face.
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyThu Apr 30, 2009 10:30 am

While she poked and prodded he raised an eyebrow, his inner-most cogs working slowly as she felt under his hat and around his body. She definitely was a weird one... Who the hell did a cartwheel in the middle of a sandstorm. Maybe she wanted sand everywhere? He shrugged the thought off and stood blankly at attention. He surveyed her again from a closer range, his eyes staying for an instant longer at her very not-covered chest than at the rest of her body. He felt a slight glee of childish excitement for a moment as she went crazy over him, then squashed it like a bug. There was no time for this joy of his, he had to deal with the... Person... If she could be called that. That thing of hers the one that called itself. He nearly smacked his head with his hand, he was falling for her odd antics, the one that she called Mia. And what was it with her and talking in third person... She was definitely an oddball... He shrugged off that thought too and cocked his head as she kept blabbering on, using the strange cat, or so he thought that was what it was meant to represent, to talk about herself. Cheshire-Chan? That would be like the cat thing was somehow of a higher rank than the girl... Or close... He blinked. His vision was still fuzzy, though it was definitely showing signs of improvement. He swiveled his head quickly as he felt some sand almost go into his eye. He didn't hear what she had said about the testing, but instead just saw the kick and reacted instinctively. In one, quick, fluid motion that the Hyuuga clan was so well known for he withdrew a kunai, at the same time raising arm to both catch the blow and redirect the hit. He saw the bare skin of her legs for a moment and smiled in spite of himself. As quickly as the smile had come it vanished and he brought his hand with the kunai down in an attempt to put near-snapping pressure on her extended leg.

((OOC: You know, like if somebody has their arm out and you push up on part of the arm closest to the hand and down on the part closer to the shoulder, with the elbow pointing up. Think that, but with a leg. Think pain and almost broken leg if you don't do something fun <.<))
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] EmptyMon May 11, 2009 8:43 am

Cheshire snapped her leg back, and now she was a little bit off balance. She pinwheeled her arms clumsily for a second before falling backwards onto her butt."Yowch....But hey! That was pretty good! It seems I haven't introduced myself formally..." Forgetting all about her unprovoked attack on him for a second, she stood up and brushed off her butt, securing her backpack straps as well."I'm Cheshire Morbid!" She smiled her widest, most gleaming smile, showing almost all of her teeth. She patiently waited one second for him to introduce himself, which was patience for Cheshire, before asking him directly."Tell me your name! Where do ya come from, what you're doin here, Why're ya wearing that funny little cloaky thingy of yours...How, what, when, where, why!" She bounced up and down for a second. It had been ages since somebody had interested her like this, ages since she had spoken with her own voice, and not Mia's. She practically glowed, and wondered whether or not he was a missing nin, as he had no visible head band in sight. Although it could have been hidden underneath his hat or cloak. She also wondered whether or not this was a part of her little friend's plan.
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A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Billowing Cloak [Private]   A Billowing Cloak [Private] Empty

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