Ace without nothing to do he spent his day just walking around trying to find something to do. He remembered a very old place he came from so as he turned himself back in the forest and ran towards Konoha. Ace slide and jumped as fast as he could just running towards the border,trying to find any ninja to kill. The place seemed deserted as he ran around on the trees.At sdome point he got frustrated because he couldn't find any close to play around with,in terms of killing or having the fight of his life.He stood in the highest tree around the border and looked two every angle of his point. Being up in the tree he started slowly dripping of sweat,and his frustration increased even more. "Damn, If i could just walk in and walk out of the village, I would kill all of those little pests in there.And probably take the Hokage with me."Ace said as he opened his eyes wide open and made a slight grin. His mind was getting mad or insane,his inner self asked for blood as he threw himself down to the ground.